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apps loading at startup


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Whenever I restart my computer, most of the apps for which I have hotkeys load as well. I've been with Apple on this issue, and they're thinking it's related to Alfred. No matter what I have in Login items, or Startup folder, or Launch folder, the same apps load every time I start up. One of the apps that loads on every startup is the Alfred Preferences window.


Any ideas?

Edited by soliphint
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Whenever I restart my computer, most of the apps for which I have hotkeys load as well. I've been with Apple on this issue, and they're thinking it's related to Alfred. No matter what I have in Login items, or Startup folder, or Launch folder, the same apps load every time I start up. One of the apps that loads on every startup is the Alfred Preferences window.


Any ideas?


Alfred doesn't load other apps at startup, so there may be something odd on your user profile causing apps to load at that point.


How are you restarting your Mac; Using Alfred's "restart" keyword or using the Apple menu's "Restart..." action? Are the apps that are restarting the same ones that were open on your Mac before restart?

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Any news on this, soliphint?

Whenever I restart my computer, most of the apps for which I have hotkeys load as well.

(emphasis mine)

This makes it seem very unlikely Alfred would be the cause anyway, or all apps would load. However, there really isn’t anything in Alfred that should be causing this anyway, so that is unlikely nonetheless.
Following, Vero’s comment, try this:

In Alfred, do quitall.

Then, restart your computer. Do the apps still start?

If you really think Alfred might the issue (again, that is unlikely), there’s a quick and painless test. Simply remove Alfred from your startup apps and restart. If the apps start, there is no way Alfred is causing it. Alternatively, remove your Alfred hotkey for one of the apps.

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Yes, thank you. Apple could not resolve it. I tried what I could in Alfred, including what you suggest. As you indicated, that doesn't seem to be the problem. So, I finally restored my hard drive from a previous Time Machine backup, when the problem was not present, and all is well for now. Thanks for checking.

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