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Posts posted by luckman212

  1. I have a Python script contained in my Workflow that needs to know the state of the enabledFiles setting which is a Local preference, apparently stored at:




    I can't figure out how to reverse the hash/ID (sha1?) that identifies the local machine. I assume it's some combination of Machine SN#, name, type, etc. but I can't find documentation on that anywhere. Hoping someone can help...🙂

  2. @oorbx and @evanfuchs - Can you try the latest version of the workflow (2.1.4) that I just published? I think the problem may have been that I previously had not enabled the "Keep File Lists" option in my Alfred preferences. With that on, I see that copying images sometimes results in a "File: xxx" type which was not previously handled by my workflow. This is a first attempt at handling both types within the same script filter. Please let me know if it works for you.

  3. @evanfuchs Ok let's start with some basics:


    Open a Terminal and try entering in the following commands. Please copy & paste the results to a pastebin.



    cd "$HOME/Library/Application Support/Alfred/Databases"

    ls -l clipboard.alfdb.data

    sqlite3 -header clipboard.alfdb 'SELECT * FROM clipboard WHERE dataType == 1'



    Finally, open Alfred and select the Workflows tab, then open the Debugger console (⌘D) and trigger ClipSaver. Copy and paste the JSON output to a separate pastebin.

    • Alfred 5.0.5 (2096)
    • macOS 13.0.1


    I like to insert inline styled monospace text sometimes in forum posts. This rich text editor doesn't have a built in formatter for that (I think?). But, I know if copy/pasted, it can be done. So I thought I'd make use of a RichText snippet to easily insert a template. But, it isn't working.


    I copied some styled text from the forum, e.g. from this post:



    And added it to my snippet:



    But, when pasted, it appears as simply:



    Is there some trick for making this work, or am I barking up a dead tree?


    • Alfred 5.0.5 (2096)
    • macOS 13.0.1


    I've been having a go with the URL Handler feature to trigger workflows externally using alfred://runtrigger/ — Nice! 🚀


    One question/clarification: In the docs, it says "An Inbound Configuration set up with an external identifier will behave the same as using an external trigger and provides additional configuration options.", but I'm not finding that to be the case.


    I can only seem to get the URL Handler to work if I explicitly add an External Trigger object and enable the Available via URL Handler checkbox. Simply adding an External Identifier to Inbound Configuration (Direct mode) has no effect when the URL is fired.


    Am I doing this wrong, misunderstanding the feature, or is this a bug?



  4. @BenjaminO I don't think this is an Alfred problem. I suffered Kernel Panics when restarting or shutting down for months and months (check out this 46-page MacRumors thread...). After a lot of fiddling, they finally went away—although I can't with any certainty say why.


    I was humming along fine until I installed Ventura, and now... the crashes on reboot/shutdown are back. Progress!


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