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Everything posted by Briscoe

  1. Thanks so much for your help @Vero, this is incredibly helpful! Is it possible for Prefabs to save User Configuration data? Currently when I drag in a Prefab (that was taken from a workflow with configuration data) I see the "No Workflow Configuration" error.
  2. Thanks for this workaround @Stephen_C! Ideally looking for a template as I don't think prefabs save User Configurations, so you can't "Configure Workflow".
  3. Is it possible to create our own templates that will appear in this menu? Thanks for any and all help!
  4. Thanks @Terminal Typing ? followed by the name of the workflow, then pressing ↩ does takes you directly to edit the workflow in Alfred. I was hoping there was a quicker way - like just holding down a key SHIFT or something - but that doesn't seem to be an option. Thanks again!
  5. When you use Alfred and search for a workflow, is it possible to open that workflow from the results screen? In other words, when you input something in Alfred if you hold OPTION - you can search for that term in finder. If you hold CTRL - you can search with default fallback. Is there a key you can hold that will open your input in Alfred? Essentially i'm looking for a quick way to edit workflows while searching for them. Thanks for any help!
  6. Thanks for this workflow - but how do you properly convert USD to Ethereum? I've set my base currency as USD and inputted my Coinmarket API. I've tried the below and nothing works: 1000 dollars in eth 1000 usd in eth 1000 dollars in ethereum 1000 dollars to eth
  7. Curious if anyone was able to find an alternative to this that works in Alfred 4 🙂
  8. Is it possible to Search the iTunes Music Store by Artist? It appears the only options are search by Album and Song, but would love to also search by Artist. Any help is much appreciated, thanks
  9. Hi - I've added the Google Drive location to my search scope but Alfred still can't search it (though Spotlight can find the files). The only way I can get Alfred to work is to enable "UnIntelligent > Search all file types". Does any one know of a workaround that will enable Alfred to search Google Drive? Attached is what my Default Results look like. Any help is much appreciated! Thanks
  10. Thanks @vitor, option #2 worked though when I tried it before in the past in didn't work. Thanks!
  11. Is it possible to configure Alfred to always use Google Contacts when searching Contacts? As a heavy Google user, currently I have to export from Google Contacts to Apple Contacts app to ensure Alfred recognizes my contacts. I'm curious if there's a workaround. Thanks for any and all help!
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