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Posts posted by bevesce

  1. Hi bevesce,


    I use your workflow all the time... thanks!


    At the moment when you are typing tags to assign to a file, there is a lag of 1-2 seconds between what you type and what the workflow gets. So it is common to press enter too quickly and then you end up with missing tags or worse, half-typed tags.

    Is there a way to speed it up?


    It bothered me for some time too.


    I did some profiling and most of the time my scripts is spending on retrieving tags of selected files.

    I cutted some of not necessary calls to that function and it reduced time that scripts works by factor of two, but

    it was not fast enough. If you check out newest update I added atag keyword that have the same functionality that tag keyword has but it doesn't displays any tags of selected files at all, which reduces time approximately 300-500 times and it's really fast (0.002s on my MacBook) but still inserting tags isn't instantaneous and I don't think that I can do anything more, it's just how Alfred works.


    Let me know how it works for you after update, because I'm not sure myself. 

  2. Convert currency

    Alfred workflow and python script that converts currencies using

    http://www.google.com/ig/calculator it's way faster than https://www.google.com/finance/converter

    Converter works offline, when there is no internet connection currency exchange rate from the last time when script/workflow were used to convert given pair of currencies.


    Just type keyword and argument:

    • 10 usd in jpy - displays yen and favorite currencies


    • 10$€ - displays euro and favorite currencies
    • 10 usd - displays favorite currencies


    • 10 - uses default currency - can be specified in convertcurrency.py
    • no argument - uses default currency and 1 as amount




    • Tapping return ↩ in workflow pastes result of conversion to active application.
    • Tapping command+return ⌘+↩ marks currency as favorite - it will be automatically displayed always when converter 







  3. Find and paste unicode symbols. I included a lot of them, like really a lot, over 20k I think, but for me workflow works pretty fast.


    Symbol can be pasted as symbol (mh...), in html encoding, as python string and as unicode code point.







  4. That's nice.

    I used to store all scripts in the scripts folder (to be avaiable in the script menu Bar).

    Is there a way the workflow directly search and list in this folder instead of having to add script manually?



    Simple alfreds file search won't work because it wouldn't be possible to pass arguments to scripts.

    I opted for adding individual scripts manually as more flexible way, I don't need to add whole

    folders of them but maybe I'll implement it when I'll have some free time.

  5. Can anyone explain me why sending messages in this workflow has so many if-else statements?


    I wrote workflow that displays all contacts from Adium in Alfred and allows to send message, but my sending is in two lines and seems to work but maybe I don't know something (well, I know nothing about applescript despite using it in this...).


    I noticed that I repeatedly write some script, wire it with some keyword or hotkey in Alfred and then forget what it was.


    So I created quick workflow that allows you to add scripts to list with **add script** file action and then display and run them with **./** keyword. First word of query is used to filter scripts, you can pass command line arguments after space.




    At the moment workflow supports python, perl, osascritpt and ruby but new languages can be easily added by adding extension and name of interpreter to extension_interpreter dictionary in scriptsrunner.py.   




    I really should stop doing those workflows...

  7. I updated my workflow, now you can search for tasks with powerful queries and append tasks to projects.


    Also now in my repository is a lot more tools for working with plain text todo-lists - Sublime Text 2 package, Mail.app to Inbox.todo applescript, recurring tasks and other.

  8. Hey, I'm being helpful ! That was unexpected  :D


    If I may, I use [timestamp + n] where n is the # of the item and timestamp is the timestamp at the beginning of the script. That way, I'm sure that even with a low precision timestamp (seconds) and a high generation of items, i won't have twice the same ID (both within a query and across several calls).



    Cheers ;)


    Python have module uuid for generating unique identifiers, ruby has similar function in SecureRandom.

  9. I believe the 'Accepts Multiple Files' toggle in the File Action node enables this. Files are returned as a tab separated list.


    You need to use alt+[up] to add items to the file buffer. Then alt+

    to action all items in the buffer.


    Yes, I know about that but that's not what I'm writing about.

    I would like to have access to paths in buffer not from file action but from workflow triggered by keyword.


    For example:

    I add file to buffer using alt+up, then I type "tag test" where "tag" is keyword and then in script triggered by "tag" keyword have access to query - "test" and to paths of files in buffer. 

  10. Tagging files with Alfred and Openmeta. 










    Find file(s) with Alfred, run *Select files to tag* file action, type tags. 


    Showing tags

    Find file, run *Show tags* file action. 



    Search for files tagged with given tag using tags keyword. 



    - Openmeta cli is in /usr/bin




  11. I would like to make workflow for tagging files with openmeta.

    At the moment I came up with File Action that copies files paths to clipboard and then

    I run tagging script with keyword followed by tags.

    It would be much better if paths in buffer were passed to script in way similar to query - {files}(?).


    Then I could put files in buffer, type keyword and tags to run workflow.


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