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Posts posted by gohoyer

  1. @Smpl and @slempke,


    I`ve released a new version v1.2.0 trying to address these issues.


    On this new version I've converted the script filter to a external script and included a Requirements section on README informing that you need to have python3 installed  on your system.


    Could you try it and tell me if it solved the problems reported above?

  2. On 3/8/2022 at 8:36 AM, Smpl said:

    looked in the /Users/{user}/Library/Application Support/Alfred/Workflow Data folder, but I don't see the mentioned "RectangleConfig.json" file that is supposedly created

    Could you try to export the json file from Rectangle and use the  "Manage Settings" option from the workflow  to inform the json location?

  3. Alfred-ColormindMe

    This Alfred workflow creates a random theme based on a color palette from https://colormind.io.



    Just type cm on Alfred and select Get Random Theme to generate a random theme.

    Once it`s done, it will show the generated theme on finder with the filename random.alfredappearance. Just open this file to import the theme to Alfred.

    The first time you run the workflow it will ask you to set a destination folder to the generated themes.




    Check the releases page to download it.


    Check example  themes generated with this workflow below:










  4. Alfred Cheat.sh

    Access your favourite cheat sheets from cheat.sh directly from Alfred.


    The main workflow is accessd throught the keyword cht:




    The selected cheat sheet will be copied to your clipboard.


    On the first usage, the workflow will ask you to update the avaliable cheat sheets because it compiles a lista of avaliable items and caches it on the Work Flow Data folder for faster results. At anytime you could update the list throught the menu update cheats:



    This workflow require you to have jq avaliable on your system.

    To check if they're avaliable on your system open a terminal and type:

    which jq

    The expected result is similar to:



    The main workflow doesn't support cheat sheets for programming languages or special pages like :help from cheat.sh (mainly because of the huge ammount of things that must be escaped to properly load as json).


    If you want to acccess this type of content you could use the fcht keyword and it will print the full cheat sheet on your terminal instead.


    Check the releases page to download it.

  5. Just a minor improvement  on @Archite awesome example converting a bash array to a json array, that way it becomes more reusable:


    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    # Declare your initial values
    regions="france netherlands denmark"
    # Converts your string to a bash array
    SAVEIFS=$IFS        # Save current IFS (Internal Field Separator)
    IFS=' '             # Change IFS to space
    array=($regions)    # split the `regions` string into an array
    IFS=$SAVEIFS        # Restore original IFS
    # Converts the bash array to a json array
    json_array=$(printf '%s\n' "${array[@]}" | jq -R . | jq -s .)
    $ Format the output as Script Filter Json Format
    jq -n --argjson item "$json_array" -f <(echo '{"items":[$item[] as $name | {"uid":$name,"title":$name,"arg":$name,"autocomplete":$name,"icon":{"path":("icons/" + $name + ".png")}}]}')


  6. Alfred Encryptor

    Easily encrypt and decrypt files and folders with passwords using strong AES-256 ciphers.


    Encrypting files/folders

    To encrypt a file or folder type enc and select the files and/or folders you want to encrypt.

    Tip: you can select multiple files/folders putting them on Alfred`s file buffer



    Next, select the destination folder.


    Inform the password to protect the encrypted file and its done!


    A file named encryptor_*.enc will be created and displayed in finder.


    Now you can safelly share this file knowing that only who has the correct password can open it!

    Decrypting files encrypted with Encryptor

    To decrypt a file encrypted by this workflow type dec and select the file to be decrypted.


    Next select the destination folder.


    Inform the password used to encrypt the file and its all that is needed!


    Alfred will open the destination folder on Finder and you can view the decrypted contents.


    This workflow require you to have tar and openssl avaliable on your system.

    To check if they're avaliable on your system open a terminal and type:

    which tar openssl

    The expected result is similar to:


    Behind the scenes

    To encrypt and decrypt files/folders this workflow uses tar and openssl commands in a bash terminal.


    Because of this, anyone who has openssl and tar installed on their systems can encrypt and decrypt files just like this workflow does.


    This means that you can send and receive encrypted files even with non Alfrerd users.


    To manually encrypt or decrypt files just follow the steps below.

    Manually encrypt

    Type the following comands on your terminal replacing:

    • FILE_N and FOLDER_N with the files/folders you want to encrypt
    • PASSWORD with the password to protect the file
    • FILENAME with the name of the resulting file (keep the .enc extension)
    tar -cvf /tmp/encryptor.tar FILE_1 FILE_2 FOLDER_1 FOLDER_2
    openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -salt -in /tmp/encryptor.tar -k PASSWORD -out FILENAME.enc
    rm -f /tmp/encryptor.tar

    Manually decrypt

    Type the following comands on your terminal replacing:

    • FILE with the file to be decrypted
    • PASSWORD with the password used to protect the file
    • FOLDER with the folder where the decrypted files/folders should be placed
    openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -in FILE -k PASSWORD -out /tmp/encryptor.tar
    tar -xvf /tmp/encryptor.tar -C FOLDER
    rm -f /tmp/encryptor.tar


    Check the releases page to download it.

  7. Alfred-Load-In-Helium

    An Alfred workflow to open current browser or clipboard url on Helium.  


    Helium is a floating browser that stays allways on top of other windows and allows you to whatch media while do other stuff.


    icon.png ss_floatingwindow.png



    The first time you use this workflow with one of the supported browsers it will ask you for permissions to interact with the browser to get its current URL.



    Just type lh (load helium) on alfred and the workflow will list the options based on your current open browsers.

    Load in Helium

    Supported Browsers

    Actually the following browsers are supported:

    safari Chrome Chromium Opera Vivaldi Brave Browser


    To download the workflow check the Releases page.


    Credits to: 

     - https://gist.github.com/vitorgalvao/5392178#file-get_title_and_url-applescript 
     - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mgax/applescript-json/master/json.applescript
     - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38041852/does-applescript-have-a-replace-function

  8. New release:


    1.1.0 (https://github.com/gohoyer/Alfred-Rectangle-Shortcuts/releases/tag/1.1.0)

    • Icons were redesigned
    • New option to inform Rectangle config file.


    Just type rct and select the option you want:


    Use the list shortcuts option to see avaliable shortcuts and select the one you want to trigger:


    By default, this workflow goes with a file named RectangleConfig.json on workflow`s home folder containing default shortcuts for Rectangle.

    If you have custom shortcuts you can use the settings option to inform your own Rectangle config file (you can export the config from Rectangle`s preferences page):

    The workflow will automatically map the shortcuts to your config file.

  9. This is an Alfred workflow that allows you to list and access Rectangle shortcuts.





    Workflow  Source: https://github.com/gohoyer/Alfred-Rectangle-Shortcuts


    By default, this workflow goes prepackaged with a file named RectangleConfig.json on workflow`s home folder containing default shortcuts for Rectangle.


    If you use custom shortcuts you can:

    • Export your Rectangle configs as a JSON an replace the file RectangleConfig.json on the home folder of this workfow
    • Save it elsewere and edit the variable RECT_CONFIG_FILE passing the absolute path to your custom config file.


    The workflow will automatically map the settings on your config file.


    Just type rct and select the option you want or continue typing to filter the options.


    r/Alfred - Workflow: Rectangle shortcuts for Alfred



    The icons  still need  some  improvements. If anyone can tell a  good free tool to create icons  I`ll appreciate a lot!
    (those were created in  powerpoint lol)

  10. Alfred-Restore-Iterm-Arrangement

    This alfred workflow will list avaliable iTerm2 arrangements and let you select one to restore.


    iterm2: Build 3.4.15 (not tested on other versions but myght work)

    And the following python libraries:

    pip3 install iterm2
    pip3 install pyobjc

    This workfllow will use the python from iterm2 on ~/Library/ApplicationSupport/iTerm2/Scripts/get_window_arrangements/iterm2env/versions/3.8.6/bin/python3


    Just type iTermA on alfred and it will:

    • Launch iterm2 if its closed
    • List the avaliable window arrangements
    • Restore the selected window arrangement




    Check the releases page to download it.

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