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Posts posted by Stephen_C

  1. I am the author of this workflow. Here is the link to the relevant forum thread. This is the GitHub download link.


    The workflow has no dependencies. It does use Automation Tasks and the Readme contains a reminder to users to ensure those are up-to-date.


    The workflow is a Universal Action which enables a user to create a single new folder (with a name they choose) in the current active folder (i.e., where the user has selected a file or files). It creates the folder and gives the option of moving the selected file(s) to the new folder.


    As there are screenshots in both the User Configuration and the linked forum thread I'll not duplicate them here.



  2. Well, that was a little odd. One of the versions was the old 2.14 version (i.e., before update of the bundle identifier)—in spite of the fact that I'd updated the bundle identifier and posted a new release on GitHub. I deleted that workflow, have retained the new one from the gallery and all is now well.


    Bear in mind I have a tendency to blunder around a little with GitHub so it's entirely possible this is down to user incompetence. I think the key takeaway is probably the need to Reset Search in order to see the workflow requiring update (because many users, like me, probably won't know they might need to do that).


    As always, many thanks the help @Andrew.



  3. 2 minutes ago, Andrew said:

    Could you select the three dots next to the filter and select Reset Search to see if the workflow with an up arrow appears?


    Ah, yes - that helped. It is something to do with the Word Count workflow—which, in spite of just being updated from the gallery, now shows in duplicate with one version requiring update. That is a little odd because I did have the latest GitHub version (including the updated bundle identifier from Vitor's PR).


    I'll try to work out why I now have two versions and any difference between them.



  4. 12 minutes ago, Andrew said:

    After doing a Check for Workflow Updates, do you not see any arrows pointing upwards (in place of the comet).

    No…but I suspect I may know the reason. It could relate to the Word Count workflow which was added to the gallery yesterday. As part of it being added I merged a GitHub PR from Vitor, issued an update and updated my own copy with that update from GitHub. So I'm wondering if maybe the alert is, in the circumstances a "false positive”—because my version number is the same as the version number on the gallery.


    Edit: Hmm, that was not the answer. I downloaded and installed that workflow from the gallery and still have the alert about one workflow capable of updating. I'll "update” the other two for good measure.



  5. I have three workflows all showing the comet icon indicating that they are in the Alfred Gallery. When I click on Alfred Gallery and choose Check for Workflow Updates I see the message One workflow can be updated with an up arrow icon. However, there is no indication which workflow can be updated and, so far as I am aware, I'm running the latest version of each of the three.


    Is there a quick and easy way to discover which workflow is capable of being updated? (Sorry if I've missed something obvious.)



  6. This workflow is a Universal Action which enables you to create a single new folder (with a name you choose) in your current active folder (i.e., where you have selected a file or files). It creates the folder and gives the option of moving the selected file(s) to the new folder.


    There are no dependencies but the workflow uses a number of Automation Tasks so you will need to ensure those are up-to-date.




    (GitHub download link)



  7. @AuthorsAssembler I have a post here which may help.


    (I'm currently developing a workflow which will:

    • create a new folder in the current folder;
    • prompt for the name of the new folder; and
    • optionally transfer to the new folder the selected file(s) in the existing folder.

    However, that's not yet finished and, note, will not create a new folder tree but merely one new folder. When it is finished I'll release it on GitHub and share it in the appropriate forum.)


    Edit: see here for the new workflow.



  8. 2 hours ago, prettyfaroutman said:

    Is there a way for it to prompt me for the folder name, or does it have to be the same name every time? And is there a way to then move the files to the new folder?

    Save the files to a variable using the Arg and Vars utility, link (but don't pass through the files variable) to a Keyword input leaving the keyword itself blank. Use the latter as the prompt for your new folder name and save that name, too, as a variable. You can then, later in the workflow, use:

    • the new folder variable to name the new folder; and
    • the files variable to move them to the new folder.

    You may want to take a look at a couple of my workflows on GitHub just to help understand. Find and Replace in Clipboard Text (download link) demonstrates use of the Keyword action to which I've referred. Shrink JPEG/PNG files (download link) shows the way I dealt with multiple file inputs. Apologies for mentioning my own workflows but the examples potentially save rather a lot of typing here.


    By the way, there are far better qualified people here than I am so take all of this as general guidance. I've no doubt someone will, sooner or later, come along with better suggestions! 😀



  9. I am sure there is a more elegant way to do this but the following works for me:

    • Use an Automation Task Get Path Dirname to obtain the path of the folder containing the files.
    • Link that to an Automation Task Get First Argument (you want only one path if you have selected multiple files in the folder).
    • Link that to an Arg and Vars utility and for the passed out argument choose {query}/[your new folder name].
    • Link that to the Automation Task Make new folder.


  10. Sometimes when listening to or watching something on my Mac I need to set the output volume higher than I would normally have it. The following short workflow allows me to reset it to a preset default level (specified in the User Configuration) simply by typing the keyword and pressing ⏎.



    From the Readme:


    Type defvol (or other keyword if you have changed the default) and ⏎ to reset the sound output of your Mac to the default. You can change the default sound level here in the User Configuration to anything between 0 (which means muted) to 100 (the meximum). Note that if you try to set it higher than 100 the workflow will give an error message.


    Here is the GitHub download link.


    Edit: the workflow uses a small piece of AppleScript but there are no other dependencies.



  11. Version 2.0 has a small, but significant, usability improvement. You can now select, in the User Configuration, the default resizing method (either by longest side or by percentage). The only effect that has on the workflow is in the first dialog (i.e., whichever default method you choose the other method is still available in the workflow).


    In the default configuration the first dialog appears like this:


    If you un-check Default resizing method in the User Configuration the first dialg appears like this:


    Although the change is small if you use one method regularly it speeds use of the workflow—enabling you to dismiss any dialog simply by pressing <Enter> on the default choice.



  12. What version of macOS are you using? What firewall(s) do you have in use? Have you tried re-starting your Mac?


    Installation and downloads from the Gallery is working for me on Alfred 5 (version 5.0.6) and macOS 13.1—and, although I use Little Snitch as my firewall, I did not have to make any specific settings in that app to access and use the Gallery.



  13. 52 minutes ago, TomBenz said:

    Are there other workflows that address this?

    I'm afraid I don't know the answer to that question. You might look, however, at Optimize Images in the Alfred Gallery. (I've not tried it and you'll have to assess whether it might help with what you need.)


    I'm not currently inclined the complicate further my own workflow by trying to introduce an option to change the resolution of images (even were that to be easily possible, which I suspect it is not), sorry.



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