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  1. Really like 'open with alfred' I'd love the ability to set up a modifier for that, so that it could be one of the options in advanced settings under the area in the screenshot below. I'd take it over "Search with Finder" for instance
  2. Thanks Vitor. I wasn't really aware of the debugger before you pointed it out. I actually managed to figure it out from that. It was an Xcode thing. I reinstalled and it seems to have fixed the workflow.
  3. Thanks for your continued work on this workflow jereze, it has become vital for me! I installed Ventura (I know, I know) which seems to have broken the workflow for me. Just wanted to flag that, I'll live without the workflow.
  4. Eye opening article and very useful response, thanks for sharing. I have found my RAM usage has been a lot higher from Safari in the last few weeks than I'm used to.
  5. Hi all, I'm giving tab groups a go to see if they work for me. Has anyone looked into whether it's possible to search/open tab groups with Alfred, or does Safari make that tough? Thanks!
  6. Amazing, thank you. This was exactly what I was after. I think you saved me an afternoon of pointless experimentation!
  7. Hi all, Long time Alfred user here, wondering if this new Slapdash app I saw mentioned on Macrumors can do anything Alfred can't. It looks really interesting since I work with cloud apps. Their devs seem to suggest it has unique features, but I can't tell. Anyone have any clue? https://slapdash.com Thanks
  8. Never mind, I got the admin to upgrade me to lightning. Mostly because I like this workflow so much. Thanks!
  9. Thank you for bringing this back! Super great workflow. I get an error message when I use it. Is it only compatible with Lightning? "Lightning Experience is enabled for your organization, but not yet for you. Want to give it a try? Ask your Salesforce admin."
  10. I'm looking to make a workflow that would take convert a path name from windows to mac. Windows-using work colleagues often send me the full path name for docs in Google Drive File Stream, but they don't work because a) Mac has a different way of naming volumes in paths and b) the back slashes need to become forward slashes to work correctly. Anyone know if something that could convert at least the slash direction easily? Thanks all
  11. Hi there, I've tried to enable this a few times with no luck. I tried to move my preferences folder to my HD rather than iCloud but no luck. Can anyone advise on how to set the variables? I think maybe I am writing the wrong path for the snippets folder...
  12. Hi! I think this workflow broke in Catalina. Anyone else have this problem?
  13. Thanks so much for making this. As a non-programmer, I need a little guidance on how to set the prefsPath's correctly. I'm assuming this refers to the text next to the prefsPath/prefsFolder bit of the python script. I believe I should set these to the Alfred snippets folder and the subfolder in that folder the snippets should be categorized under, is that right? I keep my snippets in iCloud Drive, I looked up how to write out the path for that but got a little confused - finder treats iCloud Drive as the root, but I'm guessing it really isn't...
  14. Wow, thanks so much for making this!! Just what I was looking for, and greatly helpful. Thanks!
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