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Posts posted by Vero

  1. I have a search filter extension in Alfred 1 that only searches for contacts. When you select a contact & hit Return it shows it in Alfred's default contact viewer.


    I remade it in Alfred 2 but can get it to show the selected contact in Alfred's contact viewer when I hit Return. Any ideas how to do this?


    Alfred 2.0.3 b184 is now in pre-release from the in-app auto-updater, including improvements for this, so please update to test :)

  2. When I use Alfred to search for a person, the matches all say "View contact in Alfred." Seems to me it ought to say "View contact in Contacts" or "View contact in Address Book." Just a cosmetic thing.


    Alfred 2.0.3 b184 is now in pre-release from the in-app auto-updater, including a fix for this, so please update to test :)

  3. I have problems with Apple's OS X Applications. In Finder, they only appear in their German name, but Alfred gets confused with the original English names. So if I type "not" to start the app "Notizen", only "Notizzettel" ("Stickies") appears. I tried to reload the application cache, but now no apps at all are shown.


    Could you please rebuild your Mac's metadata? If no applications are showing, it's likely that OS X is unable to feed the information to Alfred.


    You can rebuild your Mac's metadata by going to Alfred's advanced preferences and clicking "Rebuild OS X Metadata". This can take up to an hour to complete. Once completed, type "reload" into Alfred and let me know what results you're seeing. :)

  4. I use Option-Command-Space to switch to the next language. It has been working fine until a few weeks ago. I'm not even sure Alfred is the culprit, and I don't remember when/what happened such that it stopped working. The reason I'm posting this post is because several members have complained about the same issue in the Workflows forum (they made a workflow workaround).


    I've checked the keyboard shortcut system preference but did not see any conflicts. I use the shortcut Option-Space to launch Alfred so I'm not sure why I'm having this problem. Would appreciate any insight on getting this fixed. Thanks.


     I've had a look at this, setting my hotkeys to exactly the same as yours, and I'm able to use the language switch correctly. It's possible that you've installed another application or created a workflow that clashes with this combo, so do check whether that hotkey is in use somewhere else (by a workflow, another application or a menu bar app).


    I'll move this to Closed as this is not a bug in Alfred. :)

  5. So I haven't experienced this before and I've been using the latest version of Alfred 2, but when I changed my theme this morning and then added some applications to Alfred's buffer, the icons were all upside down. This doesn't happen when adding icons from Alfred's file browser, and they get reset (so that they're upside up) if you toggle Alfred's visibility a couple of times. Not a big deal at all, but I'm miffed!


    Hi Rafe,


    We've only come across this with one user before and his issue was fixed with one of the early v2 beta builds. As such, I'd love to get some more information from you, which might help us identify what could cause this in this instance:


    - Are you using the latest version 2.0.2?

    - What are your Mac's specs, including graphics card (from the About This Mac menu)

    - Do you have any third-party background apps that may have an impact on graphics?

    - If you create a second profile on your Mac, do you see the same behaviour?


    Any other information you might think is relevant would be helpful :)


    Thanks in advance,


  6. That fixed it, thanks :)


    I was unaware of Alfred until I saw a ScreenCastsOnline tutorial a week or so ago.  I was so impressed I jumped straight in as a MegaSupporter.  I've loving the extra power.  I'm really looking forward to the Workflows tutorial they'll be doing soon.


    Glad you're all sorted, and pleased that you enjoyed ScreenCasts Online's tutorial - I watched it today and will definitely recommend it to anyone who's new to Alfred!

  7. I'm Running Alfred 2 on my iMac 10.8.3.  I've disabled CMD+SPACE from launching Spotlight and I have that to launch Alfred instead.  


    Have you had a look at this knowledge base entry? It may be reserved by the language switching feature:



    Alfred would only be unable to use it if it's reserved by another app or by OS X, so have a look at the above :)

  8. I started a playlist in Spotify in fullscreen mode, switched back to my desktop, then ejected my harddrive via Alfred's functionality, and the focus switched back to Spotify.


    I wasn't able to immediately replicate the bug, but I have experienced several times w different workflows over the last few days, the focus switched back either to Spotify or iTunes.


    Alfred Version 2.0.2


    OS X Version 10.8.3


    Hope this helps, thank you guys!


    Hi Tim,


    I've tried to replicate this using the apps, and cannot repeat what you're describing. Having said that, this is likely to be outside of Alfred's hands since the eject command tells OS X to eject a drive but doesn't instruct OS X on how to do it, or what to do after it completes the task.


    Personally, I've noticed behaviour relating to using full screen apps to be a little inconsistent in OS X. I can only assume OS X tries to fall back to the next focused app and its logic isn't quite what you expected. As such, there isn't really anything Alfred can do to change OS X's behaviour here.


    Edited to add: I'm moving this to the Closed forum as this isn't a bug in Alfred. :)




  9. Hey


    For a couple of days, I get the "Alfred v.2.0.2 (178) is now available" pop up. When I click on update, it seems to download something, when I then hit "Update and Relaunch" nothing seems to happen. A couple of minutes later, the pop up comes again. 


    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. 


    You can manually download Alfred from our website (http://www.alfredapp.com/#download) and update this way.


    There shouldn't be any issues updating from recent builds, but you may be on an older version. Installing the latest version from the URL above will resolve that. :)

  10. Hi,


    I use Alfred 2 with PowerPack on 2 Mac laptops. At home everything works, at work I don't have access to my customsites.


    Hi Arnaud,


    Let's run through a few things that may seem obvious but are worth checking:


    - Where does Google Drive store its files? Is it definitely the same folder on both Macs?

    - If you navigate to that location manually on each Mac, can you see the Alfred.alfredpreferences file? (And not an alias or symlink file?)


    I don't know of any other Alfred users who chose Google Drive for syncing so don't have any reports of whether it should be working successfully or not.  However, this user reports that Google Drive adds its own filename extension. If GD modifies the file names or changes what they are, then Alfred won't be able to recognise those as the correct preferences file:



    We recommend Dropbox as it doesn't modify your files in any way, ensuring the integrity of your Alfred preferences file.


    Let me know how you get on. :)

  11. hHi, I'm a great fan of alfred and use it every day. Especially I like the 1Password integration. Since yesterday this feature isn't working anymore. When I type in 1p, I only get the chance to open 1Password or the bookmark I created in safari.

    Can anybody help? I'm using the latest versions of OSX, Alfred and 1Password.


    There are a few reasons this could happen. 



    If you're using the website version of 1Password (as opposed to the App Store version), go to 1Password's Advanced preferences and click "Rebuild data file" to ensure that 1PW's database isn't the issue. With the App Store version, this isn't available so skip to the next step :)
    Have a look in 1PW at the records for the logins that are not showing up; Do they have a URL beginning with http:// or https://? Alfred will include all bookmarks that contain valid URLs so just add a URL if it's missing, and the bookmarks will appear in Alfred.
    And finally, open up Alfred's preferences to the 1Password pane. Have you changed your keyword away from "1p" or ticked the "Show in default results" box?
    Let me know how you get on :)
  12. Hi


    Alfred v2.0.2

    OS X v10.8.3


    I have a number of 123Reg accounts, so in 1Password I have login records for each one with something like "123Reg Me", "123Reg Fred", "123Reg Joe" and so on. However Alfred only picks up 1 of the records. This also happened in v1. 


    I have other logins which are similar such as "Server 1", Server 2" and it seems to pick these up.


    Can I clear the 1P records in Alfred and then reread the 1P file?




    Hi Peter,


    If you're using the website version of 1Password (as opposed to the App Store version), go to 1Password's Advanced preferences and click "Rebuild data file" to ensure that 1PW's database isn't the issue. With the App Store version, this isn't available so skip to the next step :)


    Have a look in 1PW at the records for the logins that are not showing up; Do they have a URL beginning with http:// or https://? Alfred will include all bookmarks that contain valid URLs so just add a URL if it's missing, and the bookmarks will appear in Alfred.


    I'm moving this out of the bugs forum and to Discussion & Help - let me know how you get on!




  13. I've used Safari bookmark searching for a long time in Alfred v1, but in v2, it's suddenly stopped working. In Default Results > Essentials, Bookmarks - Safari is checked.


    The only thing I've done recently is create two workflows, one to open Xcode projects and one to open files created by a specific application.


    I've tried toggling this pref on and off and also tried cleared the cache and rebuilt metadata.


    Any ideas?


    Have a look at the steps on this knowledge base entry and let us know how you get on :)



  14. okay, sorry, found the problem, the files I was testing were in the users/share folder! and this folder was not in the search scope.. although I don't remember having manually added it in vs 1...

    As you said, smthing simple!

    Thank you for your GREAT program (I hate mice and trackpads... :) )


    Love it when a problem resolves itself ;) Glad you're all sorted!

  15. the command "open" or space bar does not work since I installed v2. Finding Apps is no problems, I checked the settings, rebuild the spotlight index (hours!), as suggested in the FAQ section, but nothing seems to do the trick.  It was working with V1, it does work on my laptop with V2...


    I'm sure it's something simple, so if you can answer the few questions below, I'll help you out :)

    • First, what files or file types you are searching for? You may just need to include the file types to your search.
    • Secondly, are the files you're looking for in your search scope in the Default Results preferences?
    • And thirdly, can Spotlight find the particular files you are searching for?
  16. Hi there,


    I'm using Alfred 2 on Snow Leopard.

    By default, Alfred has notifications enable for "Notification Center" which doesn't exists in Snow Leopard. I've Growl installed but when I switch to Growl, it doesn't keep the change.


    By the way, it seems that Alfred handle notification using Growl ... maybe the select isn't updated ?


    I've just tested this in 10.6 as well, and can't replicate the issue. Have a look at this knowledge base entry as you might be encountering some permissions issues on your Mac, resulting in Alfred being unable to save the setting.




    Having said that, as you noticed, Alfred knows to fall back to Growl in 10.6 as Notification Centre doesn't exist. :)

  17. Thanks for creating this workflow. It seems to be half working for me. When I type emsubj, em, or, emfrom I see the text with the Mail icon next to it, but then as soon as I hit space, it defaults to the fallback searches. Just to make sure I have my other settings correct, what should be checked under Default Results and the user defined file types under Advanced?


    Thanks in advance.



    This is likely to be because no relevant items are returned; if there are no results at all, it'll switch to fallback searches.


    Basic question but do you use Mail.app for your email? If you navigate to ~/Library/Mail/, what does it contain? The file filters need to be pointing to the right place, so if you have no emails stored there, you'll get the behaviour you're seeing.

  18. I'm pretty certain that with Alfred v1 I could find songs in my iTunes library by typing a partial song name into the search box. As an example, typing 'sand' (minus quotes) would find 'Enter Sandman' by Metallica and then hitting return would start that song playing in iTunes. This functionality does not appear to exist in v2, even thought I've added ~/Music/iTunes to my search scope.


    What am I doing wrong?


    I have started using a hotkey for the mini-player, and that DOES find the correct song, but I'm curious why the functionality has changed?


    You're probably thinking of the old "play" keyword. This is now available as a workflow, so pop open the Workflows preferences and choose Examples > Find and Play Music.


    You'll then be able to search and play The Sandman in your default music player by typing "play sand" :)

  19. Don't know whether it exists already, or could be a feature...


    Given that I have two computers, I would love to be able to create the clipboard snippets and have them be stored somewhere on the cloud (dropbox). Then, I don't need to redefine them each time I change or add a new one - and, instead, have them appear auto-magically across all my machines.


    Does it already exist and I simply missed it?


    If you're referring to creating snippets, yes, these can be synced. Go to the Advanced preferences tab and set up syncing. :)

  20. I can't work out how to associate a url with the hotkey in the workflow template supplied, where should it be specified?  I'd be grateful for any help.


    In the templates, choose Web & URLs > Open URL with hotkey.


    Double-click the hotkey object to set it to a hotkey of your chose, then double-click the Open URL object to set it either to a new URL or to an existing custom search :)


    Hope this helps!

  21. Hey all, is it possible to exclude album titles when searching in iTunes mini player. 


    I ask because I have several albums that has the same name as the song title. When I search for it, the album is always the top result, so instead of navigating further, it'd be more convenient to get rid of album results.


    Thanks for any input


    It's not possible to remove the album titles from the listings. If you get results where the album and the song both show up within the top results, just use Cmd + # for the song if you want to avoid having to arrow down to the result you want :)

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