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Helping Hand

Helping Hand (3/5)



  1. Thanks! Great workflow I use a lot. Great to show off Alfred too :-)
  2. Thanks. Now I understand why I couldn't find anything related to caching in the code :-)
  3. I use menu search all the time in Apple mail to move email to local email boxes. Since yesterday it's acting up. But only in Apple Mail. I want to reset or remove the cache to see if that helps. Where can I find this cache on the filesystem? Any help is appreciated!
  4. Your script creates a command file in the workflow folder. The issue on my machine is that my shell can't execute that file using ./command. I've changed the script so it creates the command file in /tmp. That did the trick.
  5. I've just installed a newly downloaded copy. That didn't help. I'll add debugging to the workflow scripts to hopefully see what happens.
  6. I'm running Mavericks, latest DP (legit I'd like to add). Shell: /bin/bash (out-of-the-box) GNU bash, version 3.2.51(1)-release (x86_64-apple-darwin13) Copyright © 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Finder: select my homefolder Command (nothing works): touch HelloWorld.txt /usr/bin/touch HelloWorld.txt I do have HomeBrew installed, but I assume that's not relevant for the command above. Your help is greatly appreciated!
  7. Great workflow. Would be very useful to me. But unfortunately I can't seem to get this to work on OSX Mavericks. Anything idea?
  8. I started using robhor's Repo Workflow right when it was made available, but I think that workflows posted on the repository should work for everyone. If not, they should be removed. I'm happy to help debugging and see if we can sort out why it's not working, but we need tomhunt's help for that. In any case; I really appreciate both robhor's and tomhunts hard work :-)
  9. AlfPT stopped working they day before yesterday. The following message shows up in Console.app: 30-01-13 16:51:55,397 Alfred 2[19164]: [ERROR] Script XML Parse Error occured Error Domain=NSXMLParserErrorDomain Code=4 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (NSXMLParserErrorDomain error 4.)" Any idea what's happening or how I can debug this?
  10. Great workflow! Two suggestions: Would it be an idea to differentiate between files and folders? Could you filter out the Icon? file?. It shows up if you've set a custom icon for the Downloads folder? One final remark: currently delete does not work for folder items.
  11. AlfPT stopped working for me too. It was working up until 2 hours ago, but now it's stuck updating the icon cache.. I've tried to reinstall the workflow but that didn't help.
  12. Thanks for the suggestions Florian. I've reworked the workflow. It now handles existing comments and leaves them intact. I'm not keeping a list of ignored files. I use mdfind to dynamically construct the list. I've change the keyword to a default keyword ignore not to confuse people. Download: http://cl.ly/032U2J2l2f0z
  13. Last version for the day; removed the dependency on jdwarriors code and the ignorelist now shows the proper file icons. Download: http://cl.ly/0y221I1y341J
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