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Search menu-items of active app

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  • 4 weeks later...

Good afternoon, and Happy 4th of July! As a thought: Please be sure to let people know in your documentation that in order to use this workflow in Alfred 3 (especially if they are in OS X El Capitan), they will need to 1) go to Settings/Security and Privacy, then 2) click on the Accessibility link on the left hand side, then 3) add Alfred in the list of apps on the right (if it isn't already over there), then 4) make sure Alfred 3 is checked so that the workflow will work. I found that out by accident in the Alfred forums, via a user's screenshot of the Security & Privacy dialog box of the System Preferences app. I'm somewhat of a "techie," but for the average user, spelling it out like it's shown above can really be of help.


Aside from that, very, very good job on this workflow!! I'm already seeing a productivity increase on this end, and the fact that I can search menus of ANY app on my Mac, even ones that don't have keyboard shortcuts is a very big plus! Keep up the great work, ctwise!

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