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  1. Thanks to lazy me-of-the-past it's still hanging in my downloads folder. Click here for download.
  2. Hi how can I select a specific calendar within the busycal workflow?


  3. The workflow uses the URL scheme "busycalevent://new/-{query}" to create the Todo. According to the docs this should work. In a quick test I indeed got this working so I don't really know how to help you :(
  4. Found this in my Downloads folder. Hope it helps.
  5. This is the one I have and that works for me: https://www.dropbox.com/s/q2dgrr33rdnsh81/Transmit.alfredworkflow?dl=0
  6. I installed Transmit 5 and the workflow works for me. What exactly doesn't work?
  7. It's actually quite easy. Open the workflow and double click the action that says "open URL" (the upper right one). In the URL field (which currently says "busycalevent://new/{query}") you just append the keyword "in" and your location. Be aware that you have to URL-encode some characters, i.e. spaces become "%20". A list of those characters can be found here. An example: if your location was "my sweet home", the URL field should be changed to "busycalevent://new/{query}%20in%20my%20sweet%20home". Hope this helps. I'm sorry. I don't know Daylite. BusyCal works with URL schemes, so you may try to look for URL scheme support in Daylite and build something like this yourself.
  8. If I knew Path Finder was also an option I would have just sugested using the keyword ip. It will open the current iTerm directory in Path Finder thanks to a user contribution on github. I will update the initial post to state this clear. Nevertheless Keyboard Maestro seems like a good fit for this. You could also use TextExpander which I use for common terminal commands. There are many ways to achieve your goal, so I'm glaf you found yours
  9. @politicus: ForKlift is a hard one, because neither does it support AppleScript nor does it work with the standard "open" command in terminal. I found this and managed to get it work by triggering the following AppleScript: on alfred_script(q) tell application "iTerm" tell the current session of current terminal write text "absPath=`pwd` (cat<<EOF if application \"ForkLift\" is not running then activate application \"ForkLift\" delay 1 end if activate application \"ForkLift\" tell application \"System Events\" keystroke \"g\" using {command down, shift down} keystroke \"$absPath\" keystroke return end tell EOF ) | osascript" end tell end tell end alfred_script Try it yourself and tell me if that works for you.
  10. You can specify a calendar by using the slash trick (that's how I call it): End the event string with "/" and the first letter of the calendar, i.e. "cinema today /p" ("/p" for calendar "Private").
  11. Currently there is no way to achieve what you want, but it would surely be useful though. I will try to make some time to implement it, but don't expect it anytime soon. I will let you know when it's ready.
  12. You can accomplish this by just pressing ^⇧⌘4 (the standard one plus ctrl-key). You can even use ⇧⌘4 and draw the rectangle using the Ctrl-key to copy the result to clipboard. Just saying. This workflow is awesome btw. I was about to create something similar, but a short Google search proved other people already have been that smart
  13. Here is a Workflow to add an Event or a Todo to BusyCal. Simply use the keyword busy to add an Event, use the ⌥-modifier to make it a Todo. Direct Download GitHub
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