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Everything posted by Terminal

  1. Funny thing is that is shows up with a man command. So it wasn't the workflow it's self. Anyway, using a regex pattern that strings all random chars from the beginning and end of the descriptions. And since its caching, I didn't notice a noticeable impact on performance. You can either type man workflow:update to trigger the update and then man workflow:delcache to rebuild your cache, or just wait for them to trigger themselves. man -k -P cat . | grep automation_trampoline attach_automation_image(8), -(8) - ."====================== attach_automation_image attach and initialize disk images for automation_trampoline(8) ." ." automation_trampoline(8), -(8) - ."====================== automation_trampoline runs automation on boot ." ." ." ." makewhatis: /usr/lib/./libgutenprint.2.dylib: No such file or directory
  2. Does this prompt you for your password or is it functional without those prompts ?
  3. Ah I was misunderstanding you. I’ll have a look! Thanks!
  4. Currently I do generate a html file and then it’s cached for 30 days. I could make the cache time configurable, but it is already able to build on demand the. Open in a default browser. hmmm solutions solutions.
  5. This is all very valuable feedback. Expect update to resolve these issues within a day. Thankfully, this workflow will auto update! As for your quick look question, that’s an idea. I’ll research it and see if I can get it working !
  6. Utilizing Alfred amazing launcher abilities, I've got a few workflows that include passing a password to a command, because I didn't want to type decrypt XXXXXXX (Password) I use a Applescript to prompt me for a secure entry dialog and pass that to my commands, any way to add a "Secure Entry" object that is configured to mask input and strip from debug logs ?
  7. Please post in the feature request section to get this some attention.
  8. sure does have that function. Working on a update now. Along with a few that fixes.
  9. you are completely correct. I’ll have to see if awgo supports retrieving the cache directory. Else I’ll need to figure out a way.
  10. The attached should work. Modify as needed. Using Alfreds dynamic placeholders and if/else statement Development Mode Launcher
  11. To understand fully, something like ? Monday = Launch iOS Simulator Tuesday = Launch iOS Simulator Wednesday = Launch Android Thursday = Launch Android Friday = Launch iOS Simulator if that is the case, you could write a script that checks the day of the week and then launches said value. You would still need to trigger it via a hotkey or keyword type trigger. If you want it automated, then you need to look at something other than Alfred. As Alfred is a launch vs a task scheduler.
  12. Just because I am curious minded. Maybe test this? query="{\"items\":[{\"title\":\"$1\", \"subtitle\":\"$title\", \"arg\": \"HIJ\"}]}" echo -n $query
  13. That is odd. And yes, for python that call should work just fine.
  14. If using python Python Alfred Workflow Library; its a great library for writing Alfred workflows. How are you referencing the variables in bash? They get set a Environment variables. So {var:title} becomes $title
  15. You need to emit the output in a certain format in order For Alfred to recognize it and automatically insert it into its windows. If you share what language you are writing it in, I will get an example for you. The screen below will give you the results.
  16. Hmm, very interesting requirement, I am not sure it would be easily feasible with Alfred. Franz I believe is a electron app and doesn't have built-in AppleScript support. I am guessing what would really be required is to simulate actually mouse clicks and go through the motions. And if that was the case, Keyboard Maestro would be a more appropriate solution. Update Checked, doesn't appear to be a great way to go about this. Hopefully someone else here as a better answer. Sorry
  17. Manipulator Quick manipulation of strings Features Fast Encode - URL, HTML, Base64, Binary, URL Decode - URL, HTML, Base64, Binary, URL, Hex Hash - Sha1, 256, 512, MD5 Case - CamelCase, LowerCamelCase, Uppercase, Lowercase Usage Keyword: hash, case, encode, decode Download Github Repo Direct Download Notes Working to support more functions such as string encryption, decryption, secure copy to clipboard (Pasteboard ConcealedType...working not implemented), Reversing
  18. Alfred-Man This workflow was inspired by Unix man page workflow A Unix man page search workflow that supports opening it with the default application (Terminal.app, iTerm2.app), Generating a PDF or HTML and opening them with your default application. PDF and HTML files are generated once when you request them, and then are updated if you open them and their timestamp is 30 day or older. Features Fast PDF, Terminal, HTML Support Auto Update, Thanks deanishe Usage Keyword: ;man Enter defaults to opening in terminal CMD + Enter opens as PDF Option + Enter opens as HTML Updates Version 1.2.1 - Resolved a issue where random symbols weren't stripped from the description. Thanks @gingerbeardman for reporting this issue. Version 1.2.0 - Moved pdf/html storage to the workflow cache directory Download Github Repo Direct Download Notes PDF and HTML file update mechanisms may be revisited to determine a better solution. Right now, they are generated and then kept in the workflow directory. Perhaps they should use the cache directory. Looking to add searching just as Unix man workflow. Such as section specific searches.
  19. Thank! And yes, didn’t realize there was a thread. that all makes sense, I wasn’t sure how magic functions worked. So I will read that post.
  20. @deanishe Just wondering if you could look at this repo and let me know why the update function isn't working? The code is a mess at the moment, but you should be able to make sense of it https://github.com/TheSecEng/Alfred-Man/tree/master
  21. This definitely can be cleaned up better. But test this out. A video in action https://gifyu.com/image/mVZs #!/usr/bin/osascript -l JavaScript var firstNameReplacement = /(\W|^)NN(\W|$)/gm; var lastNameReplacement = /(\W|^)XX(\W|$)/gm; var dobReplacement = /(\W|^)DOB(\W|$)/gm; var dolReplacement = /(\W|^)DOL(\W|$)/gm; function getName(s) { let pattern = /Name:\s(?:[M][r-s]\.\s)(\w*)\s(\w*)/; return s.match(pattern) } function replaceName(s) { s = s.replace(firstNameReplacement, "$1"+getName(s)[1]+"$2"); s = s.replace(lastNameReplacement, "$1"+getName(s)[2]+"$2"); return s; } function getDateofBirth(s) { let dob = /(?:Date\sof\sBirth:\s)(\w+\s\d{1,2}\,\s\d{4})/; return s.match(dob)[1] } function replaceDOB(s) { s = s.replace(dobReplacement, "$1"+getDateofBirth(s)+"$2"); return s; } function getDateofLoss(s) { let dol = /(?:Date\sof\sLoss:\s)(\w+\s\d{1,2}\,\s\d{4})/; return s.match(dol)[1] } function replaceDOL(s) { s = s.replace(dolReplacement, "$1"+getDateofLoss(s)+"$2"); return s; } function run(argv) { var content = argv[0]; content = replaceName(content); content = replaceDOB(content); content = replaceDOL(content); return content }
  22. @slyfox Here is working replacement of DOB To better help you, what all should this script do? Should one workflow, change pronouns, dob, and name? Or do you want to trigger all of these individually? Can you explain your ideal workflow? As it is completely possible, but without understanding what you are fully trying to accomplish, it is harder to create what you need. #!/usr/bin/osascript -l JavaScript var dobReplacement = /(\W|^)DOB(\W|$)/gm; function getDateofBirth(s) { let dob = /(?:Date\sof\sBirth:\s)(\w+\s\d{1,2}\,\s\d{4})/; return s.match(dob)[1] } function replaceDOB(s) { s = s.replace(dobReplacement, "$1"+getDateofBirth(s)+"$2"); return s; } function run(argv) { return replaceDOB(argv[0]); }
  23. This is due to it being compiled without Developer certificates. Sadly, this repo does not seem like it is very active. A workaround is as follows. xattr -d com.apple.quarantine [PATH TO UNI CALL.app] The app is in your workflow folder.
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