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Posts posted by dfay

  1. Assuming Postbox is handling mailto: links , you could create a workflow that would compose a URL like 




    and then send it to an open URL action.


    This means you'd need to pass both the email address and the subject line from Alfred - there are ways to do this, but they all require a bit of work.  See http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/3890-help-with-multiple-queries-for-a-gmail-compose-script/?hl=%2Bmultiple+%2Bqueriesfor a discussion.

  2. If you're using a hotkey, you can just set its argument to OS X Clipboard Contents and pass it that way.


    Otherwise I'd just stick in a bash script with a single line with just one line: pbpaste then connect that to your python script.


    I'm assuming you're just going to use an Alfred Copy to Clipboard object at the end -- otherwise there are libraries like pyperclip if you're going to be actively modifying the clipboard midway through the python script.

  3. My latest updates for TaskPaper 3 and OmniFocus:

    	do shell script "cd '/Users/username/Library/Application Support/TaskPaper/'; cat day.less > theme.less"
    	tell application "OmniFocus"
    		set value of preference id "OFIColorPaletteIdentifier" to "builtin:OmniFocus Light"
    	end tell

    Same code but with night.less and OmniFocus Dark for night.  You need to create a day.less and night.less TP3 theme.

  4. this is the expected behavior -- as soon as you type a keyword that matches an existing script filter workflow (like the audio output one you mention, which incidentally is working fine for me with Alfred 3), the script executes -- the problem is that the script(s) fail for some reason.  Alfred is working as expected, but the workflow is crashing, so Alfred is reverting to default output.


    another thing that can happen is that some script filter-based workflows can take a couple of seconds to execute, so you'll get the default search and then the correct results will eventually appear.


    If you open the debugger - https://www.alfredapp.com/help/workflows/advanced/debugger/then run one of the workflows that is turning over to google search, you'll probably see some error messages.

  5. This generally means there's a bug or some other issue that's stopping the workflow from being able to run, so it falls back on a default search.   Which means you should probably search for the workflow pages in the forum or contact the authors.

  6. Hmm....running it on an Apple Mail message .emlx gives fields like this, which allow for a lot more granularity in the search:


    kMDItemAuthorEmailAddresses            = (



    kMDItemAuthors                         = (

        "That Person"

    )kMDItemRecipientEmailAddresses         = (



    kMDItemRecipients                      = (

        "Faculty (somepopele@server.ucr.edu)"


    kMDItemSubject                         = "pithy but informative subject line"


    So the kMDItemTextContent may be the best you can do.  If you wanted to push it you could probably find a regex to parse the email out of the text field.

  7. I just had this problem with Spotlight not finding (& Quicklook not displaying) my old WordPerfect files -- when I ran the terminal command to manually import a file


    /usr/bin/mdimport -d1 filename


    it was showing dyn.ah62d4rv4ge81s6de as the file type


    I rebuilt Launch Services (I used MainMenu.app to do this but there's a terminal command to do the same) & after that the type shows as 'com.corel.wordperfect.doc' and Spotlight & Quicklook are back to working.


    So maybe rebuilding Launch Services will restore the correct net.daringfireball.markdown file type.

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