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Post application uninstall check worklfow and Alfred indexing files and folders.

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I often find that application cleaner (such as AppCleaner) do not remove all the files of one application when trying to remove them. 


So I decided to create a workflow that would search in a few folders /Library/Logs, /Library/Preferences, Users/Shared, ~/Library/Saved Applications States, to find any left files/folders (The workflow is a "File filter" action + a "Reveal file in Finder" action). 


Unfortunately, it does not work. I wanted to know if this is because Alfred doesn't index these files, something I would totally understand.



If you convert it to a regular workflow, then you can use the command line tools like `find` and `mdfind` to search through all of these folders. Look at Dean's FuzzyFolders workflow for some ways to implement these commands.


`Find` and `mdfind` don't rely on OS X's spotlight metadata but rather search the file structure itself, and they're pretty fast at it as well.

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