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Posts posted by Florian

  1. Hey guys,

    here's a workflow I find useful:


    just type "adium" and it lists your contacts or add an argument and it narrows it down to matching contacts. press enter to open a chat (new or existing if one already exists).
    If you assign this workflow to the contact name part of the address book, you'll be able to open a chat that way.
    Two know issues:
    - doesn't work with facebook (adium issue, anyone cares to hack?)
    - doesn't deal well with diacriticals
    What do you think?
  2. So I never shared this one yet, so it might be a little tricky.


    If you don't have a C compiler, follow these instructions (if you don't know what it is, chances are you should follow these instructions too).



    Then, follow these ones



    I have installed Flac support on my computer too but I don't remember how. It was a real pain though... Fell free to look around if you need that ability.


    Now you can install the workflow:


    Add all the filetypes you'll need in the first part of the workflow (file action):



    In the second part of the workflow (Run Script), change 






    There you go, it should now work like a charm. Just select one or multiple audio files (it won't go into folders though) and use the file action on them. (You might want to change the name of the file action too because right now it's "convert to mp3").



    If you want total control of the quality (I have set it up to be the best quality possible, theoretically), to find the exact command your script should execute, read this:


    and then, change this line to whatever your readings tell you:

    /usr/local/bin/sox "$input" -C -0.2 "$output"
  3. Good catch. I personally never use that function so I never noticed it. I'm going to update the workflow.


    If you feel like it, there are a few functionalities that could be added, especially browsing (at only one level) a torrent, and / or setting priorities. 


    I probably won't do it myself because I'm lazy.


    Updated version at the same link:


  4. Within the "script filter" named "rate" in this workflow, you will find the code that gives you the title and the artist of the track currently playing. I don't know exactly what you want to do with the lyrics (open in browser, save in .txt, add to track metadata, paste to clipboard...) so depending on that there are several approaches you might want to take. 


    Say you want to add that to the track's metadata.


    First, I'd pass the title and artist as arguments (in the xml output) to a second script (thus replacing the current NSAppleScript) that would get (and parse) the lyrics form a predefined website. I'd recommend you use php for that part as it's very good at dealing with websites but anything would do.


    Second, I'd pass the lyrics you've obtained to a final script. I recommend you use Apple Script as it'll make it really easy for you to set the tracks metadata to the lyrics you've just passed.


    Any question? 


    have fun

  5. Hey guys,

    I realize I never really addressed the issue some of you reported. The only thing that comes to mind is that you might have tempered with /etc/hosts (when trying to block some software activation most likely).


    This is no big deal, just open the file and make sure there is a line that says: localhost

    if it is not the case or if you don't know how to access this file, here is how to edit this protected file:


    open a terminal and type

    sudo vi /etc/hosts


    it'll ask for your password (when typing, nothing appears, this is normal).

    Once the file opens (in terminal), press A to enter the edit mode, add the line (wherever), press ESC to quit the edit mode and press :WQ to save and quit.

    You are done.


    If the workflow still doesn't work, tell me.

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