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Posts posted by Vero

  1. I love this workflow and am using it for my Mail. Unfortunately I'm also using Thunderbird for other mail (had to switch because Mail was leaving too many processes open and my ISP was shutting down my site.)  Seems to me I should be able to modify Vero's workflow to add Thunderbird but I'm having a hard time figuring out what the "file type" should be.


    I think it is in ~library/thunderbird/Profiles/9olcaydl.default/ImapMail  but all the folder in there have extensiosn like. msf and .sbd and I can drag them into the add box on the file types.


    I'm in over my head.  All I want is for Alfred to search Thunderbird! Maybe I should be using a different client?  Open to suggestions. I do have a friend who would tell me to use gmail. Is that an good answer?


    As far as I know, Thunderbird doesn't make its data available for searching, so I don't think it'll be possible (though if Thunderbird has evolved, I hope someone will pop their head in to help)


    As far as Mail goes, I'd suggest switching off things like "Store draft messages on server" (under Accounts > Mail Behaviour) for any accounts you have, which might ease things a bit as it won't connect every three seconds. You should then be ok to use the Mail workflow.

  2. There are clips I use all the time that I want to keep over and over (more than 1 month).

    There are clips I use all the time for a certain period of time and then I don't use anymore.


    Is there a way to clean the clipboard a more granular way than it is today? 


    I could use snippets, but I do not want to spend 30 sec / snippet to define it.


    Why not let Alfred users favorites some of their clips.  And when they want to clear their clipboard offer the option "Delete all (favorites clip included)?"


    What do you think?



    Maybe, this post is more relevant in the feature suggestions  :)


    Having said that, if you want to simply remove one entry from your clipboard history, you can do so by pressing Function + Backspace.

  3. I made a simple workflow that opens a URL in Chrome (http://twitter.com/{query}).


    Every time I use the workflow it switches to Chrome to open the new tab. I'd like to know if there is a way to make the URL open in the background without it switching so I can stay working in Excel.


    Thanks :)


    Hi Carlo, Could you please fill in your Powerpack email address in your forum profile? It's only visible to me (as administrator) and allows us to confirm your Powerpack status. Once this is done, we'll be happy to answer your workflow question. Thanks!

  4. Some of the files are just on my desktop. Others in the documents folder. Both are definitely in the alfred scope


    Could you give an example of a file and its location? If you can provide some more details, I'll be happy to help you out.


    The file type you're looking for may not be part of Alfred's defaults, so if you prefix your search with the keyword "open" (or press the spacebar as a shortcut for this keyword). You can see the basic file search keywords in the first section of this page:



    Let me know how you get on :)

  5. It's not more relevant if it's not found. Once upon a time (an earlier version?) I used to find Evernote files via Alfred. Don't know what changed but whatever advanced tweaks I make won't bring them back in. Emails also don't get indexed. The other week I was beeped by the front desk that an drop-in visitor was asking for me. I hit Alfred to see if I knew the name but it didn't pick up anything. Once the encounter was over I checked Spotlight, which included an email correspondence that I wish I had known about. I've had to change my default search back to Spotlight just because these are classes of searches that I find essential for quick lookup.


    To clarify what Andrew said earlier, all results CAN be found and you can indeed customise Alfred to find as broad or as narrow a search scope as you need. The defaults have changed very slightly in v2, benefitting the vast majority of users by removing noise (from unwanted files in ~/Library/ in your Home folder, for example - but you can add this back in to Alfred's default scope).


    The best way to have instant access to everything "right darn now", as curmudgeon puts it, is to create a file filter workflow. :) By creating a file filter workflow, you can keep your default results tidy so that the essentials like Apps, Folders and Contacts are found instantly with nothing getting in the way the 99% of the time you need to perform a normal search. Yet when using your filter, you can search your entire Mac, including all file types and locations.


    I've created a filter for you as an example, with the keyword "all". If you have a look, you'll see that it searches your whole Mac HD, including System Files*. You'll see that results are filled with various library files, so if there are more specific file types you'd like to specify, open the workflow and drag in the relevant file types in the Basic Setup of the File Filter object.


    * Note that Alfred and Spotlight don't include System Files in search results by default, but I wanted to include them in the workflow to provide you with an example. Uncheck the box in the File Filter object > Search Scope to remove these.

  6. Can I customize the folders I can move my folders/files to? 


    Because I just used the "move to..." feature (via a file selection) and I discovered 3 folders I don't think I set them to be destination folders.


    Is it a bug or one more hidden gem the Alfred support will make me discover? 




    These are just some default standard folders. If you start typing the name of a folder, it'll show up in the list below. Once you select it, Alfred will remember it for next time :)


    For example, I regularly move stuff to Dropbox and, having searched for and selected Dropbox once before, it now shows in my list of folders for "Move to..."  

  7. I have the same issue. When typing "1p forum" alfred choose to search google for that string. If I just type "1p" then alfred wants to start the 1password application.

    If I change the keyword in alfred's preferences to, for example, "11p" it works as expected but if I also tick "Show in defaults results without keyword" it reverts to google search.


    I'm going with the "11p" keyword for now but it would be nice to have it work as you say it should.


    Hi there, Could you please fill in your Powerpack details in your user profile? We'll then be able to provide support on your question about 1Password. If you're unsure how to add your Powerpack email address, please drop us an email on info@alfredapp com and I'll be happy to help you out :)

  8. A big part of my job is research, and I'm interested in using Alfred as a fast way to execute searches from my Mac. Ideally I'd like to be able to press a hotkey, enter a search term and have an I'm Feeling Lucky search for that result pop up in Safari, or if I use a prefix like "wsj" it would search the Wall Street Journal etc.

    I've tried a lot of configuration options but I either end up finding some file, or contact, or I get so many hits my I'm Feeling Lucky fallback doesn't show up. Is what I'm trying to do possible in Alfred? Thanks in advance!


    With the Powerpack, you can set your Fallback search to be the "I'm feeling lucky" Google search.  You could then disable local search by removing all file types and/or search scopes, so that Alfred doesn't find local results.


    Alternatively, if you want to continue also using Alfred normally, you could also create a workflow that allows you to bring Alfred up with a hotkey with the "lucky" keyword pre-filled in. This is the option I'd recommend as it doesn't hinder you from also using Alfred for local file searches :)

  9. On 10/10/2013 at 3:03 AM, Ryan Ashton said:



    It is significantly more efficient to use a workflow to search email than to add it to default results. If your email influx is anything like mine, I wouldn't recommend adding these thousands of emails adding noise to default results!


    I've created a workflow for searching Mail.app emails, which you can grab here:

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/5h3djhw2thf8xjp/Mail.app Search 3.0.alfredworkflow?dl=0


    In short, this workflow uses three keywords:


    • emfrom to search the sender's name and email address
    • em for a general subject + content search
    • emsubj to search specifically for a subject line

    So you'd type "emfrom Ryan" to look for an email where the sender's name or email address contains "Ryan". :)

  10. Just tracks in my library (not even sure how to access iTunes Radio  :P )


    Are any of the hotkeys working when you're showing the Mini Player? e.g. Ctrl + Cmd + up arrow for random tracks or Ctrl + Cmd + down arrow to play/pause?


    It's possible that one or some hotkeys are clashing with either workflows you've created or any hotkeys you've set for features like OS X's Mission Control.


    Let me know how you get on :)

  11. Actually, I think what I see is a bug. On my system, if I set the separator to a comma instead of system defaults (I live in Thailand and do not what the locality defaults), then any decimals in a number pushes Alfred to default search mode. It seems to be a bug similar to what I reported about the thousands separator.


    Go to Features > Calculator > Input, and set your Input to "use decimal point as separator" if you want Alfred to only accept 10.3 as ten point three, or comma as separator if you want 10,3 to be the input format for the same thing. If you want Alfred to accept both formats, set it to "Use decimal point and comma as separator".

  12. Your miss understanding me. If either of those options on that page is set to non-system default, I only get a decimal as the thousands separator. But, when my system is set to using a decimal for the thousand separator, I want to force the thousands to be a comma. But, no matter how these settings are set, I can not achieve that. Does that make better sense?


    Are you referring to the input (what you type) or the output (what is shown below your text box)? Here are a few output examples that should help you out.


    To force the output to 100,000.00, set the Output to "Use decimal point as separator" and check the box for "Show delimiter for thousands"

    To force the output to 100.000,00, set the Output to "Use comma as separator" and check the box for "Show delimiter for thousands"


    With these options, your results will show as you want them, regardless of your system defaults.

  13. Hi,


    I set the preference to force use of a comma for a separator, but it is showing a period. When I set to use the system preferences, it shows the comma okay. I have a screenshot of it:




    The Output preference you're referring to is for setting the decimal separator, not the thousand separator. If you're looking to use the period as thousand separator, choose the comma as decimal separator. :)


    Moving this to closed as it isn't a bug.

  14. Hi there!


    It would be really great if Alfred remembered the "Name" column width under 


    Features > Clipboard >Snippets


    I have awful long names there and have to drag each time I'm looking for a shortcut.


    Keep up the great work!





    [Moved to feature suggestions as this isn't a bug]

  15. I was looking at some of the features of Alfred (v 2.0.7) and noted that the number of URLs in the 1Password section was only about half of those I see inside 1Password itself.


    I manually pointed to the keychain and saw the same number of URLs, so I checked one that doesn’t display and compared it to another login for the same site (where the titles are slightly different to reflect the account I log in with). The only difference was that the non-display one had "www." in the URL - I removed it and the site now displays in Alfred. It's clearly not as simple as this, as some URLS already displayed have the www part included.


    I have the keychain in my local Dropbox folder, as I sync to my iOS devices, FYI.


    It's likely that the URLs you're seeing ignored don't have http:// or https:// prefixing the address (so may not be web URLs at all), and are ignored for that reason. Update these URLs and they'll most likely appear in the list.


    If that's not the case, please provide some more specific details (by email on info@alfredapp.com if you prefer not to share them publicly) and we'll take a look :)

  16. I've added Folders, Images, Text Files, and Documents to my default search and Alfred is not remembering my selection for one of my most common lookups, a folder called 'Screenshots'.




    Alfred should learn from your selection, so it's possible that you'll need to repair permissions on your first Mac, as OS X may not be allowing Alfred to save his knowledge to disk. To do this, launch Disk Utility and click Repair Permissions for the appropriate drive.


    If this doesn't resolve the issue, it's possible that you're encountering a quirk in the way OS X updates dates for folders, which means that the "last used" date doesn't update when it should. One way to work around this for folders is to first reindex your Mac (via the "Rebuild OS X Metadata" button in Alfred's Advanced tab) then open Terminal and type:

    touch /Users/coandrew/Pictures/Screenshots


    From thereon in, dates should update correctly for folders on your Mac, allowing Alfred to use the "last used" as an accurate way to sort folders.


    Also, I would recommend excluding files like images from your default search results as we all have tons on our Macs, and this can create real clutter in search results. Instead use the "open" and "find" keywords to expand your search when you need to include more file types.

  17. it is a default workflow for these command not defined..




    it is a default workflow for these command not defined..



    To create a custom fallback search, create a workflow with the Fallback Search trigger.


    Once you've created your workflow, go to Features > Default Results and set your fallback search by clicking the "Setup fallback results" button at the bottom :)

  18. Hi there,

    I would like to start a tv channel (saved in eye tv) directly from alfred.


    So that fellow Alfred users can help you out, you may want to provide links to the software or hardware you're using, as there are quite a few apps and hardware called EyeTV out there. The more information you provide, the easier it'll be for other users to help you create a workflow (if possible at all). :)




  19. Hi :)


    So I've been trying to work this out for a while, but I think I might have to admit defeat and ask for help :D


    Essentially, what I'd like to do is the following:


    Enter a search term (let's say James Cameron for example)

    Have Alfred open IMDB in Chrome using the following to get to Cameron's page:  


    The above I can already do, what I'd then like is:


    Copy the above url and the initial keyword to the clipboard with the following formatting:

    <a href="URL">KEYWORD</a>

    Essentially I do a lot of posting daily in the above format, and am always looking for ways to make my life easier :)



    Have you had a look at snippets?


    If you're copying the URL to your clipboard, you could create a snippet with dynamic content (http://support.alfredapp.com/kb:using-dynamic-placeholders-in-snippets)


    <a href="{clipboard}">KEYWORD</a>


    Assuming your latest copied item is the URL, you would get everything filled in except the keyword, which you would then need to add manually.


    Beyond this, you could also look at creating a workflow where a script parses your content and pastes to clipboard the format you need :)

  20. I have Alfred 2 and purchased and activated PowerPack and I set up a couple of text snippets for signatures. The most common one has the shortcut "iii" (which is a letter sequence that doesn't occur in any word). I've tried most ways to get this to produce my signature e.g. on an email but nothing seems to work. Could I have a no-assumptions step-by-step explanation please?


    Hi Ian,


    You'll find a tutorial on creating and using clipboard snippets here, which should help you work out how to use them for your signature:



    It is different to apps like Text Expander, so have a look at the above and let me know if you still have any questions :)




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