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Workflow to Save / List / Launch sites

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I am a web designer who uses alfred everyday. I cant live without this app. I have created plenty of workflows but they are all very simple and no real coding involved.


Here is what Im looking to do


I need a simple workflow that I type "wp" followed by a keyword and it launches that page. I have some simple ones set up for now.


First thing I want to add is the ability to list the keywords, so if I went "wp list" I could get a list of all keywords and websites via a dropdown in alfred


secondly I would like to be able to add the ability to type a keyword and save the current tab im working on into the workflow, for instance I am on amazon I would type "wp add amazon" and then amazon.com would be added to the list under that keyword


anyone know of something that does this already or a way to implement it?


Thank you, you are such a great community!

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10 hours ago, ixium said:

I need a simple workflow that I type "wp" followed by a keyword and it launches that page. I have some simple ones set up for now.


Please post it, then. It’s easier for us to help you if we have something to start with that already is on the way to what you want.


10 hours ago, ixium said:

First thing I want to add is the ability to list the keywords, so if I went "wp list" I could get a list of all keywords and websites via a dropdown in alfred


I think you might going about that the wrong way. Wouldn’t it be best if instead you just typed wp and all keywords appeared, and then as you typed it filtered to the one you want? Simpler, faster, more effective.


10 hours ago, ixium said:

secondly I would like to be able to add the ability to type a keyword and save the current tab im working on into the workflow, for instance I am on amazon I would type "wp add amazon" and then amazon.com would be added to the list under that keyword


That actually gets trickier and will dictate how the workflow itself is built. That feature alone means we’ll have to approach it from a more complicated angle. With that in mind, are you sure that is essential? Do you really add sites so frequently that it will justify the extra work?

Edited by vitor
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You are completely right, showing a filterable list would be fine, and no I can add them myself if that makes it much harder. The list would be helpful for now, is that an easy implantation?


The workflow I have right now is literally individual keywords connected to launch URLS, like I said I dont know the coding on this at all!


I have included a screenshot. having a list would be great for now, adding pages would be a really cool feature but it sounds like that would be a big pain in the ass


Would I be able to update it from a file maybe? Thats seems like it would be easier than having to make a new part of the workflow with every pageScreen Shot 2016-12-20 at 1.18.41 PM.png


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Alright. I think I have an idea of what you want. Here it is.

Keep in mind it is somewhat crude (for example, there is no error correction if you do not have a list file), but it should work fine. wp to show everything; wp (notice the space) and typing to filter; wpa to add to the list (there is an example in the subtitle); wpe to edit the list in your text editor.

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Thank you Vitor, this is exactly looking for, you are amazing!

I really need to learn how to make this stuff, seems like there is so much more I could do with automating my hosting / regular tasks but just need to learn how to code them.


Also thank you Deanishe, I have seen your workflow and it looks amazing, I will be working with it too!


Thank you for such an amazing community.


One last question, is there a resource for learning the basics of this, I need to know how to make the script files I believe, because I can do a lot of the "in the workflow" stuff but have no idea how to do the scripting

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As a small token of encouragement I will tell you I am also a designer (graphic and web) and learning programming does help.

I will give you the advice I wish I had read sooner: the language you start with matters little. Don’t let that choice paralise you, and just pick something. For the most part, most concepts carry over.

That said, start with a high-level langauge. Those let you just get down to business and mostly ignore how the computer is doing its work: you just want to tell it to do it.

Some recommendations: Processing (builds on Java) and p5.js (builds on JavaScript). None of them is amazing (the latter is based on the former) and you won’t make a lot of practical useful stuff with them but they can get you something showing on the screen (shapes and drawings) really fast, and with each concept you learn you can transform your previous work and see results. This is an important motivator, as seeing things happen, even if just shapes following your mouse, can be way more rewarding that transforming data. Check Daniel Shiffman as a good teacher of both of these.

For practical stuff for workflows, I’ll (warily) recommend Bash. You already have it in your computer. Although it is limited and has many caveats (you’ll run into its particularities eventually), it is powerful as a glue language. This means you’ll mostly mash together other command-line utilities on your system to get what you want. The Bash Academy was started by proficient Bash users and might (never used it) be a good resource to start.

Bash can also be gratifying because you can learn little and build your knowledge as you need it, searching online how to do small things as you encounter barriers. Using it properly will also make you know the utilities on your system better. It’s not uncommon for me to see multi-line scripts in other languages that even load libraries to interact with the system, for something that can be accomplished in a single line of Bash.

Coursera has a fun course on Python programming that I do recommend. The teachers use small games as projects to keep the class interesting. I haven’t used Coursera in a few years, and as I understand it the course may or may not still be free.

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