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Everything posted by nikivi

  1. This workflow allows you to search through PDF files. However I really wish I could search through the contents of these PDF files. I am not really sure how I can do that. I searched on this forum too but did not find anything on this. Thank you for any help.
  2. Oh wow, this works now. Thank you @Andrew
  3. I really needed this. Thank you @vitor. I used this before to kill Electron instances once in a while.
  4. Yesss It works now. Setting a small 0.01 second timeout fixed it. I guess Alfred List Filter is too fast or something. Can grab the final workflow on GitHub. Thank you a lot @deanishe. If you think there is still something I can improve with the layout of it, I would love to hear it.
  5. Oddly enough, if I call the script filters not from that List Filter but from the external trigger and pass in the path as argument, it works 100 % of the times. If I can get this workflow to work correctly, it would be so so awesome.
  6. Okay, never mind, it doesn't work fully. Occasionally picking an option from the 'inside' list filter, will not show anything and will dismiss Alfred. On other occasions it works well. My only guess is that Alfred can't handle that many filters at once and breaks down. ?
  7. This only occurs on script filters. On list filters it works perfectly well. For example in this workflow, if I run the search script filter from a hotkey or externally, there is a small flash that happens that will briefly show the title. It's not very apparent but it still there and I really dislike that it shows. If it was a list filter instead, there is no such brief flashing and it works great. I hope you can understand what I mean. This is the only thing that is stopping me from publishing workflows that have titles and placeholder text in them as I personally dislike seeing that little flash and I like to call my workflows from hotkeys. Thank you.
  8. Okay I solved it. ? Can grab latest release from GitHub. I hope that's what you meant by better layout. I think this works quite nicely. I also added subtext to each modifier so you can press modifier to see it. I do wish though that @Andrew added this.
  9. Oh wow, you are right. Didn't think of it like that. What I am trying to do is bring these script filters : That have various modifiers that modify the url and have that work from the external trigger here : So I will call this external trigger 'open' with the path passed in like I do here from Karabiner. Then it will go to the script filter, script filter will read that path and show results. But what I wish now though is so that my modifiers work in this scenario too. So for example if the path passed in is 'lists/books.json', then I can only press return to open the url and that's it. But if the path passed in is 'lists/reddit.json', I can also press return but I can also use my specified modifiers I set up for this path. I don't really know how I can make this work and if I can. I don't get what you mean by that. Currently the JSON's that are being placed in the lists folder are downloaded from MyMindNode. Here is JSON of the books mind map for example and here is how the mind map looks actually. I then have a script that will CURL those JSON's and then parse them into appropriate Alfred JSON. Currently that process requires dependencies thus users like you can't run that update script. In future I hope to rewrite that so that all this JSON gets updated periodically without any user interaction. Not fully sure what you mean though with workflow variables and how that will apply with my URL prefixes and modifiers. Here is the updated workflow, given the advice you gave. All I wish is to move those script filters with custom modifiers options and have that somehow work from main outgoing script filter on the top. This way even if you are coming from the inside list filter here : You will still be able to use custom modifiers for paths that have these modifiers set up. That would be amazing.
  10. Actually I thought of a way I can simplify it even further, with filters. Here is what I came up with. My idea was that I filter by the paths passed in. So if a certain path passed in, needs my custom modifiers, I filter it. However I don't know how I can make the above filter so that it will run when none of the below filters matched. This one : The only way I see how to do it is by putting in the regex there but that regex will be really ugly (it will need to exclude all the paths below). Maybe there is a better way to do this.
  11. I uploaded the updated workflow to GitHub Don't really know how I can apply the same trick to objects that have custom modifiers in them. But it does look a lot nicer and cleaner now.
  12. Actually now I see what you mean, I can do this : And have blogs external pass in the path. That's actually really smart. I can't use the same trick for the externals where I use modifiers though, those will still need to be isolated. Or I am again stupid and don't see something obvious. In any way, thanks @deanishe, that does simplify things a bit.
  13. Yeah I know, but that structure does not work in my case. I need many external triggers, each attached to read a single JSON object. And I have a hotkey set for each one. Your solution was for a different thing and a different problem. I don't really see how that fits with what I want to achieve (an external trigger for reading a single JSON object) with modifiers attached where necessary. I also aready use your solution for passing the actual files to read as argument in the big list filter but I have no idea how to mitigate the mass number of single purpose script filters. I can probably write out the entire thing in code and have one powerful script filter that can cover all these cases and I can just have different external triggers passing in various arguments. I might do that in the future but for now this works kind of.
  14. Released a small update to the workflow. Can get it from GitHub or wait a few days to get notified of it if you already installed it. There is a new object with reddit multis I use and a lot of modifiers attached to most objects where appropriate. I really dislike how Alfred can't handle such a large number of objects and is acting quite slow because of it but there is not much I can do. I can't split it up into two workflows as I really want to keep everything in one place. Perhaps @Andrew will improve Alfred performance in the future.
  15. Yeah as @deanishe said, you have to assign a hotkey to use the workflow. The reason I don't include keyword (or title) is because I always strip that information from all the workflows I use to have more clean Alfred prompts and since I always know what the workflow does anyway I find that information unnecessary for me. However I will probably have to add that information to the keyword (title) I guess since other users can be confused by it too. It's just I run all my workflows from hotkeys and never use the alfred global search prompt and I really dislike how the Title text flashes for a brief moment when I activate workflow from a hotkey. So yeah, either I have to before each release of the workflow, add manually the keyword and title, release the workflow and then strip them for my own personal use or not add them at all. Ideally I wish everyone just used hotkeys for everything but not many people are into keyboard customisation and rebinding as me.
  16. Yeah you are right that it is quite fast now. But since I plan to include every *useful* website on Earth to be searchable through it, I think it will make sense later to not have the workflow read and parse the CSV every time it is ran. I will also try rewriting Searchio in Go as that is my most used workflow and any speed gain there would be super useful plus I would love to add more options like Quora searching as well as modifier supports for scoping searching to 'by week' 'by month' and so on.
  17. Updated the workflow to now include icons for each of the prefixes. Plus a rather neat default icon. You can grab the latest update from GitHub. There is few issues though I have to solve. First, the fuzzy searching is acting really weirdly in regards to 'r: machine learning' option. For example why is machine learning the top pick when I type 'la' : Not really sure why that happens but 'r: machine learning' seems to dwarf most of the queries I do for some reason. And also I could not figure out how to add auto updating mechanism. I looked at all the repos using AwGo and they use it together with a big options struct. I tried to emulate that but I am certain that does not work. I looked into Updater and how it was implemented but still find it a bit confusing + I don't really know how to test if it works, I guess by faking a release and looking at a debugger but not sure. Also I am struggling with extending this workflow with modifiers. For example I managed to get control modifier to work on results with 'r: ' prefix to scope the search to 'this week'. But I can't find a solution to have it scale without adding a ton of objects in Alfred. Ideally I would love to do this all through code if possible but I find working with Variables super messy. Will try to look into Alfred SSH and other repos though, perhaps I will find a way. On the bright side, this workflow is looking pretty neat, I actually swapped all my static searches and will be now using this going forward. Since it's super easy to extend it too, would be lovely if community helps extend it. Also I am not quite sure how to speed this up. I guess I can try to save the JSON AwGo builds with its Feedback mechanism and then have Alfred read that instead.
  18. Alfred Edit Files This is a simple workflow I use to quickly open files and directories I specify in a simple CSV file. You simply edit the CSV file specifying the argument you want to search for and the path to that file/folder and that's it. Download You can download the workflow from GitHub. And more information can be found in the README of the workflow. I hope you like it. ?
  19. Currently if I have an Action Modifier, I can add a Modifier Subtext which I can see by pressing and holding the modifier key like control or command. I would however wish that Alfred had a new builtin hotkey to view all the modifier keys available and their subtexts for any specific item in Alfred output. So for example I have an item with few action modifiers attached to it : I would love to press some hotkey and see all the action modifiers and the subtexts at once without having to press cmd, then control, then fn just to see what the actions do. Here is a workflow where I solve this by writing out the modifier descriptions into the title itself : I hope you can agree on how useful this can be to users and it can be added. Thank you.
  20. Thank you @GuiB, @deanishe It was an issue with my code and the spacing was an issue. I did check debugger pane but not the 'All information' tab which is where I would have spotted this error. My bad. Sorry @GuiB for the lack of info. Will release this small workflow too soon as I think it could be useful to people.
  21. I have this workflow that I am trying to make. I pass in the correct path as {query} into Open File object but it refuses to open it. I checked the path the passed in path by running 'code ' and that path and it works perfectly. I just can't get it to run from Alfred. Perhaps I am not using Open File object correctly. I also tried creating a bash script object and running 'code $1' in it but that too doesn't work. I assume Alfred doesn't know about code command that I have installed in my environment which should open a passed in path in VS Code. Thank you for any help.
  22. Hey @deanishe, is it possible to add a learning feature too in the library. I searched for 'learn' in Godoc and did not find anything. I want the workflow to learn from user's inputs similar to what Alfred provides with List Filters. Thank you.
  23. I also added two other workflows I use for searching websites. Perhaps some will find it useful too.
  24. Thank you @deanishe This version now has fuzzy searching + it has a logo I made for it (not the best logo in the world), I will change it later. There is ~ 250 searches now there and I hope the list grows in the future to include any kind of website one can want to search for. Here you can find the latest download. I also should add auto update functionality, will try to add that. AwGo is a really awesome library. ?
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