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Everything posted by Maddog

  1. I often forget to turn it off Is there a companion app that can show the state of the system Caffeinate? I found one called Caffeine but it has it's own status and does not reflect whatever I set from this plugin. thanks
  2. I was just thinking how awesome it would be to set timeouts for apps to be frozen across the entire laptop automatically. Like if I haven't switched to some app for a while, auto-suspend it. It would require an exclusion list (like to ignore terminal and chat apps), but I still think it can be awesome for battery life. Yeah, almost forgot to say thanks, learned a new thing today about the kill command
  3. Hey, wonderful workflow, I love it. I recently found this freeze workflow, which I think can be a great addition to your workflow (like a modifier for the 'kill' command). tl;dr - it uses kill -STOP and kill -CONT to suspend/resume processes.
  4. Hey, Been using this for a few days, using mostly 'slk'. Very useful! Few things: 1. Both 'slim' and 'sls' don't work for me, as soon as I type the command, after I hit space, it just reverts to searching the default search engines. Not sure if I'm supposed to type username or the query, but neither seemed to work. 2. Sometimes someone messages me and I just want to quickly reply 'ok' or '2 min', how feasible is it to just type the name and quick message and send, without ever activating slack? If not feasible directly, would it be possible to use applescript to mimic this? Switch to user like 'slk', type the message, hit enter and then cmd+tab back to wherever I was before? Thanks! Great idea and execution!
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