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New Update died [Resolved]


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I just installed the latest update and now Alfred will not run. It launches and sits in memory, but the menubar icon never shows up and it doesn't respond to hotkeys. I've killed it and re-launched, but it still hangs. The only message in the console is:


12:14:25.057037 +0700    Alfred 3    com.apple.message.domain: com.apple.AddressBook.accounts.summary
com.apple.message.summarize: YES
com.apple.message.carddav_accounts: 3
com.apple.message.disabled_accounts: 1
com.apple.message.enabled_accounts: 3
com.apple.message.ldap_accounts: 0
com.apple.message.exchange_accounts: 0
com.apple.message.total_accounts: 5
SenderMachUUID: 58FEFE49-193A-3ED9-A3A7-60D281036A5F

12:20:22.306970 +0700    diagnostics_agent    com.apple.message.domain: com.apple.usage.app_activetime
com.apple.message.signature: Alfred Text Service
com.apple.message.signature2: com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-Text-Service ||| 1.0 (1)
com.apple.message.value: 4640
com.apple.message.value2: 0
com.apple.message.value3: 0
com.apple.message.value4: 0
com.apple.message.value5: 0
com.apple.message.value6: 0
com.apple.message.value7: 0
com.apple.message.result: NO
com.apple.message.summarize: YES
SenderMachUUID: 215D81FF-30BC-3B87-BE5B-270AC264D09C

12:20:22.348524 +0700    diagnostics_agent    com.apple.message.domain: com.apple.usage.app_activetime
com.apple.message.signature: Alfred 3
com.apple.message.signature2: com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-3 ||| 3.1.1 (737)
com.apple.message.value: 4640
com.apple.message.value2: 0
com.apple.message.value3: 0
com.apple.message.value4: 0
com.apple.message.value5: 0
com.apple.message.value6: 0
com.apple.message.value7: 0
com.apple.message.result: NO
com.apple.message.summarize: YES
SenderMachUUID: 215D81FF-30BC-3B87-BE5B-270AC264D09C

12:20:22.354225 +0700    diagnostics_agent    com.apple.message.domain: com.apple.usage.app_activetime
com.apple.message.signature: Alfred Preferences
com.apple.message.signature2: com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-Preferences-3 ||| 3.0 (1)
com.apple.message.value: 2193
com.apple.message.value2: 11
com.apple.message.value3: 1
com.apple.message.value4: 0
com.apple.message.value5: 2
com.apple.message.value6: 2
com.apple.message.value7: 311
com.apple.message.result: YES
com.apple.message.summarize: YES
SenderMachUUID: 215D81FF-30BC-3B87-BE5B-270AC264D09C

12:20:22.359338 +0700    diagnostics_agent    com.apple.message.domain: com.apple.usage.app_activetime
com.apple.message.signature: Alfred 3
com.apple.message.signature2: com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-3 ||| 3.2 (749)
com.apple.message.value: 9507
com.apple.message.value2: 0
com.apple.message.value3: 2
com.apple.message.value4: 0
com.apple.message.value5: 0
com.apple.message.value6: 0
com.apple.message.value7: 0
com.apple.message.result: NO
com.apple.message.summarize: YES
SenderMachUUID: 215D81FF-30BC-3B87-BE5B-270AC264D09C




I'm completely without Alfred at the moment. Mac OS: 10.12.1 (16B2555)

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Okay. I was able to get to my other system. The version installed was the 3.2 Pre-Release, which looks like it has a lot of nice things. Trying it on the other system...Exact same thing happens. Not sure what the issue is. I'm going to revert my system to Alfred 3 3.11 and keep the other system as is in case there is something you need...wait a minute. The MacMini's Alfred 3 just came up. It is running version 3.2[749] Pre-Release and seems to be working. Now, I'm really puzzled over why my Macbook Air isn't running. I'll let it run and see if it is just processing something and taking a while.

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It has something to do with the Alfred Text Service. I did not realize it wasn't turned on on my Mac Mini. After turning it on and relaunching Alfred 3, it now will not launch on either system. I launched Alfred Preferences by itself and disabled text services, but that did not help. Hopefully, this will give you enough information to track it down. If not, let me know what else to look for.

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Okay, It is now working on the Mac Mini again. It just took an hour to start up with the text services enabled. But, when I quit and restart it, it acts just like normal. I downgraded Alfred on my Mac Air, turned off text services, and upgraded. It still did not launch. I do share the preferences between the two Macs using Dropbox sync. Therefore, it must be something that doesn't get shared and having to do with Text Services. The Mac Air never runs the Text Services helper program when upgraded and text services enabled. Currently, I have the Air downgraded and the Mac Mini running the latest prerelease version.

Edited by raguay.customct
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  • Andrew changed the title to New Update died [Resolved]

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