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Helping Hand

Helping Hand (3/5)



  1. Now that Ventura has the clock app, has anyone figured out how to start a timer from Alfred? I use a lot of timers. I would love to type something like "timer 5 minutes" and have the time app start a timer.
  2. @giovanni Thank you for updated Dcalc. It is one of my most-used workflows. Eternal gratitude.
  3. You're an angel. Thanks for the new workflows. They work perfectly. Heather
  4. I just upgraded to Monterey. I also just deleted v1.0 of the Google Suggest workflow that I had previously installed and, using the example workflow, installed Google Suggest v1.2. Unfortunately this version of the workflow is not working for me when no suggestions are returned. Previously, when no suggestions were found, the workflow just fed the entire string to a Google Search in Safari. Now nothing happens. Is it possible to get that previous functionality back? If there are no suggestions, I want to go straight to Google.com with those search terms. What am I missing?
  5. Yes, I have assigned Full Disk Access to Alfred. No luck.
  6. I finally upgraded to Catalina and am having the same problem. If I search for an app and arrow right to Recent Files there is nothing there, even though Spotlight (and the app itself) are aware of recent files. I have all of the accessibility options turned on. Where else should I look?
  7. I frequently use Alfred's built-in search for LinkedIn. This morning the built-in search is resulting in a 404 at LinkedIn. I am guessing Microsoft is changing how search works now that they have acquired LinkedIn. A successful search in LinkedIn today returns a URL of the from: https://www.linkedin.com/vsearch/f?orig=SPCK&keywords={query}. I am guessing this is different from the built-in search. If I create a custom search with this search URL it works fine. Is there a way to edit the built-in search to work with this new URL format?
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