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Alfred 5 Preferences and Workflows not saving

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Hey guys,


After installing Alfred 5, I keep getting error messages when trying to change the default settings, saving a workflow etc. I followed the suggested changes here on the Alfred website to see if the owner permissions of said files were correct (they were) but updated them again to be sure. This hasn't fixed the problem for me.


Note: I still have Alfred 4 installed as well because I need to compare and move my settings and workflows across.


Any suggestions or anyone having similar issues?

Edited by ged12345
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Just checking, but from this Alfred help page:



Alfred 4 and 5 can cohabitate quite happily; You cannot run both apps at the same time, but you can switch between them, and keep both installed if you need to.


I'm assuming you're not trying to run both at the same time but thought it worth just checking. Sorry if that doesn't help.


Edit: What are the exact error messages?



Edited by Stephen_C
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Thank for the response.


You can't run both apps at the same time; you get an error message.


The exact error messages are hard to paste because they appear in a non-selectable message box at the top of the app.


Saving preferences gives something like:
Unable to save local.hotkey.default with value {

(I presume there's more but I can't see it).


I can't see workflow error messages anymore but they're still not importing (nothing in the usual list). I've tried restarting the app a few times.



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@ged12345 Could you let me know where you've set your Alfred preferences to sync to?


If Alfred is unable to save preferences, this is likely because the preferences aren't readily available (e.g. if you're using a sync service where the preferences are being removed from your Mac and only stored offline).


If that's the case, check that you opt for "always available offline" or "local storage"; In Dropbox, this is called SmartSync, while in iCloud, you'd need to disable Optimised Storage altogether as there's no folder-specific option. If you're using another service, it'll be a similar option.


Let us know and we can help you further :)

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21 hours ago, ged12345 said:

but why would there be a different between how Alfred 4 and 5 deal with this?


Alfred 4 and 5 handle it the same, it’s the syncing service which might be causing the issue. For example, Google Drive has a feature where it tries to be smart and deduplicate files so only one copy is kept. That could be removing files from where they need to be, depending on their implementation.

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