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Posts posted by politicus

  1. I started to use the "? trick" and love it! As I am using it more often everyday, I am wondering what is the scope of its search. In other words, for testing purposes I added the following text "Search - Google Drive" to one of my List filters of one of my workflows then tried to find this very workflow by querying "? Search - Google Drive", "?keywords Search - Google Drive", ?hotkeys Search - Google Drive. I found nothing...




    Is it (already) possible to perform such search ? 

  2. From my experience, when I use a list filter, I tend to add a lot of entries.


    The problem is it gets messy pretty fast. For example, I do not remember if I already added one entry or if I want to modify the entry I have to scroll down and up... 




    So sorting (alphabetically for example) or filtering, (both) the entries would be useful.

  3. Being able to launch an application(s)/file(s) via a keyboard shortcut is simple, fast, awesome. 


    Not so much when your (puffy? goofy?) fingers tend to mistakenly choose over and over the wrong key, ending launching the wrong application(s)/file(s).


    I bet it would be faster for @Andrew to add a little "confirm" option to Launch apps/files action just like the ones for the commands in the System pane than for my fingers to learn to completely stop messing around 😀


    More seriously, for me Alfred is all about making a Mac user's life easier. While 99% of the time it means faster, there are a few cases allowing the user to spend a few seconds going backwards helps him/her to spare more seconds and not loose his or her focus. 



  4. From the Alfred debug console: 




    [05:19:44.699] Youtube Music Chrome Controls[Keyword] Processing complete

    [05:19:44.704] Youtube Music Chrome Controls[Keyword] Passing output '' to Run NSAppleScript

    [05:19:44.748] ERROR: Youtube Music Chrome Controls[Run NSAppleScript] {

        NSAppleScriptErrorBriefMessage = "The variable musicTab is not defined.";

        NSAppleScriptErrorMessage = "The variable musicTab is not defined.";

        NSAppleScriptErrorNumber = "-2753";

        NSAppleScriptErrorRange = "NSRange: {350, 8}";




  5. Hi,


    I am fine with what I can do with my hundreds of Alfred workflows with my current OS version but one or two applications I use every day require a newer OS if I want to upgrade them. 

    And I do want to upgrade them.


    I haven't been very active on Alfred forums these last months but I remember reading about one workflow (whose I do not remember the name) stopped working because the user had installed a newer OS. I am not sure but It was probably because of a bug in a beta version of the newly launched OS.


    As I want to continue to use as many Alfred workflows I am using now, I was wondering if, from your experience, there is a "better" OS version to choose in terms of workflows compatibility?


    Thank you.


    @Andrew Do you mind sharing your OS version? Might be of great help 😀 

  6. I just discovered the Deepl application for Mac (https://www.deepl.com/app/thanks). It looked awesome until I learned I had to use the same keyboard shortcut as the Alfred clipboard merging feature for the application to be launched. Would it be possible to to let the user set another keyboard shortcut?


    Can anyone tell whether the keyboard shortcut can be modified in the Deepl ? I couldn't install/test the app as my OS seems to be to old.


    Asked the same question to the company behind Deepl via Twitter. Will update accordingly.


  7. I have a very close to this thread question. I want to be able to search a specific website with the help of google. 


    This workflow different steps would be: 


    1°) Copying the current website url to the clipboard ({clipboard}) 

    2°)  Launching Alfred bar,

    3°) Typing the workflow keyword and my query ({query})

    4°) Hit Enter.


    My problem is I do not know how to make Alfred use two variables (the clipboard and the query variables).


    Is there a way I can create a url like this https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3A{clipboard}+{query} ?


    So google could perform a search with the variable {query} on the {clipboard} website.

  8. I just hit the moment "when you realize you ran out of very easily accessible keyboard shortcuts and you which Alfred would let you create some more".


    There are many reasons why I would love to have more keyboard shortcuts:

    - More choice is most of the time better. Sometimes, for no special real reason, a user find it easier to use the right Alt key than the left Alt key.

    - I sat a LOT of keyboard shortcuts for launching websites. Plus, I sat a lot of web searches. Now, I want to be able to trigger all these web searches via a keyboard shortcut.

    In other words, select some text, hit a keyboard shortcut and see the right website appears with the result of my query.


    Is it possible for Alfred to differentiate left and right modifier keys?  


  9. I use a Google Chrome/Brave extension called text copy that allows me to copy huge chunks of text. 


    Sometimes, they are to big to be displayed in Alfred clipboard. For example:




    One solution would be to display the clipboard entry via a Large type (cmd+Y) just like in the Alfred's bar.


    One other solution would be to be able to scroll the content via the mouse/trackpad or arrow keys.


    @Andrew What do you think?




  10. @vitor Thanks for this wonderful workflow! Probably the one I use the most!


    I was wondering if you had the intention of adding an exclusion list? I have my Keyboard Maestro settings file in this folder and as it updates almost every day it appears at the top of the results. Of course, I could and certainly will move this file somewhere else. But still wanted to ask you this question as I suspect other interesting use cases for this feature 😀

  11. On 4/15/2013 at 10:12 PM, Andrew said:

    Alfred should be case insensitive when it comes to keywords


    Why is that? That would let me have more possibilities to choose a keyword from 😀


    Just look for such thread as I tried to set a keyword with only capital letters... that Alfred was always saving as lower case letter. 


    Why was I trying it ? Because I wanted to not have a conflict with one of my TextExpander snippet. 


    TextExpander snippet was renamed, potential conflict killed. 👍

  12. I wanted to move a file from my ~/Downloads/ folder to one of my ~/Dropbox/ folder using the Alfred action "Move to...".


    After the file was selected, "Move to" action was selected, I typed "Dropbox".


    The results I got were not satisfying as I only got three and none of them were the ~/Dropbox/ folder.


    I then decided to add ~/ before "Drobpbox". At that very moment Alfred started to use 60% of my Mac CPU. 


    The only solution was to restart Alfred via the Activity Monitor. Experienced it three times.


    Had no problem of CPU, when instead of typing "Dropbox" then "~/", I typed /Users/UserName/Dropbox/

    Or when I navigated between the folders with the left and right arrows.


    Alfred v4.0.3 (1092)

    Mac OS X 10.12.6

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