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Showing Script filter icon at the top right of Alfred's window

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Alfred 5.1.3 [2174]


Bit of an odd question, but I noticed today that when Script Filters are triggered via a Hotkey, they appear with the workflow's icon at the top right, like this:




But, the same Script Filter, triggered via its own keyword, is missing the icon (or shows Alfred's hat if configured in Theme settings)




I was wondering if this was intentional, and is there any way to manually control whether the icon appears or not in the Script Filter configuration itself? It would be nice to actually have it display the icon in certain cases.


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@luckman212 when trigging a script filter directly, that script filter is unique to Alfred (i.e. the only thing running / showing). You'll also notice this if you wire a Keyword into a Script Filter, you'll see the same Script Filter icon on the right.


When in the default results, depending on context, Alfred could be showing results from multiple sources / workflows.




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On 9/25/2023 at 2:58 PM, luckman212 said:

I was wondering if this was intentional, and is there any way to manually control whether the icon appears or not in the Script Filter configuration itself?


You have some control over it with the Script Filter's "Inbound Configuration".



If set to Keyword, the icon will not show when the workflow is activated with a shortcut or an external trigger. 

To always show the icon, you could have a dedicated Keyword object feeding into the script filter.



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That's cool @zeitlings but then you have the type <keyword> + press <enter>... not quite as smooth as having the keyword directly activate the script filter and immediately show results.


I wish there was something like a "Don't show Alfred's default results" checkbox available on Script Filter objects, that would also enable this exclusive output mode.

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