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Everything posted by nikivi

  1. That actually seems like a good idea. Although most people only share their code on GitHub, not the .alfredworkflow itself.
  2. I hope I am not alone in wishing for this. I like to call all of my workflows from external triggers. However there is one problem with this in that very few workflow developers actually include external triggers with their workflows. Spotify Mini Player for example does actually include external triggers for nearly all functions that are available in the workflow and it is one of the many reasons why this workflow is great. But most workflows do not. So when I add my external triggers on my own, on next update, everything gets erased and I have to create these external triggers again and again with each new workflow update. The real power with external triggers is that you can call them from other applications. I call all my workflows from Karabiner and it saves me a lot lot of time. So all in all, I do hope you will consider adding some external triggers in the workflows you export and share. I would certainly appreciate it very much. And I hope a few other people here do too. I myself ship all my workflows with both a hotkey trigger and an external trigger. Thank you and I hope you consider adding this little change to your workflows. ?
  3. Thank you @Vero. I looked into Contacts but forgot about 'Default Results' tab. This works well. ? Also thank you for the workflow you shared. It really makes 'Contacts' app actually useful for me.
  4. I use this workflow for searching both contacts and contacts meta data thus I really don't want to see contacts being shown when I try to use Alfred default search. Please allow users to disable Alfred from searching Contacts in default scope. That would really make me like Alfred more as I love how I can fine tune Alfred searches with custom searches and I want to keep my default scope search as clean as possible. Thank you.
  5. Added small update, now you have new hotkey that will let you select text, then modify selected text and then choose where you want to search it similar to RenameAction by @vitor. Can grab the update from GitHub.
  6. Just wanted to ask if something like this would be possible to add? I always struggle to remember which modifiers are available for a certain action I want to do and trying to cycle through all the modifiers by pressing each one is a bit annoying. One hotkey similar to ⌘ + Y to preview, to show all the available modifiers and their tooltips would solve this perfectly. Thank you.
  7. These scripts are amazing. Thank you a lot @GuiB for sharing them and @Andrew for adding these commands.
  8. Yeah, you are right about Bartender being a paid app. As for Hammerspoon, as you can see on the screenshot, Hammerspoon's solution looks a lot nicer then what you can achieve with 'show text' in Alfred. I only recently started using it and I love it so definitely recommend it. That is if you have menu bar hidden by default.
  9. You can also use Hammerspoon which is free. You can then edit the init.lua configuration to add this function, set a keybinding and then when pressed it would quickly give you what time it is now like in screenshot below : Much cleaner solution I believe. Another solution would be to use bartender app and put the time into the extra bartender menu bar and then assign a simple hotkey to show that bar, it looks like this for me : And the cool thing with that approach is that you can even keyboard search for things so you can access any menu bar item you have from the keyboard alone which is super valuable for people who despise using their mouse like me. ?
  10. Thank you @deanishe for the insight. Perhaps there is another way you can add extensibility without using base classes and reflection but if you can't I guess Searchio will still be there. All I really need is to cover my most used searches that I use too often (DuckDuckGo, YouTube, Google) because a speed improvement there would be completely amazing. As well as adding modifier options because Searchio did not want to include them too. Although the modifier searches can be easily achieved with modifying URL with regex I believe. Oh and adding Quora too, I remember you mentioning that was possible. I will try to get an MVP working soon and base as much of it on Searchio, hopefully it will be faster. Thank you though for making Searchio, it saved me days of time easily.
  11. In fact this became my favourite workflow now. ? After my mind's workflow, github jump, safari assist and searchio. I cannot wait once every website on Earth will be added to the list. It would be insane. I also love how you can really fine tune your search, something you couldn't do with Alfred's builtin web search. I can just do this : And instantly make the search. Fuzzy ? Just need to figure out this auto updating thing and the grabbing of CSV from GitHub and I am done. I also love how the list is so easy to extend. I very often add websites I find quickly with my edit files workflow and I set up a hazel command to auto commit any website I add so all users using the workflow will get all the changes nearly instantly as well as any changes other users doing pull requests make. I am also trying to rewrite Searchio as currently the python version is too slow and as Anycomplete shows it can be a lot faster. It would be lovely if @deanishe rewrote it himself in Go as I am certain he can do a lot better job at this than I will ever do because as it turns out I can't even add simple auto update. ?
  12. Added a small but very useful change to the workflow. There is a new hotkey trigger that will take the selected text and then let you search that text on any of the websites available. I use that a lot now. Can grab the latest release from GitHub. I couldn't figure out how to add GitHub auto updating as the example deanishe provides is using docopt for argument parsing and I use kingpin and when I tried to use docopt, it was really confusing. I wish I could just use vitor's OneUpdater but I don't think I can in this kind of workflow. I also want for the workflow to grab the latest CSV from GitHub and periodically download it locally to user's machine, will try to add that too soon.
  13. As alternative, you can look into dedicated text expansion programs that already have the features you want. I use Typinator and it has it's own dedicated quick search functionality where you can search for parts of text and still get results back.
  14. Oh wow, didn't notice ⌘R. Works nicely. Thank you.
  15. Let's say I added a song to Automatically Add to Itunes folder. iTunes picks it up and the song is there. However Alfred does not see it. I have to manually go to features -> iTunes -> advanced -> and press find. Is it possible for Alfred to automatically refresh the index if the song is added? Thank you.
  16. What I do is create a bunch of macros for opening applications in Keyboard Maestro like here : And call that macro from Karabiner. The cool thing with that is that I get one hotkey that will both open the app but also will switch to previous app if same hotkey is pressed again. I use that a lot. Here is how many times I opened Safari with it for example :
  17. Released small update to the workflow. Can find it on GitHub. Transferred all of my notes, now everything can be queried from Alfred. Extending my idea of bootstrapping knowledge. Also added book notes I made and explain shell filter that filters through various shell commands and gives you their documentation super fast. It's pretty insane already. And overall lays a pretty good foundation going forward. The most awesome part comes soon though once Learn Anything releases its official JSON endpoints. The Alfred workflow for that would be so so cool. You will be able to literally query any learnable topic on Earth and get the most efficient resources for learning it. It will be even faster than Google since for Google you have to first make the search, wait for page to load, then pick result. Here you just query topic, query result, use the result, all from Alfred. Pretty awesome. Oh and the ultimate goal with Learn Anything is to have people learning topics they never even thought of encountering in the most efficient way. Imagine 7 billion people in the world knowing how to program computers, writing alfred workflows, automation scripts, websites. What a world that would be.
  18. Really awesome workflow. Thank you for it. One thing I added is that, user can now take an interactive screenshot and search that on Google. Here is the modified workflow if you wish to perhaps add it to your own one.
  19. I want to make a file action that will take a directory as input, then copy all the files from it and give user ability to search for what directory he wants to insert copied files into. Similar to 'Copy to...' command but instead of the folder copied, it will copy the files. Here is the progress I have made so far. I copied the contents of the passed in directory into 'files' array. Then I was thinking I could perhaps run a file filter for folders and and do 'mv $files $1' after but that doesn't seem to work. The Alfred help on file filters doesn't really show how to do nested operations like this. Thank you for any help.
  20. Reverting to previous commits of that python script worked. Here is the workflow. Thank you all. Will keep in mind that I can just include single file scripts like that for the future.
  21. Oh nvm, you are right. I was using this workflow : And thought it was yours. It does work now.
  22. Hey @vitor Perhaps I am missing something but this workflow doesn't seem to work on converting multiple URLs. For example, running the workflow on this line : I like [GitHub](https://github.com) and [Alfred](https://www.alfredforum.com/) Will get me this : I like GitHub and [Alfred It seems to break off. It happens 100 % of the times too.
  23. I want to make a workflow that will take user's current URL which will be an Imgur album and download contents of it to Desktop. I found this and this. First one requires jsawk to be installed which Alfred doesn't have and second requires python 3 which Alfred too sadly does not have. I looked into trying to compile the second python 3 into a static binary but apparently that is not possible or at least the solutions I tried did not work. My only solution is to rewrite that script in Go and produce a statically linked binary that Alfred can actually use or perhaps I can ask users to install jsawk when first running the command. Perhaps I am missing something and there is an easy solution to this all. Would be really lovely if I can get either of those scripts working under Alfred.
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