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Everything posted by vitor

  1. That’s a different matter. Please follow the procedure outlined by @Stephen_C. And make sure you’re really using this workflow, since there’s more than one for AirPods.
  2. @osthing If you are on Sonoma, you need to add Alfred to Bluetooth permissions under Privacy & Security on System Settings.
  3. When reporting issues, please include your exact installed versions of: The Workflow.Alfred.macOS. In addition to: The debugger output. Perform the failing action, click “Copy” on the top right and paste it here.Details on what you did, what happened, and what you expected to happen. A short video of the steps with the debugger open may help to find the problem faster. Thank you. Accurate and thorough information is crucial for a proper diagnosis which allows me to help you better.
  4. Usage Send files, text, and URLs with AirDrop via the Universal Action. ⤓ Install on the Alfred Gallery | Source
  5. Updated to 2023.4. Replace colour labeling with Universal Action. Meaning the workflow now works entirely without custom code.
  6. When asking about an existing Workflow, it’s best to use its own forum thread. While it may seem that starting a new thread could give your problem visibility, it fragments the discussion and makes it less likely the author and users of the workflow (the people who can help) will see it. I’ve moved your post to the correct place. Please follow the instructions in the second post.
  7. Just created a change log in the forum which lists different ways you can follow changes, including by following that thread.
  8. 2023.8 New Group: Shortcuts.New Group: iWork.Browser tasks: Warn when no windows found.Identify Front App: Add option to return path.URL Encode Text: Normalise text before encoding.Other code and configuration tweaks.
  9. 2023.7 Browser tasks: Fix detection of browser variants.
  10. 2023.5 New Task: Type Text.New Task: Filter for Paths Newer Than.New Task: Filter for Paths Older Than.New Task: File MIME Type.Shorten URL: Add v.gd.Browser Tasks: Improve All Windows configuration text.Frontmost Browser Tasks: Add Arc to list.Other general tweaks.
  11. 2023.4 Tweaked names and descriptions Added more notes to inputs and outputs. New Group: PDF Manipulation. New Task: Is File? New Task: Is Folder? New Task: Is Path Older? New Task: Is Path Newer? Browser Tasks: Get frontmost browser even when it is not frontmost tab. Change Wallpaper: Set output to wallpaper path. Image Dimensions: Output JSON when querying both width and height. Window Management: Remove macOS version note In true or false, do not output newline. Shorter Objective-C calls. Other general tweaks.
  12. 2023.3 Add Frontmost Browser collection. Add support for Orion browser. Add support for Arc browser in current tab actions. New Task: Browsers: Change URL of frontmost tab. New Tasks: Argument Processing: Strip leading and trailing arguments. New Tasks: Text Processing: Strip leading and trailing lines. Misc code tweaks and simplifications.
  13. 2023.2 New task: Get URL Response Code.Keyboard Simulation: New name and description.
  14. 2023.1 Most tasks which required an argument can be configured in the task itself.Keyboard Simulation: New task group in ExtrasClick Menubar Item in Frontmost App: New taskOpen in Quick Look: New taskGet Screen Bounds: New taskGet Path Creation Time: New taskConvert Timezone: New taskFilter Paths for Files: New taskFilter Paths for Folders: New taskURL Encode Text: Encode more charactersBrowser new windows: Make URL optionalFinder Copy Move: Output destination pathsFinder Move: Output destination pathsFinder Comment tasks: Work on extrernal volumesImage Manipulation: Only allow picking filesArgument Processing: add append and prependText Processing: add append and prependChange Wallpaper: Check for single inputConvert Time Format: Default to different input and outputGet Path Basename Without Extension: deprecate in favour of Get Path Basename with checkbox.Create directory trees before trying to save filesImprovements in input detection.Multiple description and wording tweaks.Multiple code improvements.
  15. 2022.15 Tag: Do not descend into package bundles.Get Basename: Option for no extension.Browsers: Reword All Windows checkbox text.Finder Comment: Remove recursive option.Other internal tweaks.
  16. 2022.14 Convert Image Format: Always create directory.Is App Running: allow configured app name.
  17. 2022.13 App actions: Use newline-separated list instead of comma-separated. Comma-separated lines continue to work.
  18. 2022.12 New: Read tags.New: Read Finder comment.New: Copy with Finder.New: Move with Finder.New: Sync Folder Contents.
  19. 2022.11 Change Wallpaper: Allow setting via File Picker.Mention Path instead of Folder in tags and Finder comment configs.Function name tweaks.
  20. 2022.10 New: Get Selection in Finder.Duplicate Paths: return path of duplicates.
  21. 2022.9 New: Resize image by percentage. New: Add, Remove, Set, Clear Tags. New: Add, Remove Finder comments. Browser tabs: Move All Windows config before Output, for consistency. Text Metrics: fix for character count. Description tweak: outputs to returns. Move common scripts to .common directory. directory-children: Use $.NSDirectoryEnumerationSkipsHiddenFiles.
  22. 2022.8 Add path basename and dirname. Allow multiple inputs in getting path extension. Add regex support to browser tab matching. Do not throw error when column in lines split is out of bounds. Prevent extra newline in tail STDIN. Shorter line when adding to array to trash. Correct label text for config in trailing arguments. Help text updates.
  23. 2022.7 Get Window Bounds: option to return individual details.
  24. 2022.6 Window Management: Better handling of standard windows.
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