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Everything posted by pursuitofefficiency

  1. As I balance all sorts of projects in different fields, I create workspaces for myself using Alfred Workflows (keyword for the project opens all Apps, Websites, Finder Folders, scripts, etc. required for project). Often, there are many web pages and I creating URL actions for each is tedious. I would really love a "Open Multiple URLs" Action where I can paste in a bunch of URLs, separated by line breaks, and the action will open all of them upon trigger. Thanks for the excellent product!
  2. Hello, is this workflow still available for download anywhere?
  3. Hello, Does this still work? I get a "Could not connect." with subtitle "'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__' Thanks
  4. I would also love to see this, including a feature to preview thoughts and their accompanied thoughts. I'm sure there are many other features and pieces of thebrain that could be implemented.
  5. Hello, I would like to be able to add new contacts via automatic parse like the Interact app for iOS (by agiletortoise, the maker of Drafts 4). I am not finding any workflows for any sort of contact management for Alfred so far. Thanks.
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