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Quick way to browse your workflows

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Is there a quick way to browse your workflows with alfred besides clicking the gear icon and selecting "workflows". I have trouble remembering some of the different workflows that I dont use every day but I know have them which then requires me to open alfred and look for them the way I described above.


Thanks for any suggestions

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Is there a quick way to browse your workflows with alfred besides clicking the gear icon and selecting "workflows". I have trouble remembering some of the different workflows that I dont use every day but I know have them which then requires me to open alfred and look for them the way I described above.


Thanks for any suggestions


As with all OS X apps, you can use Cmd + comma to access preferences, so if you pop up Alfred using your usual hotkey, then tap cmd + comma, Alfred's preferences will appear. Leave your preferences on the Workflows tab, and it'll pop up to the same preferences tab next time :)


Also, if some workflows have keywords that aren't memorable for you, remember that you can change them to things that feel more natural for you.




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