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The bug: when alfred is activated, the results of a search will appear in the background of a subsequent search.  I have screenshots but do not know how to attach them.



What you were doing when the issue happened

- using a workflow, however the bug was replicated while searching for files


Whether you were able to replicate it a second time by performing the same action

- yes, replicable with same action as well as different actions


Include any screenshots that might help us

- see attached


Include the Alfred version & build number you are using

v2.8 (414)


Include your OS X version

10.11 (15A284)






The bug: when alfred is activated, the results of a search will appear in the background of a subsequent search.  I have screenshots but do not know how to attach them.


This visual quirk is due to the way OS X deals with transparency layers. This only sometimes affect themes, where you'll see them rendered with a shadow of the previous text. 

To fix this, pop up your theme editor in Alfred's preferences, and change the following settings:
- In the Appearance > Theme Editor, change the opacity for the background
- In the Appearance > Options, change the window blur
Let me know how you get on.
Cheers, :)

Here is a screenshot.




I would like to be able to see the screen behind alfred (for example, which is useful when I'm using a translation workflow).  Hence the transparency appearance settings.  



Blurring or removing/adjusting transparency doesn't work for this.

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