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Everything posted by nikivi

  1. Thank you @deanishe This version now has fuzzy searching + it has a logo I made for it (not the best logo in the world), I will change it later. There is ~ 250 searches now there and I hope the list grows in the future to include any kind of website one can want to search for. Here you can find the latest download. I also should add auto update functionality, will try to add that. AwGo is a really awesome library. ?
  2. Web Searches This workflow lets you open any web submission on the Internet. Such as quickly making a Reddit post to some subreddit, creating a new GitHub repo. Making a post on stack exchange forum and more. This workflow is an alternative to Alfred builtin web searches. I made it because I wanted to fuzzy search for the website I want to search on and I wanted something that the community can extend. This workflow achieves both these goals. You can extend the list of websites being searched for here and you can quickly select the website from a big list by simply typing where you want to search on. This workflow searches a big list of websites that can be found here similar to DuckDuckGo Bang operators. If you wish to extend it, you can do it. For more information, on how you can use the workflow, you can read the GitHub readme. Hope you like it. ? Code | Download
  3. I also think it goes quite well with ask, create, share workflow I shared earlier. Will try my hand at web searches though. If I make it, my life would be complete. The cool thing with that one, aside from of course allowing me to fuzzy search through all the options. I can not only have static searches but link to other workflows too that leverage autosuggestions like Searchio.
  4. Hey everyone. I released a rather big update to the workflow. It has many more filters. You can jump to any stack exchange website super quickly, it has more subreddits, courses and books and many more. It heavily leverages the curated lists by Learn Anything found here so if you wish to contribute to them, that would be amazing. Here you can find the download of it. I hope you like it. Also most useful lists have an external trigger too or you can add a hotkey trigger too if you wish. The auto update is still broken as I still have to rewrite it to not use the dependencies. But this update is quite awesome imo. Big thanks to @deanishe once again as that trick with using cat on pure JSON is really really awesome. ?
  5. Hey @GuiB You really should make a GitHub repo. Perhaps have something like this. And that script is pretty awesome although I have this odd thing that nothing shows up in my services across all my apps apart from this : Don't really know how to manipulate what shows up there. Also what I was actually looking for is search across all the services that there exist in that Services tab. I was looking at the plugin Deanishe sent earlier and I think it is certainly possible, just need to understand how to transfer that to Alfred. Also I don't use Quicksilver.
  6. In a hotkey object, you can specify to pass as argument, selection from macOS, like for example here : I would like however to pass that selection but also start the alfred prompt with pointer in the beginning of the prompt, not at the end. It would be amazing to have that as an option. For my particular case, I need this functionality in this workflow. So I pass selected text into the Dash workflow and quickly specify a prefix to choose what docset I want to search. I hope you will think this is useful too and it will be added. Thank you.
  7. In this workflow, that @Andrew kindly shared few months back that searches through Safari bookmarks a user has. I would like to delete the bookmark with a modifier key press. However when I tried to simply delete a file from it with rm command, it deletes the file but the bookmark still stays in Safari for some reason. If anyone knows a way I can extend this workflow to delete a Safari bookmark, that would be awesome.
  8. I searched for this online and I think this may be impossible to do but perhaps not. Is it possible to get a list of Services that I have activated in 'Services' in System Preferences here? It would be super useful to have a workflow similar to this one for searching menu bar items but for searching active Services actions instead.
  9. Also this is a more robust version of the script function sf() { if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then filePath=$(pwd) osascript -e "tell application \"Alfred 3\" to search \"$filePath\"" else filePath=$(realpath "$1") osascript -e "tell application \"Alfred 3\" to search \"$filePath\"" -e "delay 0.2" -e "tell application \"System Events\" to key code 98" fi }
  10. Awesome. ? Delay 0.2 worked perfectly. Thanks a lot.
  11. Thank you so much for the help @GuiB This is the final function I am using though as it works quite nicely. function sf() { filePath=$(realpath "$1") osascript -e "tell application \"Alfred 3\" to search \""$filePath"\"" osascript -e "tell application "System Events" to key code 98" } Aside from one thing. I can't run that second applescript it seems. Is it possible to issue F7 keystroke once the Alfred prompt pops up?
  12. I was thinking I can use something like this perhaps : ` filePath=$(readlink -f $1)`
  13. This doesn't give the path though to the file/directory. For example if I run it on a file with alfreds script.sh, It will enter just that name prefixed with a dot for some reason although I don't see a dot specified anywhere in the script. Looks like this in the end :
  14. Hey @GuiB, that first script quits current terminal session after running, not quite sure why.
  15. Hey @vitor I actually realised my mistake and just keep the original names of all workflows now. Strange that they were not updated. Will go through your alfred workflows repo, and get all the latest stuff. Shouldn't have changed names of workflows in the first place.
  16. This works : function sf() { open -R $@ osascript -e ' tell application "Keyboard Maestro Engine" do script "a: open file picker in alfred" end tell ' } Activating this KM macro : If there is a non hackish way to do the same thing, it would be lovely. As right now, each time I use this command, it leaves a Finder window behind which is not good.
  17. I came up with this code : function sf() { open $@ osascript -e ' tell application "System Events" to key code 98 ' } That should in theory, open file/directory in finder and then run a keystroke I use to open Alfred file viewer but it sends the keystroke straight away, not in the Finder window.
  18. Is it possible to activate Alfred file action window from command line? There is open command that is available to open a directory/file in Finder. I would love to have a command I can use on a file that will open a file actioning window in alfred. Say I have folder 'code' and I run 'alfred code' on it and this window shows : This would be extremely handy to me. Is this possible? Thank you for any help.
  19. I kind of wanted to do the same actually. There is this awesome workflow to search websites with autosuggestions, Google included. I use it daily and love and had the same issue with you. One way you can do it, is to catch the output of one the script filters from Google script filter and then modify the URL with regex to scope the search to past year/most recent. Just at the time I tried it, I found it a bit confusing to work with the code there due to my inexperience. I will try do it again though as I really need it. Will share the modified workflow if I manage it.
  20. There is this awesome workflow that exists on the Internet. That is a shame that it is not posted either here or on Packal. It does this awesome thing where it downloads all your starred repositories to an SQLLite database and lets you query these repos. It is super fast. I modified it a little though to make it so that pressing different modifier keys open different pages related to the repo. So for example simply pressing return will open the repository, fn + return will open issues of that repo, cmd + return will open an issue related to the repo and cntrl + return will clone that repo to a folder you specify. Mine is specified as ~/play but you can change it. Here is the original workflow, credit to the author. And here is the download of my modification of the workflow with changes I mentioned above. It does help to have over 3000 starred repositories but it is still super useful I think and will save many hours from your life. As bonus I schedule to run the update script once a day with Keyboard Maestro : You can probably do it with Launchd but Keyboard Maestro is more familiar to me.
  21. I think you are right in that Alfred loses focus from the list filter. If I restart my laptop and try use the workflow again, everything works perfectly so the issue is then in some other application I am running, only problem is I have no idea how to pinpoint which one as I run quite a few of them. Will try to start afresh and hopefully I can find which app messes with losing of the focus of the workflow. The strange thing is that it happens with my workflow only. Any other workflow I run will still work perfectly well. That's why I assume something was indeed with the way I made the workflow perhaps or how I connected the List Filter or something. And also strange that it works only in Alfred Preferences, if you go outside of it, the issue is there. My only guesses it would be something related to Hammerspoon but I don't use it for anything major and the issue starts occurring rather 'randomly'.
  22. I had this issue before and @deanishe said the issue was due to me having to many list filters. Now there is one list filter and one script filter reading JSON directly just as @deanishe said to do. It should be correct. And yet, I get behaviour that I can't use my workflow, it just disappears. And the weirdest part is that if I go to Alfred Preferences and activate my workflow there. It works. :| Here is a screencast of the bug : http://quick.as/aVkOHdwAo Here is the workflow I am using. Quitting Alfred and starting it again, stops the behaviour. However after 20 maybe more minutes it comes back. Thank you for any help.
  23. @Andrew I just tried it on a new list filter and it learned there. So I just changed everything to it so everything works. ?
  24. Also just for reference, courses and books live in their own repository which is pretty awesome as all can potentially contribute to it and thus this workflow automatically gets better.
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