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Posts posted by politicus

  1. The "Force quit applications" is a nice OS X built-in application.  The great thing is you can select more than one application at the same time.




    I would like to be able to use Alfred and its "quit" and "force quit" commands to quit more than one application at the same time.

    In other words, selecting more than one application just like I can select more than one file/folder with the "buffer" feature. 

    One could use the same modifiers keys of the buffer feature.


    In practice: 


    1°) I open Alfred search bar,

    2°) I type "quit",

    3°) I select all the applications I want to quit with the modifier key (for example: Alt+Up arrow),

    4°) I hit Alt+Right arrow, then hit Enter,

    5°) The selected applications close.



  2. List filter is a feature I discovered recently. I use this type of workflow to create “DAT worflows". DAT stands for "direct access to". I use it as a faster way to access the page of a web application. What does such a workflow do? In Alfred search bar, I type a keyword, then the item list "Title" variable I have set in Alfred, hit enter and boom the webpage I wanted to go to, appears by magic in my default browser. Here are my workflow settings:





    My question is there a way Alfred shows the item filters "Title" and "Subtitle" variables as it does in a "File filter" action?  For example: 




    For now, I have to type the workflow keyword + the "Title" variable of the list item.For example with my Gmail workflow:






    I would like to have the "Title" and the "Subtitle" variables of any item of the list suggested to me in Alfred's results before I type the "Title" variable.


    Thank you.

  3. @vero 


    Same problem here!


    - OS X 10.12.6 

    - Alfred 3 v3.5.1 (883)

    - Auto paste on return is selected.


    Here is what I've done. 


    In Sublime Text, copied first file content to Alfred clipboard, then second file content to Alfred clipboard.

    Hit Alt-Tab to select Textedit. Released all the keys when Textedit was selected. 

    Expected the appended clipboard to be pasted. 

    Nothing happened.


    Tried restarting my My Mac.

    Tried with and without Textexpander.

    Auto paste not working in any case.


    Any idea? 


    Thank you.

  4. @nikivi Hi! 


    All of this seems to be very interesting and save a lot of time. I used to use Karabiner in the past to remap one or two keys but have never been a heavy/super user of this  application.

    Because of that I was at the same excited by the potential and frustrated because I didn't see how to start. 


    I even downloaded your profile.xml file loaded it in Karabiner. Got an error line 42 unexpected =... That's how my incursion to height of productivity ended. 


    Could you please elaborate what sticky keys are? They seem to not be supported anymore, so I couldn't tried this special feature.

    I tried to make in work in Karabiner-Elements but as I have an azerty keyboard I couldn't even use the application as only qwerty keyboards are supported.


    Karabiner-Elements 11.4.0

    Mac OS X 10.12.6 (16G1114)

  5. Google Chrome is my default browser. But as Firefox seems to have made some significant speed improvements I thought I could use both as "default browser". As it is not possible, as one can have only one default browser, I was wondering if there was a way I could set one "Open URL" action to open the url in the front browser whether it is Firefox or Google Chrome. As of today, I only can open the URL in the default browser.



  6. After a long time not using Asana, I decided to give it another go.

    I couldn't make the workflow work as I couldn't add my Asana API key. 

    As the API will be deprecated, I think it is time to definitely say goodbye to this workflow ?


  7. Starting debug for 'Productivity Cheatsheet'
    [2017-10-15 20:22:04][input.scriptfilter] Queuing argument ''
    [2017-10-15 20:22:07][input.scriptfilter] Script with argument '(null)' finished
    [2017-10-15 20:22:07][ERROR: input.scriptfilter] Code 1: 20:22:06 workflow.py:1743 DEBUG    default data serializer: json
    20:22:07 workflow.py:1774 DEBUG    data `custom` stored as `json`
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "cheatsheet.py", line 165, in <module>
        custom = wf.stored_data('custom')
      File "/Users/Users/Dropbox/Applications_Backups/Alfred_Backups/Backup_Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.5DB72A1C-0D8A-4B9E-B375-32B8042360AF/workflow/workflow.py", line 1787, in stored_data
        data = serializer.load(file_obj)
      File "/Users/Users/Dropbox/Applications_Backups/Alfred_Backups/Backup_Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.5DB72A1C-0D8A-4B9E-B375-32B8042360AF/workflow/workflow.py", line 608, in load
        return json.load(file_obj)
      File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/json/__init__.py", line 290, in load
      File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/json/__init__.py", line 338, in loads
        return _default_decoder.decode(s)
      File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/json/decoder.py", line 369, in decode
        raise ValueError(errmsg("Extra data", s, end, len(s)))
    ValueError: Extra data: line 7 column 1 - line 11 column 2 (char 59 - 128)

    @mutasem Here is my feedback. 

  8. @deanishe You are absolutely right. When I saw "Discussion and help" I thought there can't be a forum for help only for workflows. I clicked to fast. My bad.


    @vitor Thank you. This is exactly what I wanted to build. I didn't know the "append to file" action existed. I tried to modify my workflow to make it exactly look like yours. For weird reasons, I had ""echo "{query}" >> ~User/Downloads/test.txt" being appended every time I hit the keyboard shortcut. Like if it was cached somewhere in the workflow. I recreated the workflow from scratch and now everything is working as I want to. :)

  9. Hi, 


    I am trying to create a workflow that would append some text content I select on Google Chrome. 


    Here are the steps:


    I select some content on a website (no copy to the clipboard, just a selection)

    I hit a keyboard shortcut 

    Alfred runs a command that would add the selected text in a specific file.


    I created a workflow with a "hotkey" and a "run script" actions. 







    It is not working the way I want as every time I use workflow it appends the selection and the command (.i.e: "echo "{query}" >> ~User/Downloads/test.txttextselectedongooglechrome")




    I guess I have missed something in the  "run script" action as I do not really understand the difference between "input as argv" and "input as query".


    Thank you.

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