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beta 5.5 [2247]


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I've experienced a few unexpected crashes of alfred today -- they seem to occur when triggering alfred with my hotkey (in my case it is control+space) and the only other consistent thing I can remember is the the alfred preference window was open in on both occasions.


I'm on a M1 Mac Studio and OS 13.6.4.


I can also send crash reports as well.




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While I don't for the moment doubt you I can't reproduce it (and have had no crashes with the beta). But I'm on macOS 14.3.1. I'm sure the crash reports would be useful so do send them.



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hey @Andrew,

Unfortunately, I have a new crash to report with the latest beta. These are the steps to that led up to the crash:

- alfred prefences open
- edited my email drafts worflow to increase font size in text view
- triggered workflow with hotkey
- typed some text into text view 
- hit ⌘ + 0 to increase window size
- I either hit undo or escape (pretty sure it was escape) and Uncle Alfred crashed.

Crash report heading to the info inbox.

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@sepulchra I'm trying to reproduce this issue and I've been unable to.


If it's not too much trouble, could you try and create the most simple reproducible workflow (as few objects as possible, preferably no scripting). If I can get a stripped down reproducible, I'll be able to work out what could be causing this, as the crash log shows the same undo manager.

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