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The "open terminal here" action reveals the wrong window


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I am using Alfred 2.1.1 (277) on Mavericks. I noticed that if I have multiple terminal windows opened on different desktops, using the "open terminal here" tends to reveal the wrong window.


It's easier to explain (and to reproduce) step by step:

1) Open a terminal on a desktop (say desktop 1)

2) Open a finder window on another desktop (say desktop 2)

3) Alt+Cmd+\ to trigger file actions on a folder

4) Open terminal here


What happens is that a new terminal window opens in desktop 2 and points to the correct location, *however*, the focus (and hence the view) moves to the other terminal window (the one on desktop 1).


This is bit annoying since I am frequently working with several terminals open.


I hope this is not a duplicate.


Best regards and all my praise for you software: that's just wonderful ;-) Keep on working like that!


Michele (P.S. it's Micheal, in Italian)

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I am using Alfred 2.1.1 (277) on Mavericks. I noticed that if I have multiple terminal windows opened on different desktops, using the "open terminal here" tends to reveal the wrong window.


It's easier to explain (and to reproduce) step by step:

1) Open a terminal on a desktop (say desktop 1)

2) Open a finder window on another desktop (say desktop 2)

3) Alt+Cmd+\ to trigger file actions on a folder

4) Open terminal here


What happens is that a new terminal window opens in desktop 2 and points to the correct location, *however*, the focus (and hence the view) moves to the other terminal window (the one on desktop 1).


This is bit annoying since I am frequently working with several terminals open.


I hope this is not a duplicate.


Best regards and all my praise for you software: that's just wonderful ;-) Keep on working like that!


Michele (P.S. it's Micheal, in Italian)


This may very well be a quirk of OS X's new multi-screen support.


One thing which may fix this is if you set Alfred to display on the "active screen" in Alfred's Appearance > Options.





[moving to investigating]

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Hey guys,


I've been having the same problem, and I've made a workflow to solve that. It works perfectly withe the latest Mavericks (10.9.4). It opens a new Terminal window on the current workspace.


Where/how could I share it ?


Oooh thanks! Pop it in the "Share your workflow" section of this forum... You can also upload it to http://www.packal.org




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Check this: https://github.com/miromannino/alfred-new-terminal-window


It opens a new Terminal/iTerm window in the current space. 

Holding the alt key, the new window is also opened opened in the current frontmost Finder folder.


It is really faster compared to others, really important for me since I use the terminal for almost everything! :)


Hope it helps!



Edited by miromann
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