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"Only show words with OS X Dictionary definition" not working as expected [Fixed in 2.7.2 b400]


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I've noticed recently that the Only show words with OS X Dictionary definition preference seems to behave counterintuitively. I am running Alfred 2.7.1 on OS X Yosemite (10.10.3).


When the option is enabled (checked), I always see a result for words that don't exist in the Dictionary:




When the option is disabled (unchecked), I see what I would expect to see if the option were enabled (that is, Alfred only shows Dictionary words that actually exist):




Of course, the temporary workaround for me is obvious, so I'm not asking for a solution to this issue. Rather, I simply wish to bring it to the attention of the Alfred team to see if they are aware of the issue or if it's even something that's fixable.




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I've noticed recently that the Only show words with OS X Dictionary definition preference seems to behave counterintuitively. I am running Alfred 2.7.1 on OS X Yosemite (10.10.3).


When the option is enabled (checked), I always see a result for words that don't exist in the Dictionary





Thanks for spotting this. The feature is more designed for when using the 'spell' keyword and an OS X language setting without built-in definitions, but I can definitely see some confusion with these results. I've added a ticket to look into this.




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The behaviour of this is now much more consistent in the 2.7.2 pre-release.


Define always shows the typed word as top result, even if there isn't a match (as definitions may exist in Dictionary.app which aren't spelt correctly for Alfred's spelling corrections).


The option to show results without definition is now consistent across the define and spell keywords, allowing for language spelling correction without dictionary installed.




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