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Posts posted by nikivi

  1. I am trying to create a file action that is the same as `Move to...` but it will replace the contents of files if there are conflicts.


    I am struggling to create the actionable search prompt that you get after you activate `Move to...`. This one: 




    I thought I can use file filter for this but this seems like a really neat window and I would love to use it. I think I can manage to replicate the Move to... and replace functionality with Bash afterwards. 


    I want to add this file action to this workflow. Thank you for any help. 

  2. Awesome Lists



    This workflow lets you search for any awesome list on GitHub. The awesome lists searched can be found here.


    For more information, on how you can use the workflow, you can read the GitHub readme.


    In the future I want to make it so that you can go inside each of the awesome lists and view the links of all awesome lists inside Alfred. But this is a bit challenging I found so I am going to try it on Learn Anything Curated Lists first as they follow a very similar structure and I can use that to my advantage.


    Hope you like it. 



  3. 1 hour ago, piggah said:

    The site used to use like mindnode maps didn't it? 


    It did. The website was originally a wrapper over mind maps I made in MindNode that you can still see here.


    We have improved it greatly since then and now the maps live outside of MindNode and on AWS in DynamoDB soon moving to Neo4j.


    Everything is user curated like Reddit and open source. It's built with React and we try to make helping the project either with code, ideas or anything else as easy as possible.


    I am happy you like the project. ? 

  4. I am making a workflow that searches through all topics in Learn Anything.


    I wrote the code that in theory should work and return some results. It scans a JSON file, makes a hash map of it and then I want to show this hash map as results in Alfred. 


    Here is the workflow with the latest code as seen in the repo. I can't figure out why it fails because it doesn't show any error and it doesn't show any results.


    Thank you for any help. And merry Christmas to all. ?

  5. Hey @politicus


    My Karabiner configuration is not supported on your macOS version. You have to use Karabiner Elements and I am not sure how my configuration translates to in there, if I did I would update my macOS.


    Sticky keys are simply custom modifier keys I set up for myself. You can read more about it here. ? 


    Also take a look here. Some people, shared their sticky key configuration that works in Karabiner Elements.

  6. I have this code I very often use that @GuiB kindly shared once:


    # Alfred action function (pop the alfred action window)
    aw() {
        if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then    # If no arguments, pop Alfred Action Window in the working directory
            osascript -e "tell application \"Alfred 3\" to action \"$(pwd)\""
            for arg in "$@" ; do
                filePath=$(realpath -s "$arg")
                if [[ -d $filePath ]] || [[ -f $filePath ]]; then    # if the arg is a file of folder, append the path to the args string to build a list for the osascript command
                    argsAreAllPaths=false   # if one argument is not a folder or file path, then pop Alfred with the standard search and try to access Alfred Action Window. This also makes it clear there's a problem with one of the passed paths
            if [ "$argsAreAllPaths" = true ] ; then    # If all arguments are files or directories, open Alfred Action Window with the list
                args=${args%?} # remove the trailing comma
                osascript -e "tell application \"Alfred 3\" to action { $args }"
            else  # If not all arguments are files or directories, search as is and try to access the Alfred Action Window. The Action Window should pop if it's possible, or the standard Alfred Search would be shown (ex: alfa activity monitor  ->  Would open the file action window of the Activity Monitor)
                actionKey="keystroke (ASCII character 29)"  # (meaning: right arrow) Put your prefered action key (Alfred -> File Search -> Actions -> Show Actions) as applescript command for keystroke or key code (ex: "key code 98")
                delayBetweenEvents=0.1    # Play with the number if the action doesn't work correctly
                osascript -e "tell application \"Alfred 3\" to search \"$*\"" -e "delay $delayBetweenEvents" -e "tell application \"System Events\" to $actionKey"


    This will activate a file action search on a passed in directory or file. 


    I want to make it so that it would instantly open "Move to..." file action. Is it possible?


    I can think of a way to activate aw() and then simulate 'move' keystrokes and pressing enter but perhaps there is a better way than this.

  7. First of all, K+A are not simultaneous for me. The reason is that A is my modifier key which is my control key and I use it a lot. So A + K quickly triggers `control + k`. I only sim keys like JK or KL or LM. Essentially keys that are related to HJKL because those are VIM keys.


    Also you can set the delay for key triggers but for me it is perfect and I never have any problems typing normally and using my bindings. As for your question, you do need to get into the habit of separated writing. Essentially you never should bottom down on a key and still hold it unless you want to make your binding. Simultaneous keys are certainly worth it though. My most used one is JK to do Google Search with Searchio and : + J to search open Safari tabs + KL for searching Dash.


    Try and experiment with it though and see if you like it. Karabiner allows you to make the delay or the trigger timing so you can make something that works for you. My other advice as I mentioned before is to not make HJKL keys modifiers because holding down on these keys is really useful if you use VIM or some kind of Vim mode anywhere (which I advise you do).


    Oh and one more binding that I advise you guys you to try is binding semicolon to a shift key. Having semicolon as shift key and A key as control key is aamazing. Especially if you use Vim because you can make any kind of motion without moving your hands. Ever. Don't forget to also make caps lock into escape on single press and some other modifier when held. I use Caps + keys to search specific Dash docs. (i.e. Caps + G to search Go docs or Caps + T to search Python).


    p.s. Poor OP, all he wanted to do was make Alfred window a frontmost app :D

  8. Alfred Workflows List



    I was quite upset that Packal search was no longer working and I was quite unhappy with all the other curated Alfred workflows lists out there so I made my own. I am updating this list very often and I will include all the useful workflows that I have personally used and liked. 


    Feel free to scroll around and see if you find something you have never tried before. The list is also open to contributions and I am open to feedback in improving it.


    You can view the curated list here.


    In the future, I want to make a Packal alternative in Go with hooks to GitHub releases and tags. Together with discovery of new workflows by showing all new workflows that were created with Alfred topic. Until then, this list should work well.



  9. 4 minutes ago, FroZen_X said:

    Is that something you use often and find it really useful


    It was really fun to use at first. But I stopped using it as I do everything from the keyboard. I even activate various things that don't have a hotkey with a hotkey using KM. Like using this macro: 




    To click here in Safari:




    I do use D + G to center mouse to current window a lot though.


  10. 27 minutes ago, FroZen_X said:

    Do you have any settings tipps? Like Karabiner Parameters related?


    I prefix things. 



    General category is actually my normal mode category. But I use few profiles for programming things. The only difference between these profiles is the P sticky key does different things.


    The general profile is my Go profile. So P + f will insert `fmt.Println()` or P + G to insert log.Printf() and move caret between brackets (I use that a lot for debugging).


    Also P + W will insert `workflow:` which is @deanishe AwGo library magic argument for workflows. I try to write many workflows, often failing but still trying.


    And then I use this to switch between profiles:




    I optimise things for fast retrieval and memory. So I can do anything as fast as 1 second and I always can query things in case I forget something. I also structure things to scale.


    Also the only keys that are not sticky for me are HJKL because sVim and vim mode.


  11. 18 minutes ago, FroZen_X said:

    already have issues with other machines, but after this...man, haha


    I have issues with my own machine when Karabiner glitches out. I have to restart and cry. 


    Fortunately, this nearly never happens.


    This whole thing started from me trying out Brett Treppstra's hyper key for caps lock and then thinking, why not do this for every single key. It's insanely powerful especially if you combine it with Alfred and the amazement that Keyboard Maestro is.


    18 minutes ago, FroZen_X said:

    Only Problem is that i have to force my mind to adapt at the moment


    My advice is to make a mental map of what key is responsible for what and after using it, you just remember things. No need to memorise things explictly. Also find a way to super quickly iterate on it.


    In my case I have a macro that will open Karabiner config that is always open in second tab of iTerm with vim using this macro:




    Which opens vim:




    And then I can add my changes and jump around the XML file with prefixes (i.e. _alf def or _km def or sticky g). And then I use this to instantly refresh the config.


    I believe Karabiner Elements has something similar. 

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