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Everything posted by vitor

  1. Automation Tasks are always evolving. It is recommended that you automatically keep them up to date but you might also want to know about new changes from time to time. The primary source to learn about updates is the GitHub releases section on the repository. You can visit the page regularly or subscribe to the feed in an RSS reader. This thread will provide a secondary source to those who prefer to check the forum. Note that not every minute change is listed in the changelog. For example: when adding a new group of tasks (which can be handful or a ton of them), the addition of the group is listed but not each task. You can view a list of all available Automation Tasks by adding one to a Workflow and perusing the list, or consulting the documentation.
  2. Keep adding Script Filters (if you need dynamic options), or List Filters (for fixed options), or Keyword Input (freeform options), and between each have an Arg and Vars Utility to save it to a variable to read back at the end.
  3. That seems like it would be doable, but better check with someone used to dealing with academic citations. I’m soft pinging @pseudometa (creator of Supercharged Citation Picker) and @giovanni (maintainer of ZotHero) in case one of them knows and has the availability.
  4. The solution is the same. Install with the command from the website as it’ll give more feedback about what might be happening.
  5. Welcome @Cipri, Install Homebrew as per the website (running one command in the Terminal) and try again. If you recently migrated from an Intel Mac to an Apple Silicon Mac, that’s the likely cause.
  6. The likelier explanation is that whatever library you’re using isn’t available. See Understanding the Scripting Environment. If you’re going to share the workflow with other people, bundle the library with the workflow. Also, check the debugger to really see what’s going on.
  7. It’s the official one in this case (as linked per the blog post). Merged with the correct thread. @hnx Remove the environment variable. The correct way to set the API key is in the Workflow Configuration. Always follow the instructions in the Gallery or the workflow itself. That blog post was written before that type of configuration was possible.
  8. @luciano When asking about an existing workflow, it’s best to use its own forum thread. While it may seem that starting a new thread could give your problem visibility, it fragments the discussion and makes it less likely the author and users of the workflow (the people who can help) will see it. I’ve moved your post to the correct location. Or you can ask on the GitHub repository.
  9. On the contrary, per the debugger there’s nothing to indicate it isn’t. If we don’t have the full picture, meaning at least the exact BTT action you’re using, no one can accurately test your case to understand it it themselves and help you.
  10. So you configured an action in BTT, added a hotkey to it, then added a Keyword in Alfred to fake press the hotkey? That’s a lot of indirection. Instead, you should set Alfred to programmatically run the action in BTT. More importantly, unless you share the BTT action it won’t be viable to provide any assistance since that’s where everything is.
  11. When reporting issues, please include your exact installed versions of: The Workflow.Alfred.macOS. In addition to: The debugger output. Perform the failing action, click “Copy” on the top right and paste it here.Details on what you did, what happened, and what you expected to happen. A short video of the steps with the debugger open may help to find the problem faster. Thank you. Accurate and thorough information is crucial for a proper diagnosis which allows me to help you better.
  12. Usage Shorten and expand URLs via the shorturl and longurl keywords. ↩: Copy result to clipboard.⌘↩: Copy result and paste to frontmost app. Alternatively, use the Universal Actions. ⤓ Install on the Alfred Gallery | Source
  13. Welcome @luciano, Yes, that’s quite doable by reformatting the JSON to the format Alfred expects and loading it in a Script Filter. Better yet, since the data is so simple, you could also convert the data to CSV and throw that into a List Filter.
  14. The linked page goes into detail. Use the Automation Task in Extra Automation Tasks → Web Browsers → Frontmost Browser → Close Front Browser Tabs Matching URL.
  15. To do that, you need to automate the browser itself, which depends on what you’re using (no dice if it’s Firefox). It’s not possible to expand further without learning more about your workflow and exact use case. Assuming you just don’t want repeated tabs laying around, your best best is to use an Automation Task to close the previous ones.
  16. Have a Keyword Input to receive your number. Pass it to a Replace Utility set to Replace regex (\d\d)(\d\d) with $1,$2. This will split into numbers separated by commas. Then use the Split Arg Utility set to split on commas and output variables.
  17. What does your configuration look like? Also, what are your versions of Alfred, macOS, the workflow, and MacUpdater? Please be specific, as “latest” doesn’t provide information.
  18. Your code looks reversed. What you seem to be doing is setting a default icon which will always exist, then saying “if icon.png exists (which it will) replace it with something else”. What you should do is set the alternative icon first, and if that does not exist, use icon.png. Something like (untested): const elementIcon = `${__dirname}/simple-icons/${element.name.toLowerCase()}.svg` const iconPath = fs.existsSync(elementIcon) ? elementIcon : "icon.png"
  19. icon.png is the default icon. That’s the image the workflow stores as its icon. You can delete icon: { path: iconPath }, entirely and it will be used.
  20. If you’re using a library, then it becomes a question for its author or documentation. That part is unclear. There is an autocomplete key in Alfred’s Script Filter JSON, but no key. What exactly are you doing? The way to force the autocomplete to expand on ↩ is to set valid to false. The Script Filter then reruns because the input changed. Presumably (haven’t verified), that workflow is checking if the input starts with a known string (t: or m:) to react accordingly. The language is irrelevant. All that matters is that you output the correct JSON.
  21. Resetting the Sync Folder to the default folder. Without the video and running it with the keyword instead of the hotkey, I can’t say anything for sure. It would be speculation. If one computer is the main one (seems to be), the Backup Preferences workflow will make that simple.
  22. Technically that is a bundle, like a macOS app. You can right click it and Show Package Contents to navigate inside it. That might help you to see the modification dates and make sure the syncing is done. A better option is to right click the workflow in Alfred Preferences and Reveal in Finder. Correct, assuming iCloud Drive is doing the syncing correctly (historically iCloud Drive has been unreliable, which is why it’s recommended against, but many use it without a problem). Forgot to comment on this before. Having the video of the process would be very useful, because when there’s miscommunication or differing assumptions, that often makes it clear.
  23. You need to add Alfred to the Bluetooth section of Privacy & Security. That’s a change in Sonoma.
  24. Safari needs to support the automation. You cannot send arbitrary instructions to an application, the receiving app defines what it allows. Using Feedback Assistant on macOS, you can send a feature request for Apple to add support for profiles via AppleScript in Safari, at which point the functionality can be controlled by other apps.
  25. To be clear, setting a sync folder in Alfred doesn’t do any syncing, it only changes the location of the preferences. For any syncing to happen, you need to have an external service (e.g. Dropbox) which does it. The setting is for you to set a location which already syncs for another reason. Could you verify if you enabled Desktop and Documents to be synced? The reason I’m a bit insistent on that is that syncing seems to be at the core of the issue, so it’s paramount we understand exactly what method you’re using so we can debug.
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