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Everything posted by oderwat

  1. I just added it to myl "Last changed Files" Workflow and it works like a charm! http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/1715-find-files-recently-changed-similar-to-trickster-functionality/
  2. I added Alleyoop Support (for semi auto-updates) and fixed another problem with listing order. In addition I filter ".opt" files (mysql creates them) too now. For Alleyoop Support install this extension: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/1582-alleyoop-update-alfred-workflows/ ... and ask other developers to include this update system into their workflows. I think it is pretty easy to do and worth the effort!
  3. I would greatly enjoy to be able to drag and drop directly from the result list! As it is now you need to be in filesystem browser mode to drag and drop. I think it should be possible to implement this also for the result view!
  4. Well... Alleyoop is cool for Workflows which are "set" ... the "Last changed files" one could make use of it. I consider that if there are more updates coming. The window arranger is more like a sandbox for people if they want to use it. It was originally meant to start multiple apps by hotkey and arrange them. I am not sure about slate but no windows manger I know can do that. My "frontmost" window manipulation is more for "showing" something. Slate looks nice but as I wrote, I totally rely on the Custom Snap Areas which only are in better Snap Tool. A feature which is mostly overlooked I guess.
  5. Full screen is easy if you can copy/paste the code with basis understandings. Restore is not as easy because it needs to store "old" position and size (and only do this if it has actually changed). This could be added by storing the current positions in a little database. Not sure if I am going to implement that (soon) as the whole thing was more a proof of concept for me. I extensively use the Snap Areas of BetterSnapTool and don't really have usage for my own workflow
  6. Corrected the bug that the oldest file was displayed on the top.
  7. I updated the script to exclude some more files (mysql data, files in ~/Library, Safari Bookmarks)
  8. This workflow is useable but also a skeleton I made to answer a question @rosenkrieger asked on app.net (https://alpha.app.net/rosenkrieger/post/4397777). In the form I present it, it has hotkeys and (non searchable) the ".arrange" keyword which lists some arrangement setups (frontmost window left, right, top left quarter) and an example on starting an application (safari) and moving its window into place. Keep in mind this was more a proof of concept for testing if it is possible to start apps and arrange windows with alfred in an easy way. It can be used to resize the frontmost window by keeping the application name in setWin() empty (see the first 3 of my sample setups) It also can be used as base to create your own customized workflow which starts applications and puts it's window into the place you want (see the 4th setup) After installing the workflow set the Hotkeys to "Shift + ALT + CMD + A", "Shift + ALT + CMD + B", "Shift + ALT + CMD + C", "Shift + ALT + CMD + D" When you then press the hotkeys it does the frontmost window resize magic. You can also pop up Alfred and type ".arrange " to get the list of available arrangement setups and chose one of them. Feel free to modify the script (pretty straight forward I think) to do what you want! Download: https://github.com/oderwat/alfredworkflows/blob/master/Window%20Arrangements.alfredworkflow
  9. I often need to do something with my last saved or changed files, like a screenshot or a file I just downloaded with CyberDuck or saved from inside an application. Normally I use "Trickster" for that task. It which gives me access to files like recently downloaded, saved or edited files in a quick way but I thought it would be cool to have this in Alfred! After a brief check of existing workflows I could not find any which does the same simple task: List files in the current users home which are modified or created in the last 48 hours. The list is sorted descending by modification time. I also made the result list searchable. Simply type "last" and it will list the last modified files, you can press space and some letters to filter the results. You also can press Return to open the file or CMD+Return to Browse to the file with Alfred (and then use File Actions on it). https://github.com/oderwat/alfredworkflows/blob/master/Last%20changed%20files.alfredworkflow This workflow uses "workflow class" by David Ferguson (@jdfwarrior) to build the resulting xml data. Besides that it uses a "mdfind" shell command which can be enhanced if you want to change where it searches and what it filters from the results (I filter some filetypes which are unlikely to be interesting for me). I am supporting Updates by the "Alleyoop" Workflow now (Install that workflow from here: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/1582-alleyoop-update-alfred-workflows/) Feel free to comment! Last Changed: 2013-04-19 19:06 V1.12: With the new Alfred 2 Update it is finally possible to fix the result order in a supported way (I modified workflow.php to support that). V1.11: Yet another method to fix the result order! Added 'Docoments/My Games' to blacklist. V1.10: Added iTunes to Blacklist (and a rather special personal Blacklist)! V1.9: Fixed problem with missing files when they have the same timestamp. V1.8: Updated to the new way Alleyoop works. V1.7: Changed how files are choosen to include files recently created even if they have an old timestamp. Added Microsoft Office Support files to the blacklist. Added Parallels VM Files to the Blacklist. V1.6: Made the found files in the result list draggable! V1.5: Added Alleyoop Support and fixed another bug with listing order (hopefully the last time now). V1.4: Fixed that the "oldest" entry was always displayed on the top (while the others where in descending order) V1.1: I updated the script to exclude some more files (mysql data, files in ~/Library, Safari Bookmarks)
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