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Everything posted by zeitlings

  1. Calendar++ v2.1.1 Added configuration option to ignore specific calendarsAdded configuration option to include non-modifiable calendars (enabled by default)Added meeting type meet.google.comImproved !allday event creationImproved handling of all-day events spanning multiple days in the Agenda The Agenda will now display all-day events for all days where they are relevant. The workflow now includes non-modifiable calendars by default for both the Agenda and the block calendar, which should display holidays or any other subscribed calendar and birthdays. The correlating new configuration checkbox is called "Include non-modifiable calendars". Please let me know if you observe any problems occurring in relation to that. Creating new all-day events should now work without specifying a date or title. Apple's EventKit API doesn't provide information about which calendars are currently hidden, however, the new configuration option "Ignored Calendars" now allows you to enter the names of the calendars you don't want to see as a comma-separated list. Sorry for overlooking your question. You can download the theme here.
  2. FYI, currently the `!allday` marker appears to be ignored when no date is specified. For the time being, try something lilke this: `cc !new Some Event today !allday`. Thanks for pointing that out. I have taken note of it and will try to address the issue in the next workflow update. For now, there is no available workaround.
  3. Hey, you already can add custom inference actions by modifying the `actions.json` in the workflow folder. See also the discussion here #6. That's "normal," and I've already noticed it in Apple Mail. The problem is that Apple is hiding the fact that you're currently in a view that accepts text. This prevents the safety feature (stream or paste iff the frontmost app's selected view accepts text) from detecting that you're actually typing or editing text in Apple Mail, leading to an opt-out. I haven't found a workaround yet. The only reliable method at this time is to ignore the safety check altogether for specific apps. Naturally, I'd like to avoid that, but I'm considering making it possible through an environment variable that needs to be manually populated. I find Apple Mail's issues here mildly frustrating myself 😅.
  4. Hey @jpomykala Could you share the output of Alfred's Debugger Utility? Also, keep the behaviour and prerequisites in mind: If you're using the Hotkey or Universal Action in a text editor, the results may be streamed or pasted, depending on your configuration. Otherwise the result will (at the moment silently) be copied to the clipboard. In that case, try to just paste with cmd+v after a while. If normal conversations via the chat window work, you can be sure that the API Key is valid. Sure, I'll export and upload it somewhere in a bit. Available: here.
  5. There's never a better time to learn these things than now 😄. I'm sure the forum community will be happy to help you out with any uncertainties and hurdles you may encounter, too. Your approach works just as well, the only drawback I see is that for every change you make to a script, the Run-All-Mono-Script has to be manually adjusted as well.
  6. Hey @quantumfrost00 Thanks for the kind words! Note that you have some control over the text size:
  7. Hey @zlebandit I see. Make sure you use the External Trigger object with the identifier "chat.new" when you are sending the argument (prompt) and variables to the Nexus via an external workflow! That way your previous conversations will be preserved and the chat file won't be missing.
  8. Hey @level The most straight-forward solution would be to add a 12th option, give at an argument, check it with the conditional utility, and connect the output with every single subsequent script. The scripts would start all at once, though, not one after the other. If the execution time is known, you could use the Delay utility to achieve sequentiality. Another idea that comes to mind is to connect the output to a Run Script object and loop through all arguments used in the conditional utility, calling an External Trigger via the URL Handler that points into the conditional. Example Workflow: https://transfer.archivete.am/hlUqE/Demo | All List Filter Options.alfredworkflow
  9. Hey @zlebandit I'd be interested in the sequence of events that led you to this scenario, if you recall. Which version of the Workflow are you using? As a first aid measure, try starting a new conversation or canceling response generation (this will clean up some of the control-critical files that may be lingering due to some unknown exception, but shouldn't).
  10. Such as QLMarkdown (Github, free) or Peek (App Store, payed). I actually bought peek and it still works great, but note that there have been no updates for 2 years.
  11. Hey @philocalyst Keep in mind: If you enable live-search (and use ChatGPT) there will be an additional ~500 tokens used per request. The system prompt also comes on top each time. You can also limit the count of messages that are included in the prompt via the configuration, effectively shortening the context window: How exactly did you try to shorten the context window? If you tried to shorten it via the configuration, and the chat history contains a tool call ("Searching"), I have a hunch that the truncation could be the problem. In that case, try changing the range a bit for now (+1 or +2 or +3, -1 or -2 ...). If that solves the problem, then the way how the context is truncated might actually need to be refined.
  12. Ayai GPT Nexus alpha.5 Added Inference Actions 🥳 Requires accessibility access Inference Actions are evaluated with pkl and can be freely modified or extended Added configuration option: Generate Added Environment Variable openai_alternative_shared_finish_reasons to handle additional stop sequences #2 Updated models Updated annotated chat service images Updated workflow documentation Inference Actions provide a suite of language tools for text generation and transformation. These tools enable summarization, clarification, concise writing, and tone adjustment for selected text. They can also correct spelling, expand and paraphrase text, follow instructions, answer questions, and improve text in other ways. The results will be either streamed, pasted or copied to the clipboard. The default behaviour can be set via the Generate configuration option or selected en passant via the key modifier combinations. Ayai will make sure that the frontmost application accepts text input before streaming or pasting anything, and will simply copy the result to the clipboard if it does not. This requires accessibility access, which you may need to grant in order to use inference actions. ↩ Generate the result using the configured default strategy. ⌘↩ Paste the result and replace selection. ⌥↩ Stream the result and preserve selection. ⌃↩ Copy the result to clipboard.
  13. Hey @Corina The GIF should be created in the the same location as the source video.
  14. Hey @philocalyst, thanks! Glad to hear it. At the bottom of the configuration you can find a section called "Accessibility" where the text size can be changed. The available sizes are enforced by Alfred's text view and cannot be customized further. Generally, the look of the text view is determined by your current theme, i.e. changes in color or font size there will be reflected in the Ayai chat window. Unfortunately, ad hoc changes to the theme of a specific object (such as the text view used for the chat window), without affecting the theme everywhere else, is currently not possible.
  15. Nope. The individual response items are fixed in size. If you're using a Script Filter, you could make the overflowing text available via Large Type (Search: text : OBJECT (optional)). I guess another hacky workaround to make use of multiple subtitles would be to distribute the overflowing text over different modifier keys (Search: mods : OBJECT (optional)).
  16. @FireFingers21 As a side note: For this particular scenario, I configured a hotkey specifically for Finder: ⇧⌘↓. Check if the selection is a file or folder, and on success, route the file path into the "Action in Alfred" object that jumps to "Open with...". It's such a simple but effective little quality-of-life improvement.
  17. Thanks, it's just that the result of the command being written to stdout will mess with Script Filters. There's an easy fix though: if which swiftc > /dev/null 2>&1; then # available else # unavailable fi
  18. Yeah, that's also what I'm usually doing. Though, I usually don't mind blocking the thread for a moment to compile. Neat idea though! if [[ "$(which swiftc)" =~ "not" ]]; then swift ./main.swift "${args[@]}" # crawl else [[ -f ./binary ]] || $(swiftc -O ./main.swift -o ./binary) # compile ./binary "${args[@]}" fi However, I was wondering if the which command is localized, but so far I haven't heard any complaints 😄
  19. Hey @unfunfionn In 1.3.0, I've added an environment variable to explicitly exclude specific window names (not entire apps though). But from the looks of it, you should able to suppress the those (weirdly, also repeating and probably invalid) windows by entering App Icon Window, Gesture Blocking Overlay as the value of the ignored_window_names variable.
  20. Here's an idea using either a Hotkey or Universal Action and matching the selected link against some Regex to conditionally open it in a specific browser. https://transfer.archivete.am/zA134/Demo | Open Link.alfredworkflow
  21. Hey @jwrc Your question gave me an idea. I'll look into it, but no promises. For you to be able to plug in @Mr Pennyworth's ExtraPane, all you need is a file path in the Quicklook preview, right?
  22. You can set the theme via AppleScript. I wrote a workflow for myself some time ago for that. To do it via a shell script, you can do something like this: readonly your_literal_theme_name="$1" cat <<EOF | osascript tell application id "com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred" set theThemeName to "$your_literal_theme_name" set theme theThemeName end tell EOF The argument is the name of your theme.
  23. @aaduranh Remove the “+:” after “profesionelle”. This: %3A is a representation of : that can be used in URLs. Try this: Corrige+cet+email+de+façon+professionelle%3A+{var:cb}
  24. Sure, if it's nothing complicated you can just open Open URL object and replace the text highlighted in the picture below. Otherwise we can set another variable and inject it in the same way as {var:cb} (the clipboard contents). s
  25. Hey @TomBenz For now, I won't try to implement this particular feature. As you can imagine, it's a lot more complex than doing simple OCR. However, I will keep it in mind and revisit it if I come across a feasible solution or if a similar need arises in another context. At least Excel is already doing what you need, albeit very slowly 😄
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