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Posts posted by Terminal

  1. This is on an Intel Mac. Appears path is expanded and then prepended?


    15:19:10 cli.go:177: opening folder "/Users/terminal/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text/Packages/User/Projects/~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text/Packages/LSP-gopls" ...
    15:19:10 scripts.go:160: ------------- [/usr/bin/open /Users/terminal/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text/Packages/User/Projects/~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text/Packages/LSP-gopls] ---------------
    15:19:10 scripts.go:161: The file /Users/terminal/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text/Packages/User/Projects/~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text/Packages/LSP-gopls does not exist.
    15:19:10 scripts.go:162: ----------------------------------------------
    15:19:10 cli.go:180: error opening folder "/Users/terminal/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text/Packages/User/Projects/~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text/Packages/LSP-gopls": exit status 1


  2. I like that idea and have a few other thoughts.


    1. Yes it should return back to where you were. That makes the most sense.

    2. What if we use modifiers for something a bit more advanced. By default it shows / copies the path to the project file but with a modifier + enter, it loads a List Filter with all folders from the project as options. Then each folder you can check for “name” and then pass those to Universal Actions or the clipboard.

  3. Sublime Helper

    Little workflow that provides a few features I use often. It provides the following

    Trigger `sb`

    Opens a browser at the Sublime Text data directory "Packages" or a terminal when using the modifier

    Trigger `sp`

    Searches the PackageControl website for a package. Has respective modifiers as well


    Trigger `sd`

    Opens Sublime Text Documentation with a modifier to open the Dev Documentation


    Trigger `sb`

    Opens a browser at the Sublime Text data directory "Packages" or a terminal when using the modifier


    Trigger `mb`

    Opens a browser at the Sublime Merge data directory "Packages" or a terminal when using the modifier


    Github Repo with Releases



  4. 1 hour ago, deanishe said:


    Alfred already works that way, though?


    Change Alfred's theme while macOS is in dark mode, and Alfred will switch to that theme whenever macOS switches to dark mode (and back to your default one in light mode).

    Hmm I guess it is not very intuitive? I never realized that. Good to know

  5. On 4/7/2021 at 7:17 AM, mtissington said:

    It would be great if the snippit collection affix and suffix are more flexible.

    At the moment they are specific specified characters.


    Instead make them a regex expression. For example


    Suffix = regex \d would trigger the keyword only when followed by any digit (great for currency symbols)

    Suffix = regex \p{P}\p{Z}\r\t would trigger on any delimiter (in any language)


    This would be a very powerful feature.

    This is possible via workflows, which I know you’d probably prefer native snippet support for that, but possibly in the mean time this is a solution

  6. 9 hours ago, deanishe said:

    What do you mean exactly? Alfred does change theme when the OS does. The "trick" is, you can only set Alfred's dark theme when the OS is in dark mode.


    No, that is Alfred native app yes, he wants to change the appearance of the alfred bar when the OS changes from Light to dark. So essentially setting a theme for light mode and dark mode, and then alfred will auto switch with the OS.


    I think this is a reasonable request

  7. On 10/28/2020 at 8:55 PM, Andy Rosen said:

    I'd love to see a JSON option for ls and export.  Unfortunately I don't see that happening any time soon.  The last merge was over a year ago.


    But Version 1.1.0 properly escapes backslashes and double-quotes.  I'm storing sanitized fields in separate files, then merging and formatting them with awk.

    Yeah, I just pulled and merge locally so I can have that support. Thanks. I’ll test tomorrow. 

  8. 17 hours ago, Andy Rosen said:

    Yup!  I'm trying to find a fix for that too, but the LastPass CLI isn't making it easy 🙁


    @Andy RosenThe best approach I can think of is if you offer a v2 that utilizes the lastpass-cli that integrates last pass dumping out as json. Check the GitHub for the PR which supports this. It would make your workflow so much more fluid.

  9. 5 hours ago, nikivi said:

    Want to move from Typinator to Alfred Snippets but miss this one thing. Ability to convert selected text into a snippet instantly.


    Typinator provides this as a binding. When text is selected and the binding is activated, this window will show:




    Can I do the same with Alfred?


    This is possible with a more advanced workflow. It would take a initial setup. But once setup should pretty straight forward. Created a POC. If you would like to see it and modify it please let me know.






  10. @Andrew @Vero Loving this release, especially embedded snippets. Any chance that embedded snippets will include snippet workflow triggers? That would help expand them to be more advanced. Also any hopes in getting snippets to allow regex patterns for snippet workflows? That would allow really advance snippets. Such as `dt.s.` could expand to the current date, or `d.s+7d` would expand to the date in 7 days,.


    A snippet regex trigger would look like `dt.([smlf])([+-])?(\d+)?([dwmy])?\.` which would allow any of those to trigger the snippet. KM supports this and is what I currently use.

  11. This is possible with a snippet workflow. With this example you can set a workflow variable to control the date format 




    import os
    import datetime
    env = os.environ
    date_format = env.get('date_format', '%Y-%m-%d')
    d = datetime.date.today()
    while d.weekday() != 4:
        d += datetime.timedelta(1)
    print d.strftime(date_format),


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