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Posts posted by vitor

  1. Each Hotkey and Universal Action Trigger in the workflow corresponds to a different type of Markdown conversion:

    • Markdown → BBCode
    • Markdown → HTML
    • Markdown → RTF

    Supported in conversion to RTF:

    • Italic
    • Bold
    • Italic and Bold
    • Strikethrough
    • Links
    • Unordered lists
    • Ordered lists
    • Superscript
    • Subscript

    Supported in conversion to BBCode:

    • Italic
    • Bold
    • Italic and Bold
    • Horizontal rule
    • Strikethrough
    • Images
    • Links
    • Quotes
    • Inline code
    • Code blocks
    • Headers
    • Unordered lists
    • Ordered lists
    • Superscript
    • Subscript

    Supported in conversion to HTML:
    Everything supported by MultiMarkdown


    Download | Source

  2. the character that you are referencing as being an apostrophe is actually a (according to the character viewer) a single right quotation mark


    I saw that too, but it’s actually what OS X corrects to, and it’s also the character you copy from the wikipedia page on the apostrophe. Either way, in this case is not much of a difference, it’s still a character not being interpreted.


    This makes me wonder if it’s some form of encoding issue with the script area in Alfred. If you look at the change log for Alfred 2.1.1..


    •    Turn off OS X auto substitution in Alfred's script editor fields e.g. smart quotes


    Yep, seems about right.


    As mentioned, if you have to have this character in the script, you could encode it manually and it would work normally.


    No can do, that really does not solve the problem. As I mentioned, the intended way for this to work is on a workflow that’ll have text passed into it from a hotkey. This means that I have no control about what the text will be, since users can pass whatever they want (it’s a parser). I certainly understand the need for that change, but it will potentially break some workflows, and any future ones that depend on interpreting outside text. The problem here is that the substitution is being made inside {query}, and that really should not happen in that case, only to the text directly and specifically written inside the text area.

  3. Let’s say I have this test.rb ruby file (notice I’m not using a single quote (') but an apostrophe (’))

    string = "It’s a string"
    puts string
    I can run this and get the expected output 

    $ /usr/bin/ruby test.rb
    It’s a string
    However, in Alfred, if I have a Run Script that has the equivalent, it completely chokes and does nothing, other than the error sound. Using this as intended for it’s final version (having a hotkey that’ll pass selected text), we don’t even get the sound, just nothing.

    Using OS X 10.9 and Alfred 2.1.1(227).

  4. This looks great - but due to my security settings I get '“notificator.app” can’t be opened because it is from an unidentified developer.' Where do I find notificator.app so I can enable it ?

    You can right-click the workflow, select Show in Finder, and you’ll find it there. You’re not the first person that happens to, though, so I might change notificator in the future.

  5. I know how to get USER_INPUT_(APP_NAME), but I do not know how to "paste" this text in the TERMINAL COMMAND

    Simply double click the Terminal Command node, and paste your text (it should be open -n "/applicaciones/{query}.app" — don’t forget the double quotes, as they’ll be useful for applications with more than one word in the name).


    One more thing, is there any command to really close a TERMINAL WINDOW? I know there is 'exit' but this command does not close the windows, just finish the console.

    Yes and no. exit is the command to leave the shell, but once that happens, the terminal has a say. On apple’s Terminal.app, you need to go to Preferences… → Settings → When the shell exits, and pick another option. This won’t close the Terminal, though, just the window. If you want the terminal to close, you can try something like iTerm2. You can also quit the terminal via applescript with (this code works if you’re running it from bash)

    osascript -e 'tell application "Terminal" to quit'
    but that isn’t that fun, and can lead to some undesired results. What you should do in this case, is forget about Terminal Command altogether, and use the Run Script node (everything else you’ll do the same, you just change this), and you won’t even need a terminal.
  6. On 11/11/2013 at 3:32 AM, swc said:

    On a related note, I think the ability to copy items in the buffer to the clipboard (the actual items, not just the paths) would solve some of these problems as well. I've requested that enhancement also here: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/3409-add-option-to-copy-actual-file-rather-than-file-path/


    As David mentioned there, what you are asking is possible already, even if not the way you’re asking. This specific thread is about something that is not yet possible in any way, within Alfred. Copying from the buffer is easy, and we can do it (as you did), but for drag and drop, we need Alfred’s team to intervene.

  7. Problems with workflows won’t likely be related to Alfred, but to the workflows themselves (something that OSX changed, like different language versions installed by default, that differ in some parts). My advice would be to look at the specific forum threads for the workflows you use, and see if there are any known issues with those. That said, Mavericks is a good and free update that supports a lot of Macs, even old ones, so it’s very likely that workflows that have issues with it will be updated soon. I’d say you’re probably safe to go ahead and upgrade.

  8. I'm okay with how it works now, but not sure if it's ideal, if anyone has any other suggestions, please chime in.

    Homebrew-cask’s Caskroom directory contains only what comes with the app when it is downloaded, so adding its directory will do no harm.

  9. By not allowing installation hooks/scripts/etc, all you do is move the security concerns from installation, to runtime.. which doesn't seem to matter to me.

    It does matter. I (and I’m guessing others) tend to open up new workflows to see how they work, in search for interesting solutions; by doing this, it means we can find security issues and alert others without having our own machines compromised in the process. If the code runs at installation time, there’s no way to check it before running, and that is really bad.

    Let’s take a non-security-related example. With DownVid, I chose not to implement a way to extract the audio by default. I did this since that action would rely on ffmpeg, which is not public domain, and I want to maintain my workflow as such (I believe allowing other people to tinker with the code to be so important that I’m willing to sacrifice that feature for it). Since some people asked for that feature, what I did was make a small tutorial to implement it. With your suggestion, what I could do is simply install ffmpeg at runtime, but imagine you don’t want ffmpeg, why should I be installing something on your system, outside of Alfred, without your consent?

    Having that extra step (having to run a command to configure, vs doing it automatically at runtime) makes for a slightly worse user experience, sure, but the tradeoffs are, as I see it, worth it — they give you a choice.

  10. I think it’s not possible (and I’m guessing it’ll stay that way, for security reasons), but what you could do is add a “configure” option to your workflow (similar to how workflows that need login credentials and other specific information do), that’ll do that for you.

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