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Stephen_C last won the day on April 23

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  1. You could try using my workflow (if Vitor does not mind me mentioning it!): Search for PNGs. All you have to do using it is to type a keyword, followed by <space> and the name of the folder and it will display all *.png files in the folder. Stephen
  2. You really need to be extremely careful when using apps like that: they are well capable of removing things that you really need to keep. It may be worth checking ruthlessly your settings in that app. (I've never used it—and would never do so—so I'm not sure whether or not the settings are helpful but it's certainly where I'd start looking for clues.) Stephen
  3. You can start from Home by typing ~. However, in Alfred's default results I've checked Folders which means I can simply type the name of a Folder and press ⏎ to open it in Finder. Of course, you can always → from the folder name then to action the folder in Alfred (depending on your settings under Universal Actions Show Actions: in Alfred's preferences). Stephen
  4. Ah, sorry, I've just checked and in order to make it work for me I had to check the Compatibility: option and so use ⇧ with the modifier key. Edit: Note, too, the buffer works with a selected file in Alfred's results. Stephen
  5. Go to Alfred Preferences → File Search, click on the Buffer tab and check Enable temporary file buffer. Stephen
  6. Maybe the best place to start is with Alfred's File Buffer and the File Buffer Action. Stephen
  7. It will be something like this: Except that instead of theURL Sepulchra will have used link. For the second Sepulchra will have used title. That creates respectively the variables that are recalled in the final copy to clipboard action. In both cases {query} means the information provided by the immediately preceding action in the workflow. Stephen
  8. While I appreciate it may initially appear to be rather more complex than you need, my Save 'ur URL workflow on the Alfred Gallery does exactly what you want (and, in addition, saves the link to a file). There's an option in the workflow configuration to save the links using markdown. Stephen
  9. You have to install the workflow first of all. It appears you have done so but there is an update required (click on Update ⌘⏎) at the bottom right of the workflow window. The workflow should then appear in your list of workflows. Leave it there for forget it! (You don't add CSV files to it in the way you seem to be doing.) Once you've done that you can close Alfred's Preferences so they don't get in the way of what you do next. Open Finder and navigate to one of your CSV files. Highlight that file in Finder (just with a single click on the filename). Now do what I said in my previous post. Does that help? Stephen
  10. As I said in my previous post: You need to locate your CSV file in Finder and use your Universal Actions hotkey (it's ⌘/ by default—and you'll find the setting in Alfred Preferences → Features → Universal Actions under Selection Hotkey:). When you do that you can search the list that opens in Alfred and type "Convert” and you should see the relevant workflow highlighted. Simply then press ⏎. It really is as simple as that. Stephen
  11. Welcome to the forum. I think the first question to ask is this: do you still have backups of that old laptop? There are two points that are relevant to your question: Alfred never natively stores anything in the Cloud—so everything is stored on your local machine. Thus, in that context, there's no such thing as a "Licence profile”. Even if you were synchronising Alfred's preferences between the old and new machines (which doesn't appear relevant anyway in this case as the new machine merely replaced the old one) your web bookmarks are not saved within Alfred but, rather, within the browsers you use. In essence, you're going to need a backup of your old laptop in order to retrieve anything you created in Alfred on the old machine (which would be stored in your old Alfred preferences). Stephen
  12. Does this workflow on the Alfred Gallery help: Snippet Transformer? It appears that all you have to do to use that is to: install it; then select your CSV file using your Universal Actions hotkey; and choose the Convert to Snippet Collection action. Stephen
  13. I don't know what versions of macOS and Aflred you're using but take a look at Alfred Preferences → Features → Contacts and you can set up something like this. (Apologies: II've had that for so long I can't recall if it's set by default or whether I set it up!). If you do need to set it up it's very easy. Click on the + sign at the bottom right of that window and add this (with any appropriate modifier key you wish, of course): Stephen
  14. Unless you're synchronising your settings between the two Macs it's probably worth checking on both that the settings under Alfred Preferences → Features → Clipboard History are identical—including those under the Advanced tab. For example, I'm wondering whether on one Mac you may have Ignore clipboard data marked as Auto Generated checked but not checked on the other. Stephen
  15. I wonder whether this post may be relevant in the context you mention—even though it relates to a different app. Maybe aText works the same way as that app? Edit: I note you say this didn't happen before Alfred 5.5 but I don't think Alfred 5.5 made any change to the way the clipboard works so I'd be inclined to look at aText rather than at Alfred to resolve the issue. Stephen
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