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Posts posted by Stephen_C

  1. I am the author of this workflow and the forum link is here. This is the link to the Github main page for the workflow.

    The workflow has no dependencies. It is used as a Universal Action on selected text:

    The workflow converts double spaces after a word to a single space and a double space after certain (user configurable) characters to a single space. For example (and by default) double spaces after full stops (periods), question marks and exclamation marks are converted to single spaces. The amended text is optionally copied to the clipboard.


    Note: version 1.1 dispenses with the environment variables used in version 1.0 and incorporates those variables within the workflow.


  2. I am the author of this workflow and the forum link is here. This is the link to the Github main page for the workflow.


    The workflow has no dependencies. It may be used either as a Universal Action on selected text:



    or, with a user configurable keyword, on text already on the clipboard:



    The amended text is copied to the clipboard and may optionally be saved to a temporary file (in a user configurable location).



  3. OK, that's helpful thanks: don't give up, we're making progress! All that means is that you have not given Alfred the right to look in the place where the file is located. Now we need to work out why. It would help if you could:

    • Confirm where on your computer this Numbers spreadsheet is filed (i.e., the full path of the folder).
    • Post a screenshot  of your Default Results screen in Alfred Preferences.

    To do the latter open Alfred Preferences, click on Features in the left sidebar, highlight Default Results in the second column, take a screen shot of the Default Results screen and post it here.



  4. I am the author of this workflow and the forum thread is here. This is the Github main page for the workflow.


    The workflow uses two small pieces of AppleScript and there are no other dependencies.


    The workflow's user configuration enables the user to choose between European date format (dd/mm/yyyy—the default) or US date format (mm/dd/yyyy).



  5. Yes, you have shown how it is failing but what you need to do is exactly what I outlined in my previous two posts:

    • Go to this page. You're going to follow the troubleshooting instructions.
    • Open Alfred Preferences and from the sidebar choose Help. Click on Troubleshooting and then under File Search troubleshooting click on Run troubleshooting….
    • You are going to drop into the relevant window your mycoffee file and then, when the troubleshooting ends, we need to see a screen shot of the results of the troubleshooting.


  6. Can you provide a simple, specific example of such a workflow? (I ask because I have a number of worklfows that tigger notifications and all those work as expected so it's not a general problem with Alfred.) If you can do that it will make it easier for others to try to check what is happening with your workflows. Do you see any useful information if you run the debugger on your workflow(s)?





  7. If you go to the first page to which I linked could you please follow the initial instructions to Run Troubleshooting within Alfred and then drop in the file which you're failing to find within Alfred. Then, if you're able, just take a screen shot of all of the results and post it here. That will enable someone here to help you.



  8. Although this is not the complete answer to your problem I think it can be done because I've done something similar. In effect what you need to do is to save both the number and the message as separate variables in the workflow (just use a keyword action for the message without any keyword) and then pass to Messages a URL like imessage://{var:recipient}&body={var:theMessage}.



  9. You could take a look at my workflow that resulted from the original question in this thread (Find and replace in clipboard text). However, be warned that was designed to work with simple text so I strongly suspect it's not going to work with Word files without significant modification. (As I—mercifully—stopped using Word many years ago I'm afraid I can't investigate that further.) The workflow will show the basic building blocks of what you wish to do.



  10. I'm not sure I quite understand your question (sorry if I'm being obtuse!). Do you mean:

    • you want to expand a particular snippet using a hot key rather than the snippet's abbreviation? If so, why?
    • something else? If so, what?

    Again, apologies if I'm missing something obvious!



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