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Posts posted by nikivi

  1. When you create a new workflow, you need to enter the name, description, bundle id as well as created by and website.


    Name, description and bundle id are unique and do change. However I keep having to type the same information for 'created by' and 'website'. I would love if I could make a template for myself where new workflows created would have this info auto filled with my info. 


    Thank you a lot and I hope you consider adding this.

  2. I have this little workflow that I use to show whatever I type in the menu bar with BitBar.


    Here is how it looks : 




    And here is the script itself : 




    Everything works well however after the script is run, the focus is lost from the app I was using. That is I run my workflow with let's say 'bit test' whilst in Safari and press enter, I cannot press command + t to open new tab. The focus is lost. Is there any way I can run the script and still stay in whatever app that I am?


    Thank you for any help on this.


  3. The option you are looking for is from the hotkey field itself as seen here (set it to "Pass through modifier keys"):




    I'm not currently at my development Mac, so I can't send you a beta build, you'll get this tomorrow :)


    Vero will reply to your email regarding limits shortly.





    Hey Andrew,


    I didn't know about this option. I have tried it now and I think I see some difference. Would it be possible to set it as default? That is new hotkeys created will default to the 'pass through modifier keys' option.

  4. Thank you so much for the detailed answer. You are right, figuring out two things at once is quite hard. I actually started reading through Dive into Python 3 book now. I wanted to actually write, save and test the code I write through Alfred interface straight away as I think it is quite convenient. If you do not mind, can you take a look at this thread, and tell me what the problem is with it (http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/9266-can-someone-help-me-understand-why-this-doesnt-work/)? I think it shouldn't be hard to display the output of my script like that but perhaps I again am misunderstanding some things. Thank you again for your answer.

  5. I want to make a simple workflow with python that outputs text to the screen. 


    I have made a workflow and in it I have created a file main.py, in the file I simply have : 




    Then in the workflow, I want to use it to display this output to screen so I have made these three objects : 





    In the script, I have : 




    And large type simply takes in {query} as output. Shouldn't this work? I really want to start making workflows and I have went through all the tutorials but I am still confused as to why this does not work. :( 


    Thank you for any help.




  6. Set $GOPATH to $HOME. Make sure you have ~/bin, ~/src and ~/pkg directories.


    That way, anything you go install will be put in ~/bin, which should be on your PATH.



    I have added these two lines two my zshrc (https://github.com/nikitavoloboev/dotfiles/blob/master/zsh/zshrc#L12) as I want to have these go folders not be in my home folder but a dedicated folder for go. In theory it should work the same. 


    I then just have these folders in there : 




    Where 'dev' will be the folder where I will actually write the code in. I've read through this article (http://gowithconfidence.tumblr.com/post/118493925546/getting-started-with-go-workspaces) about go workspaces to make more sense of it and I think this should work. 


    However after all this I am still not able to run my go install command in the directory with my workflow : 





    Did I make some mistake? Do I have to install the library first with some other command? 


    It seems so complicated :(


    I tried to make something like this : 




    And in Alfred preferences, I have : 





    Where the script filter is : 





    I would assume then, that entering qq, pressing enter, will display hello to the prompt but that is not the case. I really wish someone did a guide of how one can start developing workflows for Alfred with go. I guess the reason for that might be that Alfred doesn't accept fmt.Println output but for some reason console.log("hello") worked when I tried running a node workflow. I guess I should stick with python.

  7. I am learning go now as it is quite an exciting language. The thing is that I can't really figure out what I should set my $GOPATH to when developing workflows. 


    For example, I created a new workflow and I wanted to use this library : https://github.com/jason0x43/go-alfred


    I then do : 




    However I get the issue that my $GOPATH is not set. From what I have read, $GOPATH is where one keeps all his go code but I just want to use this library only in this specific library. I was thinking of symlinking it with Deanishe's script but I've read that it may cause some big problems. 


    What can I do to fix these issues. I know there are a few people here who have tried developing their workflows in go language. I would love to hear how you do it. Thank you.


  8. Thank you for the writeup Dean,


    It is extremely interesting. I will try to symlink my workflows too.


    Just to make sure I understand it correctly. If I wanted to make a workflow, in your case, I would


    1. create a folder with my workflow in my ~/workflows/cool_new_workflow

    2. create an empty workflow in alfred preferences 

    3. ln -s ~/workflows/cool_new_workflow {path to the workflow folder} ( not sure about this )

    4. write all my code in the ~/workflows/cool_new_workflow folder and this code I can run from alfred in script filters


    Is that how you go about making your workflows? Thank you a lot for any help. Also it would be curious to see some workflows that were done in go. :)

  9. I have a few ideas of what workflows I want to create but I am still wondering what would be the best way to go about creating them. Do you keep your workflows in some folder in your home directory like ~/workflows and then symlink it with the workflow directory that Alfred uses? Or do you develop and edit the code straight from there?


    I am currently opening the workflows I want to edit and create with Alfred Extension (https://github.com/jmjeong/alfred-extension) and it is really nice however I still think that there may be a better way to do this. 


    I hope you guys will share the way you go about developing your workflows and tools that you use. Right now I know of alfred-workflow (https://github.com/deanishe/alfred-workflow) and alfy (https://github.com/sindresorhus/alfy#users) that one can use to get help with creating the workflows.

  10. Really love threads like this, would love to hear other people's choices. I even made a repo with all the great stuff I use here : https://github.com/nikitavoloboev/my-mac-os


    Here are the workflows that I use from it :


    1. Searchio (allows me to quickly search Google, Youtube, Wikipedia, Google Images and Maps quickly and with autosuggestions being provided with every query I type. I can quickly press command + caps lock and type anything I want and use the wonderful power of Google to answer any question that I have.
    2. Dash (as mentioned before, it allows me to very quickly search through any docset that I have downloaded for anything I want, it allows me to also scope my search for any specific docset that I want to search. I have it binded to left option and caps lock.
    3. Github Command Bar (allows me to quickly find any repository that I want, search through Github, go to my current issues, my dashboard and a lot lot more)
    4. Stack Overflow (Stack Overflow search from Alfred with autosuggestions, very often I still just use Google to do my search queries but this allows me to more specifically target Stack Overflow and also see the results from the Alfred prompt itself.
    5. currentURL (a very simple workflow that simply gets the url of currently active Safari tab and puts it into system clipboard, I use it a lot as I often want to add a link to some list in 2Do or have it be pasted to some text I am writing)
    6. Pocket (allows me to quickly save an article I am reading to Pocket for later reading, I can also go through and search any article that I want to read, archive an article that I have read already in the browser but still want to keep in Pocket) 
    7. Units (if I even am in need to do any kind of conversion, I do it here)
    8. Safari Search (use it all the time now, can instantly search through any bookmarks that I have saved in Safari as well as go through my history. The search is instant and very accurate, it also learns from what you usually choose.)
    9. Spotify Mini Player (mentioned it briefly above, but this is an absolutely phenomenal tool that allows me to essentially control through the entirety of Spotify client through a quick Alfred prompt) (very powerful workflow)

    And here is an imgur album of all the workflows that I have and use : https://imgur.com/a/P2S8T

  11. I have checked and I only have one 'Notes' workflow. I downloaded the new workflow you linked and I still keep getting the prompt to update the workflow. It only happens in your workflow so I don't really know what might be the cause of that.

  12. Hey Jack,


    I updated the workflow but now every time I try add a note I also get notified that there exists an update to the workflow : 





    Pressing on it doesn't seem to change anything and it still stays there. What should I do?


    Thank you. 

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