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Posts posted by iEnno

  1. On 14.4.2017 at 0:39 AM, david.heberling said:

    Is there a way you can statically add a location to the script.


    It's actually quite easy. Open the workflow and double click the action that says "open URL" (the upper right one).

    In the URL field (which currently says "busycalevent://new/{query}") you just append the keyword "in" and your location. Be aware that you have to URL-encode some characters, i.e. spaces become "%20". A list of those characters can be found here.


    An example: if your location was "my sweet home", the URL field should be changed to "busycalevent://new/{query}%20in%20my%20sweet%20home".

    Hope this helps.


    On 24.4.2017 at 0:46 AM, MacWorks said:

    Is there any way to modify this workflow to work with Daylite instead?


    I'm sorry. I don't know Daylite. BusyCal works with URL schemes, so you may try to look for URL scheme support in Daylite and build something like this yourself.

  2. When I press Ctrl+T it writes "open -a 'Path Finder' ./" in iTerm and hit enter.  

    If I knew Path Finder was also an option I would have just sugested using the keyword ip. It will open the current iTerm directory in Path Finder thanks to a user contribution on github. I will update the initial post to state this clear.

    Nevertheless Keyboard Maestro seems like a good fit for this. You could also use TextExpander which I use for common terminal commands. There are many ways to achieve your goal, so I'm glaf you found yours :)

  3. @politicus: ForKlift is a hard one, because neither does it support AppleScript nor does it work with the standard "open" command in terminal. I found this and managed to get it work by triggering the following AppleScript:

    on alfred_script(q)
    	tell application "iTerm"
    		tell the current session of current terminal
    			write text "absPath=`pwd`
    if application \"ForkLift\" is not running then
        activate application \"ForkLift\"
        delay 1
    end if
    activate application \"ForkLift\"
    tell application \"System Events\"
        keystroke \"g\" using {command down, shift down}
        keystroke \"$absPath\"
        keystroke return
    end tell
    ) | osascript"
    		end tell
    	end tell
    end alfred_script

    Try it yourself and tell me if that works for you.

  4. Is there any way to make this workflow calculate from a future date/time?  I'd like to be able to enter some date/time in the future and then add/subtract time from that date.  Any way to do this?  Thanks!


    Currently there is no way to achieve what you want, but it would surely be useful though. I will try to make some time to implement it, but don't expect it anytime soon. I will let you know when it's ready.

  5. Hi, reduced the complexity of Benzi's workflow. All my workflow does, is take an interactive screenshot and place it directly into the clipboard when you press command+option+shift+4 ---- it is all I ever need when taking screenshots and it is faster than going through the alfred menus --- just in case anyone is interested. ---- Benzi's piece is of course way cooler....




    You can accomplish this by just pressing ^⇧⌘4 (the standard one plus ctrl-key). You can even use ⇧⌘4 and draw the rectangle using the Ctrl-key to copy the result to clipboard. Just saying.


    This workflow is awesome btw. I was about to create something similar, but a short Google search proved other people already have been that smart ;)

  6. Any chance to combine the same date format customization options there?


    1. Open the Workflow in Alfred Preferences

    2. Double-Click the "Run Script" action

    3. Add your format, i.e. date +"%B %d, %Y"


    The +-sign says "here comes a format", double quotes wrap it and the actual characters with the %-sign appended have a specific meaning.

    The possible characters for the format scan be looked up on http://strfti.me/,

  7. I built a new version using kopischke's suggestion which increases speed dramatically.

    You should be able to update it via alleyoop. If that won't work, please report back and use the link in the first post of this topic ("Direct Download").

    From now on in order to configure the date output you have to use strftime syntax. The Workflow should migrate your current setting automatically. Please report back if there are any problems.

    Once again: thanks for all suggestions and error reports.

    Edit: the timezone fixes shouldn't be necessary anymore.

  8. All these PHP error kind of bug me, because I thought they are due to wrong php.ini settings when using PHP >=5.3. Will fix that as soon as I find a minute.


    Very nice idea, but wouldn’t it be much simpler (not to mention probably both faster and less prone to PHP warnings) to use the POSIX date utility that ships with OS X?

    Thanks for the suggestion. Obviously didn't know about it. Will have a look into.

  9. Is there any way to make it open in a new terminal tab instead of a new window?

    Will have a look into, thanks for suggestion.


    Nice one!

    Keep in mind you can also do "open ." in terminal or iTerm and open it's current path in Finder

    Well, that's exactly what the script does. It's just the Alfred way ;)


    Found this on Github, very nice and easy to use. Really like it.

    Thanks, man. Always nice to hear that something I built for myself is helpful to others. Really appreciate it.

  10. Any chance of doing just the opposite?


    1. Go into the Workflows panel of Alfred's Settings.

    2. Select Firechrome-Workflow.

    3. Double click 'Run Script' action.

    4. Delete Code and insert


    tell application "Firefox" to activate
    tell application "System Events"
    	keystroke "l" using {command down} -- Highlight the URL field.
    	delay 0.5
    	keystroke "c" using {command down} -- Copy the URL field.
    	delay 0.5
    	do shell script "Open -a 'Google Chrome' " & (the clipboard)
    end tell


    It's not very fast, but the simplest solution I could find right now. Ok to you?


    (sorry for delayed answer, have to figure out how to receive an email when someone quotes me)

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