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Posts posted by Florian

  1. Hello everyone,


    I like NodeJS. It's awesome on my server, and it's pretty sleek on my computer with Alfred (I currently have a workflow that lets me browse any music/movie/show torrent with metadata from rottentomatoes or last.fm and streams it right to VLC and saves the cached files if i want, so much better than popcorn time if you ask me).



    But here's the problem: more and more libraries being released are based on NodeJS and they all start the same way:

    #!/usr/bin/env node

    So they do awesome stuff as long as you have node installed on your computer. And Alfred can control all that if you don't mind it popping up a terminal.



    But I want to release my favorite workflows to the public. So I'd rather go with a "Run Script" with /bin/bash so the terminal doesn't pop up. How do you use NodeJS in such case? Do you include it or ask the user to install it on his own? And in both cases, how do you get to that /bin/env node





    As an example, here is where i'm at:


    I'm using this "Terminal Command" action (i guess you can make it a one-liner but i'm not so good at shell scripting):

    var=( $var )
    peerflix "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:$var" -qvr -f ~/Movies/

    where $var ends up being  the ID for the magnet link



    But using the almost same thing as a "Run Script" (so the terminal doesn't have to pop up, and long term, so i can include nodejs with my workflow and have a worry-free user) with /bin/bash, as such:

    var=( $var )
    ./peerflix "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:$var" -qvr -f ~/Movies/

    I invariably get:

    Code 127: env: node: No such file or directory


    Any advice greatly appreciated!

    Thank you all

  2. Hey guys,


    I do believe this is a missing feature. I know the team wants Alfred sleek and instant, but then we hack the hell out of it and we still like it :)


    So here we go, how can we get those results to display dynamically; and by that I mean 2 different things:




    Case #1 - Single result or multiple "display only" results

    Say for example a step in your workflow takes a little bit to complete (not too much otherwise you want to do that in the background and pop back alfred or offer an osx notification with a button to be clicked). In this situation a progress bar would be nice, wouldn't it? 


    proposed solution: why not taking advantage of the external trigger (or older callback methods?) and kick off a separate thread from the script filter that will sleep some time before calling again (somehow we know that this is an "again" call because we stored the query & timestamp somewhere). This would probably make for a dynamic line, no?




    Case #2 - Multiple results

    In this case you have a list of things to return. Say for example today's top artists from mtv. But you also want some metadata on them, and a picture. So you've got to make a first call to mtv's website then you have your list of results (display 1) and then you'll fetch metadata (display 2) and icons (display 3). If you wait for state 3 to be reached for each artist you want to display, this is going to take forever. But display 1 is already an ok time to start showing stuff. And then 2 and 3 can be reached at different times by each artist. It needs dynamic results, no?


    proposed solution: I don't really know how to do that here. Maybe tinkering live with the plist file to turn the list of results into a whole bunch of single results that respond to the same keyword (which is actually the initial keyword + the current query). If you do so, probably you can get results to be added to the list that is currently being displayed. But if you want to refresh items from the list, then is the user has started scrolling down, it'll take him back up. 

    Bottom line, not ideal for refreshing items, but okay for progressively adding items.



    This is a call for ideas to all the old timers (David Ferguson, Carlos-Sz, Tyler Eich, Vítor, Shawn Rice, phyllisstein, CarlosNZ, raguay.customct, ctwise, ... i know you guys like challenge!) and everyone else. Let's hack together :)

  3. Hey guys, 


    so i'm mostly off the Alfred community now and that's why I have to ask a question here (this forum has become huge). Is it now possible to make a dynamic list of results? 


    For single results I'm assuming that it is easy to "update" it regularly now that there are external triggers (even tho it's still hacky). But what about lists? You don't want to refresh if the user has started scrolling down, thus taking him back to result #1. 


    Any news? 

  4. That's very sweet! Love this functionality already! 


    Isn't is possible to get the result in clipboard with CMD+C? Somehow most workflow work that way without any additional scripting (just tried with my google translate workflow). 


    What about user definable modifier keys? Not a very big deal but I prefer using FN and CTRL with alfred for some reason...


    I haven't tried to think that one through and it's 5am here and I'm fighting mosquitoes but : what about a full function auto snippet ? Say I'm looking up "js split", and on enter (+modif. key), it pastes ".split(separator)".

  5. I'm gonna surf this wave of responsiveness from you, @bogdansrc, and ask something else that's been bothering me : it would be really cool to be able to copy the name of a function right from alfred. 

    Often I'm looking up the correct spelling or the full name of a function and I'd just want to copy that...


    Thanks for the amazing work ! 

  6. I've got Sublime Text as my default .html application. When I log in on first use, i get a page opening on there... Maybe you could select the default browser to open the page instead.


    Talking about default browser, I'm a Chrome user and your workflow opens up a firefox window. Any way to switch that? 


    Your workflow looks very promising and I'd like to try it but this is what I've encountered so far.

  7. Note that iTunes' method of displaying images is not documented (as far as I know). There's an issue in terminal-notifier about this.


    Yeah I've seen that, but I believe there should be a way around. You can temporarily change the app icon (plus terminal-notifier team seems to be working on it, no?):




    Usurp the primary application icon (terminal) with setApplicationIconImage


    And you can add images in the text with special characters (just tried with this camera thingy from Character Viewer):


    Apparently displaying a button isn't too complicated either, maybe handling the click is though...

  8. Hey guys,


    So I just posted my idea for better notifications here alfredforum.com/topic/better-notifications but since it doesn't have to be a built-in functionnality, I thought one of you guys might want to give a try at developping a class that would do all that and that everyone could use (within a "Run Script" output instead of "Post Notification").


    Give it a glimpse, I think we should work on that ;)




  9. @Florian, straight to the point while still confusing! What is to be gained from the workflow or gained from beta testing? Either way, I needed the laugh.

    - You gain a better workflow, maybe someone who can provide feedback and fixes on your workflows along with some good karma. 


    Ah ah ! Don't get me wrong, I love beta testing. What I was asking was about the new version itself, not from beta testing.


    And yeah you're right, v1.0 was indeed awesome.

  10. Hey Alfred Team,


    since mavericks release, the notifications have gained in complexity and I believe Alfred could take advantage of that. I believe that if the "Post Notification" output of a workflow were to take an XML as an input instead of a query, we could achieve something good.

    Here are my ideas for new functionalities but feel free to add more in the comments.



    1 - The notification image display should ressemble more iTunes notifications: alfred's icon in small, workflow icon as main, and tertiary image optional.



    2 - Notifications should allow clicking for actions (both main action when clicking on the notif itself and secondary action when clicking on a button): open a file with path, show file in finder with path, pop alfred back up with search, remove file (for cancelling a download for example), open an app...



    3 - like I was saying, to accomplish that I believe an XML input would be appropriate. I haven't thought of an ideal way to point to the next action (when clicking, see 2.) but this is I believe overall relevant:

          Here my title
          And there a detailed subtitle
       <main_action arg="">
       <secondary_action arg="" button_text="Skip">

    4 - In case of multiple notifications, some RSS notifiers have thought that putting some delay between notifications allows for better readability and gives time for the user to click if needed. In the case of XML notifications (see point 3.) we could imagine that several notifications of equal importance might need to be displayed (file1.txt, file2.txt downloaded, each could allow for action (like deleting) thus some time between both notification is relevant) but also some notification might be hierarchical ("process started", "process finished") in which case delay is not relevant. I propose:

    <items delay="no">
             process started
             process finished


    <items delay="yes">
             file1.txt downloaded
             file2.txt downloaded

    That's all for now. I do believe all that is doable within a script that would run at the end of a workflow instead of a notification output, so if anyone else than Andrew wants to give it a try, there's some good to be done :)


    Cheers all

  11. I like this workflow but I see some possible improvements:


    1 - why do you use the .py library when you can download soundcloud tracks with a regular cURL or a wget?

    2 - if you require the .py lib, why don't you test whether the user has it and if not, not offer to download in subtitles

    3 - getting the meta info doesn't require a second query to soundcloud with this kind of command (this searches for "macklemore"): 

    curl "http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks?q=macklemore&client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID"

    4 - you could put a boolean somewhere to offer people to download the covers and have a prettier display (you'll get the links in the metadata) (see this workflow:cl.ly/SqZM)

    5 - when downloaded, you could write the metadata so that it looks prettier (cover optional) with this command line tool: eyeD3 (see same workflow as in 4).


    Basically i like the workflow but it could be much better with some inspiration from the workflow mentioned in 4. :) 

  12. Hey Alfred team,

    whenever I'm looking for a file with my dear Alfred, the query starts with a single quote, of course. But if this file doesn't exist on my computer, I'm going to want to look for it on the internet, right? But then the fallback searches will all take this query as it is, meaning with a single quote as first character, which is of no use for my purpose. Of course I could edit manually every single fallback result, but I believe many of us could benefit from a simple option to ignore first char if it is a single quote for fallback results.



  13. Looks cool, definitely something that was missing here.

    If I may, it'd be cool if you didn't have to type the option (one, all, off for repeat) but could just select from list.

    Also it'd be cool to get the itunes icon here (you never know what other workflows might respond to repeat and shuffle keywords), and just add the shuffle or repeat symbols as regular characters (http://character-code.com/arrows-html-codes.php).


    Here are some useful arrows : ↝⤳↬⇝⇴⤼↺⟲⥀ (you can find them on ctrl+cmd+space) Screen%20Shot%202013-12-09%20at%203.21.3I tested, they work with alfred.

  14. Hey guys,


    I made this little workflow today to get over a hangover: I needed good music. There is this website called letournedisque.com that is posting about a track a day, all awesome, ranging from Electro to Hip-Hop to New Jazz and Electro Rock.


    It's easy. You type "tournedisque" (feel free to change the keyword) and you get to hand pick the track you want, download everything that's new (might take a while the first time you do that) or go to the website.




    Everything is cached properly so it should be pretty fast (covers are only downloaded once) and it'll remember what you downloaded in the past (so that the "Download all new songs" doesn't re-downloaded songs you already have).


    And then, you check your Downloads/letournedisque/ folder and ta-daa



    Of course, all downloaded tracks come with the appropriate metadata and artwork so that's it sits pretty in your iTunes.


    I also believe it's a good example of how to pass data between two scripts with php, serializing a variable into the argument field instead of dumping it onto a file. But please, feel free to criticize.


    Here is the link:

    See edit of 10 Dec.


    I will welcome any feedback, questions or desires.






    9 dec., bug fixes

     - downloads now register even in single mode

     - added tick-boxes to indicate downloaded and new tracks

    10 dec., removed 

     - I can't let this workflow live any longer. Downloading is illegal and may cause Alfred & le Tournedisque problems.

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