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Everything posted by nikivi

  1. I often do this with external triggers: { "alfredworkflow" : { "arg" : "{query}", "config" : { "title" : "", "runningsubtext" : "", "subtext" : "" }, "variables" : { } } } So that instead of this: I see: Can you please make a setting in external trigger itself so I can avoid adding this object every time 🙏 Thank you. 🖤
  2. Say I find a snippet I want to be able to quickly delete it right from this search. `cmd+shift+delete` or `cmd+delete`. Right now to delete. I have to first open it with `cmd+return`. Then I can't even delete it here: I have to cancel. Then after cancel the snippet is not focused, so I can't immediately press cmd+delete either: Thus can't even automate it without some image recognition. Please add a fast way to delete snippets from the search. It's essential feature for me if I was to use Alfred Snippets heavily for all my snippets as I cycle some snippets and need that fast ability to delete them. Thank you lots. ♥️
  3. I love speed and everything about Alfred Snippets. But I find above UI limiting. I want to build a UI like this to view the snippets: But to do this I need ability to read the Snippets. Can I get access to this data somehow?
  4. In fact I personally would love to be able to customise what is shown there. i.e. Ideally for me it shows `Keyword: ` if keyword exists. Does not show `Keyword: ` if no keyword is set. Thus reducing visual noise. And remove `xx words; xx chars` as I personally don't find value in seeing this. Ideally I just see the keyword if it is set. And also the Collection the snippet is in. That will always be shown as snippet is always a part of some collection. Would be very grateful if this can be added. ♥️
  5. Like the image shows. Would be nice to show the collection the snippet is in too. Thank you.
  6. o e See this. Double clicking on the value does not let me edit it. Can't change token or org or anything. Workflow I downloaded is this: https://github.com/rossmacarthur/github.alfredworkflow
  7. @VeroThank you, it was font awesome extension. ♥️
  8. Every time I type `fa` into Alfred I get this pop up I don't get which workflow causes it though. Tried searching for it here. It's been an issue for a while now and basically blocks the entire `f ..` key triggers in Alfred. Maybe I can do some grep search for binaries in Alfred directory?
  9. Recently it's been Searchio, GitHub Jump, Web Searches and My Mind.
  10. I agree, it would be nice if this was baked in. I wonder if Alfred can integrate OneUpdater into Alfred itself. As an example, if workflow author includes a link that leads to GitHub repo and checks in `Update check` checkbox: It would do a similar thing to OneUpdate, check the new releases as anything inside the workflow gets called and prompt for an update. No need to carry around a OneUpdater block and connect it to everything inside the workflow. Would be nice.
  11. nikivi

    Alfred 5

    In theory this can already be possible I think. Correct me if I am wrong @Andrew but I remember that you can view Alfred Debugger console output from Console.app So if that's the cause, there should be a way to get the console log from the terminal too with some command. I am just not sure which. So then you can open external terminal with the live logs from Alfred as shown via some shell output from reading the log command. VSCode extension for Alfred can do this out of the box. So in VSCode you start the prompt for which Alfred workflow you want to start debugging. Read output of (`cd Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/..`) and show a list like here but in Alfred: Then it would copy the command to paste in external terminal or show it in a window of its own. Would be super useful. I can try build this if I find out how to get a stream of logs for a specific Alfred workflow given its path or something.
  12. Totally agree. I just thought maybe Alfred knew that this prompt was thrown. If it already knew it could show an extra prompt itself. But it makes sense why it doesn't know it. Thanks.
  13. Super useful. For Alfred 5, can we please have this feature. Add maybe an icon here: That if pressed will show an overlay window with all search tricks. Such as `?=keyword ..`. I am sure there is more. I tried searching for this page on Google and got 0 results for Alfred search extra keywords. I think it would be very helpful for discoverability of all Alfred features. I use Alfred daily but didn't know this. 😺
  14. Beautiful. Ran above and got: Issue is fixed now. ♥️
  15. I moved to M1 mac a while ago. And I have this issue where if I type `g` into Alfred normal prompt, this will show up: I get what it is trying to say. But I for life of me can't find where is this `projects` binary in. I tried to find it with `find` command: But that returned nothing found, maybe command is wrong though. I also went to Alfred Preferences and went over all my workflows and it's not mine as when I disable all my workflows, this prompt still shows up. I really don't want to go over all the workflows one by one and disable them one by one to find which one it is (I have more than 120+ of them). Is there anything else I can do? I tried searching for `projects` in Alfred too, no results. In my mind it would be so awesome to either have: - Before showing this prompt that this binary can't be opened, Alfred can also show in which workflow it is trying to call it? And optionally provide user to open Finder with the location of that binary. So user can then right click and run it quickly to get the error to go away. I get that this comes with security risk for some users but would be nice UX. - Ability to show `last ran workflow` somewhere? Then I can see of this workflow was being triggered even if with errors. Would be super helpful. My big issue now is that my entire `g` searches are fully broken because of this. I wanted to download https://www.jetbrains.com/go/ and switch to it with Alfred. Thank you lots.
  16. nikivi

    Alfred 5

    That's super exciting. I hope it will have an API so you can automate updating/releasing workflows without having to go through some web/GUI interface.
  17. nikivi

    Alfred 5

    Should be this week according to the tweet
  18. nikivi

    Alfred 5

    I currently either use AwGo update system or OneUpdater.
  19. nikivi

    Alfred 5

    There is a post on Reddit of it too. I agree with top comment about having some kind of easier way to find and perhaps even publish workflows.
  20. Here is my contact in Alfred contact view. Search contact action. Here is same contact in Contacts app: If you notice the field note is not shown at all in the Alfred view. Even if you try to scroll the Alfred view, there is no way for it to show. If you start typing `note`, it won't show either. I think it's some bug that was introduced as before it worked. Alfred version is 4.6.4. macOS version is 12.3 I hope you can replicate it as it's a feature I used a lot. Thank you.
  21. I open Alfred and type in just letter `n`. And instantly get this: Another time, I type some other character and again without actually pressing return I get this: Anyone know why this happens? I thought Alfred only activates and does things when you actually press return on some item. I am confused.
  22. nikivi

    Mono Dim Theme

    Works great with VSCode GitHub Dim theme (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=GitHub.github-vscode-theme) & iTerm theme (https://github.com/cdalvaro/github-vscode-theme-iterm). Download: https://www.alfredapp.com/extras/theme/jzs9j2Kqmu/
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