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windowmanager, ssh server list, toggle Alfred :ignore, SASS watch files, search by file kind

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Hi all


Here's a selection of workflows that perhaps people will find useful. For the script filter workflows I've used David Ferguson's extention_utils.php



windowMmanager : position windows in screen halves, corners and stack them into columns
alfredIgnore : hide files and folders from Alfred's results
sshList : add/remove and easily connect to ssh servers
SASS : watch .scss files and kill all SASS processes
fileType search : search by a filetype and search term. Useful if you have a project consisting of different filetypes but similar names.
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The ssh workflow is great!  Thanks.


I use a different terminal theme for each of the hosts that I typically log in to.  I've hacked the applescript, to use a theme based on q, but I wonder if that could be added to the serverList.txt file.  Also I wonder if there is a way to determine if there is already a window open for a particular host, so as not to create duplicate windows...  Maybe not desirable in all cases though.




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Glad you like it Brad.


I've updated the script to check whether a particular ssh connection is already open and to not create a new one if so. You can old down alt to force the creation of a new connection if required though. 


Currently the code to focus the window of the already active session relies on the title of the Terminal window. Depending on your sshd setup the title may not fit the required format. Have a look at:




for more info. When Andrew gets applescript nodes running in osascript I plan to store the window id in a text file which will get round this problem.





I realised the windowManager extension requires a small program written by Eric Nitardy called fb-rotate to get the screen size. Again when the osascript fix is done this can be included as part of the extension under the GPL licence. More info can be found here:





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Hi Tom,


the ssh worklflow is already quite handy but it would be much better if it reads the file "~/.ssh/config" where you can define shortcuts and preferences for servers. I think it makes no sense to maintain two server lists. What do you think?




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Good idea Sebastian.


I had never really looked into .ssh/config before as I only use ssh to manager my own server. For my needs the current workflow is fine. However if you have your .ssh/config file set up properly it would seem you can ssh merely by typing



ssh [hostname]


The speed of this comparable anyway to using Alfred I would say. What's more, I'm not sure how many people would like an Alfred workflow mucking around with their configs so the add/remove capabilities of this workflow may not be needed.


I am not a server admin so I've quite likely missed something - if I have please let me know and I'll add in the functionality you've requested.



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  • 2 months later...



windowMmanager : position windows in screen halves, corners and stack them into columns
alfredIgnore : hide files and folders from Alfred's results
sshList : add/remove and easily connect to ssh servers
SASS : watch .scss files and kill all SASS processes
fileType search : search by a filetype and search term. Useful if you have a project consisting of different filetypes but similar names.


Hi Tom Hunt,


tried to download the windowmanager from tom-hunt.co.uk/ftpguest/alfred/WindowManager.alfredworkflow

Got a URL not found error.  :(


Could anybody provide that WindowManager Workflow? 



Edited by StDt
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I am not sure what is best. I personally prefer to use the .ssh/config. Hence I wrote my own small workflow :)




You've probably seen it already, but you might find my SSH workflow more powerful. It supports username override and smart-completes hostnames based on the contents of ~/.ssh/config, ~/.ssh/known_hosts, /etc/hosts and (optionally) Bonjour:


Thread and direct download

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