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Alfred 3 Lag on High Sierra


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Running High Sierra 10.13.1 (17B35a)

Alfred 3.5 [876]


Lately, Alfred has become extremely slow and laggy. I bring up Alfred, and after each keypress have to wait a second or two before the next keypress registers. It's bordering on unusable. I try to think back to when I first noticed the slowdown, and I'm guessing it was around the time I updated to High Sierra, but I don't know if it's connected.


I found a similar thread about Alfred 2, and have tried all of the suggested steps - I have disabled the eject commands, disabled all workflows, rebuilt the metadata, and disabled all but the most useful features to me. It continues to run at a snail's pace.


Has anyone else been experiencing this problem? Is there anything else that I can try to speed things up? Is there any more useful info that I can provide you to help get to the bottom of this?


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@AJCrowley As Vitor said, there's a High Sierra issue affecting a small proportion of users when using high window blur. Simply lowering the blur resolves the issue.


Take a look at the "lag" headline here:



Also, please fill in your Powerpack email address in your forum profile. :)



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