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Posts posted by luckman212

  1. 5.0.2057


    I had an issue where pasting items from Clipboard History wasn't working, even though I had granted Accessibility permissions to Alfred 5 and rebooted several times. I had to go into SysPrefs, remove Alfred and then re-add him to get it working.


    This is likely a macOS bug, but it would be nice if Alfred checked his own permissions upon launch and notified the user if they're not correctly set. Hammerspoon as an example handles this nicely, providing a "green dot" when all is good:



  2. I'd like to suggest a feature:


    - Allow Universal Actions to appear or not based on a regex pattern match. This would be better than just "Text" or "URL". My Universal Actions list is pretty long and unwieldy. There are easily 30-40 items when I call up the menu. Yes I know latching brings the most used ones to the top, and I know I can filter them by typing a few letters. But sometimes my brain works at very low capacity. Having it limited by regex would make Universal Actions a lot nicer!


    related tweet: https://twitter.com/luckman212/status/1532802001620414464


  3. I think I found a little bug. Alfred / macOS 12.4


    I have a few script filters that I explicitly do NOT want to show up as Universal Actions. 


    So, I uncheck said box from the Workflow Editor. Great.


    Now, if you go in to that object and make any changes (clicking Save) ~poof~ the checkbox has silently re-enabled itself.


    Here's a video repro...



    I know Alfred 5 is coming, but hoping this might be fixed before then. 🙏

  4. Thanks @vitor -- I ended up down a rabbit hole but came out the other end with a solution. At first I was trying to compile a custom build of sqlite with the SQLITE_ENABLE_UPDATE_DELETE_LIMIT flag enabled, but that dead-ended. Then I learned that every sqlite db has a hidden unique column called rowid that I was able to hack into the .py script below. It works well enough for me. Maybe useful to someone else, so I'm posting it here.




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