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Posts posted by nikivi

  1. Probably won't add anything to the discussion but recently I mapped a lot of keys with karabiner to searching selected text for different services. These services, to be exact : 




    Searching by Google can be done from System Preferences already :




    With Karabiner I can then map these hotkeys to actually nice human reachable keys. I can select text and hold a + space to make google search on it. Hold f and press space to make wiki search on it, g + space to search google images and so on. It is incredibly fast. 


    I also have a ton of file filters now that Karabiner allows me to map things to well placed 'hotkeys'.





    For a lot of people file filters may not be a new thing but I hope this post inspires some people to set up some file and web filters of their own. 


    Also recently one interesting project was open sourced (https://github.com/nathancahill/anycomplete). I now use it all the time to try and correct some words that I often have difficulty typing : 




    I am curious if anyone here also uses web searches with selection? I think they are really really useful.



  2. There is this wonderful workflow to add notes from Alfred right into Notes app that I use very often. Can be seen here : 


    I added a file filter search to search for my notes library like so : 




    One thing that I wish I could have was to be able to copy the content of that note right from Alfred itself and have it be in my clipboard. So I search for a note like this : 




    And I wish I can press a modifier key to have the content of the note be copied to my clipboard.


    Thank you for any help.


  3. I want to create a very simple workflow that will give me a list of abbreviations I inputted in the database. Something like this : 




    However I want to be able to search for both title and subtitle so I get results for this : 



    As well as this : 




    I suppose there is no way and I should use a custom script filter for that but maybe I am wrong. 



  4. I want to use a library to make a workflow but every time I get an error : 


    [2016-11-17 11:04:51][ERROR: input.scriptfilter] Code 1: read.go:4:2: cannot find package "gogs.deanishe.net/deanishe/awgo" in any of:
        /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.7.3/libexec/src/gogs.deanishe.net/deanishe/awgo (from $GOROOT)
        ($GOPATH not set)


    I couldn't find anywhere how I can export my $GOPATH in Alfred. I have it set properly in my zshrc and it works well everywhere else. 


    I also believe I downloaded the library properly with go run as that produced no error logs.


    Thank you for any help.

  5. Maybe it is best to start another topic for this, but I would really appreciate if the user could change cmd + Y hotkey for previewing items, I would really love to move it to cmd + k or cmd + l as they much more comfortably placed for me than cmd + y. Hope I am not alone in thinking this.

  6. Never mind, this can be solved by having my prefix in place of first name and first name, surname and tags as last name of contact. In this case Alfred searches everything correctly. Now I just wish I could press a modifier key on the contact in Alfred and go to that contact in Contacts app so I can edit it / add notes to it. And I still wish to have a separate contact filter so not to pollute my general alfred search with contacts as I will have quite a lot of them.


    Perhaps I should delete the previous entries as they are no longer relevant but it may show my thinking process and add some more detail so I will leave them. 


    Thank you. 

  7. I essentially want to have the same search that this workflow uses for searching through Safari Bookmarks : https://infinit.io/_/3f34uFB 


    That @Andrew himself kindly shared.


    Also no real need to make 'twitter, Facebook' actionable any more, I will just add them as links URL links, it is even easier this way. :)


    Just need to really fix this search and make contacts it's own contact filter if possible. I really hope fixing this search will be possible as it does seem like a weird bug. If fixed, this would be so so amazing.



  8. I realise now why searching for my name straight away doesn't work since prefix is part of my first name, I can't search for my name directly as you have to start to make the search from the first letter onwards. Will it be possible to make a contact filter to search through contacts with full fuzzy search for contact names, including parts of the names. Although it is still strange that it cuts out the search after I write my prefix, it shouldn't. 


    I also like to add tags to last names as there is no native support for tags in Contacts, I also want to search for those. For example I might have this contact : 




    If I want to search just by tag like so : 




    It works. I am however not sure why searching just by name then doesn't find anything.





    A contact filter with these issues solved would be amazing.


    I hope few others like contacts as much as I do and would too love these changes.

  9. There also appears to be a bug as certain contact entries don't get searched. 


    I like to prefix all my contact entries with some prefix (f: for example or a:). When I search by the prefix, it shows the correct result for me : 




    however when I start typing more, the result goes away like so : 




    Why is that? Would it be possible to fix this? Thank you a lot, I really am planning to use this feature of prefixing and contacts a lot more now that I realised how powerful it is. I really wish these points would be fixed though.

  10. I love contacts preview and the fact that I can search for a person through Alfred and get a quick glance over where the person lives, what his social media accounts are, his website and notes I made.


    The only thing I wish if Alfred was more intelligent about these links. For example here is my Contact card : 




    I can make actionable urls and that is great but I just wish that clicking on the twitter handle of the contact would bring up TweetBot with that profile name, if user has no Twitter Client, than a webpage opens. I use this to open url links in TweetBot (http://robmathers.github.io/tweetbotlinks/) so perhaps if you make that field actionable with url, then TweetBot will open for that link.


    I wish to have it work for LinkedIn, Facebook and Flickr. You can skip MySpace :D


    Thank you. I also really wish there was a modifier hotkey to go from here : 




    With a modifier key, straight to Contacts app itself with the user in focus.


    I also really wish to make a contact filter action that when activated will only search through my contacts. I have a lot of contacts in the Contacts app and I don't want to mix my Alfred search with contacts but I still want to search for them. A dedicated contact search filter would be amazing.


    I hope these are all possible to do. Thank you a lot.

  11. Oh this is amazing. Thank you for sharing. I am a heavy user of Ulysses and this is really useful indeed. I would also love to have the groups from 'ug' script folder to be opened in 'cmd + 2' view with side bar hidden away. Is there a way to change it so that it opens in 'cmd + 2' view instead of 'cmd + 1'?


    Thank you for sharing this.

  12. 35 minutes ago, Vero said:

    @nikivi The contents of packages (such as Alfred's preferences file and much of the contents of ~/Library/) aren't usually indexed by OS X, so won't be provided to Alfred to include into results. 

    But I also have .dotfiles folder in home directory that is not in ~/Library/ and it too seems to be not indexed. Is that intended?

  13. I have been thinking of usefulness of this one workflow that I would really love to exist. I have a lot of calendar events in iCal (Apple's Calendar). I really wish I can search through the events like I can search through applications and clicking on the event will give me the time remaining for the event, as well as having the date for the event in the 'note' of the Alfred results with this list of events. 


    From what I've read, parsing and messing around with iCal data is really troublesome and difficult but maybe I am wrong and it would really be possible to do. But I really do hope that I am not alone in wanting this workflow, it would really save me quite a lot of time and would be incredibly useful for me.

  14. I understand. I will try to figure out how to make the applescript work, I think it shouldn't be that hard with some experimenting in script editor and internet.


    I still can't really explain why the file filter doesn't catch everything and show me all of the files in all of folders that should be in my home directory.


    One of the folders that is in my ~/ home folder is alfred with alfred preferences in it where alfred keeps its workflows in all these big folders : 




    Well, shouldn't alfred pick these files in these folders too? For example I have a file filter for .go files and searching for read.go gives me no results, but it should. :( 


    Same for that case with zvim above. It seems that Alfred completely ignores these folders. I even explicitly added these folders to the search even though they should be falling under my ~/ home folder and yet I still get no results. Perhaps I am missing something or it is some kind of bug.


    Thank you a lot for any help on this. I really wish I can get it to work well as it would be quite a useful workflow for me and I hope some other person who too uses vim as their editor.


  15. No, I think the tell application part of the applescript code doesn't seem to work as I think it should : 


    set theQuery to "{query}"
    set cmd to "nvim " & quote & theQuery & quote
    tell application "iTerm"
       set myTerm to (make new terminal)
       tell myTerm
          set mySession to (make new session at the end of sessions)
          tell mySession to exec command cmd
    	end tell
    end tell

    Trying it out in Script editor to see if it runs there, I get strange errors like 'Error on line 1: SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier 'theQuery''. 


    Also, Dean, aren't screenshots the best way to help visualise what it is you are trying to solve? What is wrong with them? I guess I can tell everything in words but I still think images tell that story a lot better than just a bunch of words. 

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